Activity for j-Interop : Java - COM Interoperability

  • Sheida Sheida posted a comment on discussion Help

    They just changed our domain controller security to accept ntlmv2 only. Our code using jIntegra is not working to authenticate anymore. Please advise.

  • prabhat prabhat posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    We are trying to connect COM server from linux machine using J-interop but after session is created it starts to connect to COM server. After response is sent from COM server it throws Exception occurred and ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. Following is error stack trace - java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 16 out of bounds for length 16 at jcifs.util.Encdec.dec_uint32le( at ndr.NdrBuffer.dec_ndr_long( at ndr.NetworkDataRepresentation.readUnsignedLong(

  • MTR SS MTR SS posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    We recently changed our java environment from x32 bit to x64 bit. In 32 bit environment, we used Jacob library to connect with AS400 (PC5250 Emulator) but that is not working after changing java to x64bit. I found that J-Interop is alternative library for Jacob. So could you please guide us how to connect AS400 app using J-Interop library.

  • devaskim devaskim posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    First of all, thanks guys for sharing your fixes. Could you explain me how to rebuild the project? I didn't find any build script in the source tree. Thanks in advance

  • Tirumala Tirumala posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Phill, Thank you for sharing info... We are facing issue with Windows server 2022 DC and need to resolve this as so many customers are impacting for this. We have updated the our application with latest j-interop-ng-3.5.0.jar and able to see that auth level was increasing to packet privacy. But still WMI test connection was failing with error code 0x80010111 which says RPC_E_INVALID_HEADER: OLE received a packet with an invalid header. The logs trace was Error reading NetBios: Message not found...

  • Phil Harron Phil Harron modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I gave up trying it with Windows 2022. I've had better success with Windows Server 2019 which had DCOM hardening switched on. With the changes to the j-interop (which I have made a PR for on GitHub it can connect and activate the DCOM Server. Good luck!

  • Phil Harron Phil Harron posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I gave up trying it with Windows 2022. I've had better success with Windows Server 2019 which in my case has DCOM hardening switched on. With the changes to the j-interop (which I have made a PR for on GitHub it can connect and activate my DCOM Server. Good luck!

  • Tirumala Tirumala posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Everyone, Recently Microsoft latest patch (8 Nov 2022) was released which was mentioned in the below link. This patch automatically raises the authentication level RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY. Most Windows DCOM client applications will automatically work with DCOM hardening change on server side without any modification to the...

  • Phil Harron Phil Harron posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Tirumala, As mentioned, I'm experiencing exactly the same issue. I've asked the creators of the COM object we use to try it out on Windows server 2022 and am awaiting their reply. Maybe they need to provide an software update. Failing that I guess it could be a question that needs to raised with someone at Microsoft?

  • Tirumala Tirumala posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello everyone, We also facing similar problem with windows server 2022 and set the sign and seal flags to true before init() as mentioned above and raise the auth level to packet privacy (6). Now didn't get the error events 10036 in windows event log. but still we are getting access denied error [dcerpc.cn_status: nca_s_access_denied (0x00000005)]. Anyone please help to resolve this issue. Catching JIException in initialise()...5 Exception message --> Access is denied, please make sure that the...

  • Phil Harron Phil Harron posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Tobias, did you ever find a solution - I am facing a similar problem. Many thanks Phil

  • Alex Pound Alex Pound posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hey Phil - Could be permissions - I was using WBEMTEST to isolate problems with permissions/DCOM from our code/jinterop, see Troubleshooting WMI. Good luck, aep

  • Phil Harron Phil Harron posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Alex, thanks for the quick reply. I've set the Auth Level to 6 now and the windows system event is no longer present warning that the auth level needs to be raised. However, I now get the general 0x80080005 message which is proving harder to track down! Kind Regards Phil

  • Alex Pound Alex Pound posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hey Guys - Sorry, the SF notifications were buried in my spam folder, just ran across them this weekend. @Hrvoje - that's the right idea - I moved the entire section from init() if (session.isSessionSecurityEnabled()) { super.getProperties().setProperty("rpc.ntlm.seal", "true"); super.getProperties().setProperty("rpc.ntlm.sign", "true"); super.getProperties().setProperty("rpc.ntlm.keyExchange", "true"); super.getProperties().setProperty("rpc.ntlm.keyLength", "128"); super.getProperties().setProperty("rpc.ntlm.ntlm2",...

  • Phil Harron Phil Harron posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello, Has anyone had any luck with raising the auth level as suggested in the Windows event log and gaining access to the DOM server. I have tried the suggestions above, however I still get an access denied message. I have also set the required registry setting as outlined in KB5004442 but that doesn't make a difference on Windows Server 2022 (However it does do the trick on an older version of Windows 2012) What am I missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Phil

  • mps developer mps developer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Alex, we have the same problem with KB5004442 in some legacy code... Could you please post your solution? Did you use the current 3.0 version ? I can't find the latest version of the source code ... I am thankful for any help

  • Hrvoje Mustapic Hrvoje Mustapic posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Alex, I have tested your approach in our system but cannot get it running. So, i have copied following into JIComServer.initialize(...) right before the init() call: super.getProperties().setProperty("rpc.ntlm.seal", "true"); super.getProperties().setProperty("rpc.ntlm.sign", "true"); try{ init(); }catch(JIException e) ... It fails to connect no matter if the hardening introduced by KB5004442 is enabled or not. @Alex could you post you patch, so I could try it with your changes? That would be...

  • Alex Pound Alex Pound modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Guys - We had a similar problem with KB5004442 in some legacy code. Looks like it's a bug in JIComServer - the session security flags need to be set before the call to JIComServer.init(). I was only interested in a quick patch, so I copied the seal and sign flags set by session.isSessionSecurityEnabled() to JIComServer.initialize(...) just before the call. The flags are actually used in NTLMConnection.outgoingRebind(). Seemed to fix the problem, bought us some time so we can remove the COM access....

  • Alex Pound Alex Pound posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Guys - We had a similar problem with KB5004442 in some legacy code. Looks like it's a bug in JIComServer - the session security flags need to be set before the call to JIComServer.init(). I was only interested in a quick patch, so I copied the seal and sign flags set by session.isSessionSecurityEnabled() to JIComServer.initialize(...) just before the call. Seemed to fix the problem, bought us some time so we can remove the COM access. Hope that helps, aep

  • Tobias Neubert Tobias Neubert posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Vikram, can you please help me with this? I found out more: It is the ping requests and the SCMActivator that produces the error messages in the windows 10 server I managed to get the ping requests work without errors by setting the default of rpc.ntlm.sign to true in JIComOxidStub But the SCMActivator does not work that way. I debugged into the code and think that I have to set rpc.ntlm.ntlm2 to true in the JIComServer in order to let the DefaultConnection signAndSeal the ndr. But doing so results...

  • Tobias Neubert Tobias Neubert posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Ok, changing the rpc.ntlm.sign property to true makes it worse. So let me ask: Is this the correct way of raising the activation authentication level? If so, what else do I have to do to prevent the access denied exception that I don't get if rpc.ntlm.sign is set to false. And if not, how do I raise the activation authentication level?

  • Tobias Neubert Tobias Neubert posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Ah, ok, I found the list of error codes.

  • Tobias Neubert Tobias Neubert posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Ok, where do you see that? And why should it be an access denied if the client does not get an access denied without setting the rpc.ntlm.sign to true? I am sorry, but I am not familiar with DCOM.

  • Vikram Roopchand Vikram Roopchand posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    It's access denied. On Wed, Mar 23, 2022, 15:41 Tobias Neubert wrote: Hi and thank you for your answer. I think I managed to find the property that controlls the authentication level: rpc.ntlm.sign. This property is false by default, I changed it to true. That way, the NtlmConnection creates a Type1 message (whatever this is) with the NtlmFlags.NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_SIGN set and a AuithenticationVerifier...

  • Tobias Neubert Tobias Neubert posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi and thank you for your answer. I think I managed to find the property that controlls the authentication level: rpc.ntlm.sign. This property is false by default, I changed it to true. That way, the NtlmConnection creates a Type1 message (whatever this is) with the NtlmFlags.NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_SIGN set and a AuithenticationVerifier with the protectionLevel 5, which is rpc.Security.PROTECTION_LEVEL_INTEGRITY. But now my j-interop client throws the following exception with the suspicious unknown code...

  • Vikram Roopchand Vikram Roopchand posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Check the JIServer classes , I think. It's been a while since I had a look at the code , but it's there somewhere. Best regards, Vikram On Tue, Mar 22, 2022, 19:24 Tobias Neubert wrote: Hi everybody, my opc da server logs into the Windows Event Log the following message: The server-side authentication level policy does not allow the user OPCDASRV\user SID (...) from address x.x.x.x to activate DCOM server. Please raise the activation authentication level at...

  • Tobias Neubert Tobias Neubert posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi everybody, my opc da server logs into the Windows Event Log the following message: The server-side authentication level policy does not allow the user OPCDASRV\user SID (...) from address x.x.x.x to activate DCOM server. Please raise the activation authentication level at least to RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY in client application. How can I do that for my jinterop client? I am thankful for any hint, Tobias (This may have to do with kb5004442 microsoft describes that I have to raise the )

  • Marc Steffens Marc Steffens posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    I'm having the same problem on a windows 10 machine. Did you find a solution?

  • Murthy Murthy posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    We are using utgard Java library to read data from OPC DA. the Application is working fine in Windows versions up to 2016. when we try to connect to OPC server on Windows 2019 we are getting DCOM issues even after DCOM properly configured. Error: "RPC server is unavailable, please check if the com server is running" other OPC client like Matrikon explorer and kepware OPC quick client are not having the DCOm issue and able to connect fine. we are using below libraries. did any of you having similar...

  • Vikram Roopchand Vikram Roopchand posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Really, it works 😀 ? My friend , it's an exception from the server. Technically we should report it and not proceed. However, if it works , it works ... Best regards, Vikram On Thu, Apr 15, 2021, 19:29 Tobias Neubert wrote: Ok, I have patched the lib by changing not throwing an exception in as follows: hresult = ndr.readUnsignedLong(); if (hresult != 0) { //System.out.println("EXCEPTION FROM SERVER ! --> " + "0x" + Long.toHexString(hresult).substring(8));...

  • Tobias Neubert Tobias Neubert posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Ok, I have patched the lib by changing not throwing an exception in as follows: hresult = ndr.readUnsignedLong(); if (hresult != 0) { //System.out.println("EXCEPTION FROM SERVER ! --> " + "0x" + Long.toHexString(hresult).substring(8)); //throw new JIRuntimeException(hresult); LOGGER.warn( "Unexpected NDR found. Expected {} to be 0 at index {}. Will continue anyway.", Long.toHexString(hresult), ndr.getBuffer().getIndex()); LOGGER.warn("Unexpected NDR is: {}", ndr.getBuffer().getBuffer());...

  • Tobias Neubert Tobias Neubert posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    No, unfortunately not as far as I can see. On the contrary, it makes me suspect, the j-interop code has to be changed: Then your best bet is to get this other big company to fix it if their software depends on it working. From a Microsoft point of view, you're using a 3rd party program of unknown origin and if it doesn't work, that not a MS problem.

  • Vikram Roopchand Vikram Roopchand posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Dear Tobias, Does this help ? Best regards, Vikram On Tue, Apr 13, 2021, 20:05 Tobias Neubert wrote: I am sorry, the title does not reflect the right windows 10 version. So I created a new topic because I do not know how to change the title. Cannot connect to Windows 10 Enterprise 1909

  • Tobias Neubert Tobias Neubert posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    I am sorry, the title does not reflect the right windows 10 version. So I created a new topic because I do not know how to change the title.

  • Tobias Neubert Tobias Neubert posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Hi, after updating my Windows 10 Enterprise to version 2004 (os build 19041.264, with the Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2202.130.0), my Java client cannot connect anymore to the OPC DA server because it fails interpreting the NetworkDataRepresentation in As far as I can see, it reads the major and minor com version successfully but afterwards, it expects an unsigned long being 0, which is not, resulting in an JIRuntimeException. Now I wonder if it is possible that the...

  • Tobias Neubert Tobias Neubert modified a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Hi, after updating my Windows 10 Enterprise to version 2004 (os build 19041.264, with the Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2202.130.0), my Java client cannot connect anymore to the OPC DA server because it fails interpreting the NetworkDataRepresentation in As far as I can see, it reads the major and minor com version successfully but afterwards, it expects an unsigned long being 0, which is not, resulting in an JIRuntimeException. Now I wonder if it is possible that the...

  • Tobias Neubert Tobias Neubert posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Hi, after updating my Windows 10 Enterprise to version 1909 (os build 18363.1440), my Java client cannot connect anymore to the OPC DA server because it fails interpreting the NetworkDataRepresentation in As far as I can see, it reads the major and minor com version successfully but afterwards, it expects an unsigned long being 0, which is not, resulting in an JIRuntimeException. Now I wonder if it is possible that the Windows update has changed something that breaks j-interop...

  • JLuc BLONDY JLuc BLONDY posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I have a problem using SAFEARRAY(BSTR). The IDL definition is the following : HRESULT TestMethod(SAFEARRAY(BSTR) param1, SAFEARRAY(BSTR) param2, [out] BSTR *param3) My Java implementation is as follow : JICallBuilder callObject = new JICallBuilder(!comObj.isDispatchSupported()); callIbject.reInit(); callObject.setOpnum(0); // 1st method of the Interface JIArray param1 = new JIArray(new JIString[]{new JIString("param1")}); JIArray param2 = new JIArray(new JIString[] {new JIString("param2")});...

  • Murthy Murthy posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    WE are using utgard Java library to read data from OPC DA. the Application is working fine in Windows versions up to 2016. when we try to connect to OPC server on Windows 2019 we are getting DCOM issues even after DCOM properly configured. Error: "RPC server is unavailable, please check if the com server is running" other OPC client like Matrikon explorer and kepware OPC quick client are not having the DCOm issue and able to connect fine. we are using below libraries. did any of you having similar...

  • Gopa kumar Gopa kumar posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi I am getting the following error while connecting Matrikon simulation server using UTGard opc client application. Any resolution for this issue?

  • Vikram Roopchand Vikram Roopchand posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Hi There, It's on SF site itself. The latest trunk is that itself. Best regards, Vikram On Tue, Aug 25, 2020, 00:37 Chris Collins wrote: Hello! If there's been no release since 2013, but the trunk has a fix in it, where is the source for that trunk to compile from? Thanks! java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 16 Exception Sent from because you indicated interest in...

  • Chris Collins Chris Collins posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Hello! If there's been no release since 2013, but the trunk has a fix in it, where is the source for that trunk to compile from? Thanks!

  • Magesh Magesh posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Can you share the link for the latest version of the j-interop,because I'm facing the same issue

  • Mark Reed Mark Reed posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello Vikram and all, Can I set up Jinterop to use SMB V2 or SMB v3 ? SMB V1 is blocked. Thanks in advance.

  • D Sievers D Sievers posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I'm trying to debug some issues with openscada, and noticed someone said they upgraded to j-Interop 3.0 to resolve a similar issue The openscada project includes these j-Interop libraries org.openscada.jinterop.core_2.1.8.v20140625-1417.jar org.openscada.jinterop.deps_1.3.0.v20141013-0754.jar In this project, I see 2.01 through 2.08, and 3.0.0 for both the core project and its dependencies. There is no obvious relationship to 2.1.8 or 1.3.0 versions listed in openscada. Are there other versions...

  • D Sievers D Sievers posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    I was getting same error on Windows Server 2012 R2, where a 2008 machine worked fine. Eventually, I found that the 2012 server had it's local policy set to only allow NTLMv2 and refuse NTLM(v1) and LM. Changing to allow NTLM(v1) allowed log in without issue. Also, since in my case we were reading tags often, our software had a tendency to lock user accounts out very quickly, so even after fixing the NTLM setting I still had to track down the locked out user and unlock/reset password to get everything...

  • vikram vikram posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Trying to create VM on Hyperv 2006 by attahcing a remote ISO but its not working. All other stiffs like Network, Disk drive etc are getting created. This was wroking till Hyperv 12 supprt. I lloked at the configuration for many security checks but didnt work. Any help ?

  • Vikram Roopchand Vikram Roopchand posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear Justin, We do maintain it. It's just work is done only on a consulting basis. Best regards, Vikram On Mon, May 14, 2018, 00:57 Justin Megawarne wrote: Is j-interop still under active maintenance? If not, is it possible to pay the original maintainer for support? If not, does anyone know of an alternative Java DCOM library? Active maintenance? Sent from because you...

  • Justin Megawarne Justin Megawarne posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Is j-interop still under active maintenance? If not, is it possible to pay the original maintainer for support? If not, does anyone know of an alternative Java DCOM library?

  • Justin Megawarne Justin Megawarne posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    This is almost certainly an int or a long. Pass it in as an integer type.

  • Dilip Rai Dilip Rai posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    We have a requirement where we want to call COM function using J-Interop. But we are not able to call that function because the function takes below two parameter 1.BSTR ID, 2.EnumDSSObjectType Type, We can pass String type(1) but for enum type(2) we don't know how to pass value. When we are invoking below call we are getting TypeMismatch Exception with error code 0x80020005. "callMethodA("FindObject",new Object[]{new JIString("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"),3)" From JIAutomationException we are not able to get...

  • Dilip Rai Dilip Rai posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    HI Vikram, I tried reaching you on but looks like your mailbox is unavailable now. Can you post your mail id for further communication. Regards, Dilip

  • Dilip Rai Dilip Rai posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Vikram, I don't know how to get more info from JIAutomationException. Seems like I'm not able to get more then type mismatch code and exception. How to get the exact thing. I've printed used below pring command. System.out.println("*** ***"); JIExcepInfo jiInfo = jia.getExcepInfo(); int errorCode = jiInfo.getErrorCode(); String execDes = jiInfo.getExcepDesc(); String execSource = jiInfo.getExcepDesc(); String filepath = jiInfo.getHelpFilePath(); System.out.println("error code = "+errorCode );...

  • Vikram Roopchand Vikram Roopchand posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, The JIAutomationException has more information in it. Please check that for the exact thing that went wrong here. best regards, Vikram On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 4:41 PM, Dilip Rai wrote: Hi Vikram, I'm trying to convert C# code into Java code. Below is C# code. var objProjectList = objServer.Enumerator; int numDataSources; var objDataSource = objProjectList.ItemByProjectName("XXX", out numDataSources); objDataSource.Init(); var mysession = objDataSource.CreateSession();...

  • Dilip Rai Dilip Rai posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Vikram, I'm trying to convert C# code into Java code. Below is C# code. var objProjectList = objServer.Enumerator; int numDataSources; var objDataSource = objProjectList.ItemByProjectName("XXX", out numDataSources); objDataSource.Init(); var mysession = objDataSource.CreateSession(); IDSSSource obj =(IDSSSource) mysession.Component[EnumDSSComponentRole.DssRoleObjectSource]; /// Console.WriteLine("guid = "+ obj.Project.Info.Name); IDSSReportDefinition rd5 = (IDSSReportDefinition)obj.FindObject("2CEF84F448D46B6XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",...

  • Dilip Rai Dilip Rai posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I found the way, we need to pass int value corresponding to enum. Idea is first create the object and then set the property.

  • Dilip Rai Dilip Rai posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Vikram, Thanks for such a nice project. I'm new to J-Interop. I got to know how to create the instance using j-interop along with the method call. But I don't know for now that how to set the property of com object using j-interop. For example for below object how to set the property? ar objServer = new DSSDataSource { Name = "x.x.x.x", Type = EnumDSSDataSourceType.DssDataSourceTypeServer, Location = "x.x.x.x", Mode = EnumDSSConnectionMode.DssConnectionModeServerAccess, AuthMode = EnumDSSAuthModes.DssAuthStandard,...

  • Scott Sirdevan Scott Sirdevan posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    We have the same issue. We have a Windows 2008R2 Server. Software has been running with no issues for years and after the Microsoft WannaCry ransomeware patch was installed we start getting the Access is denied [0x00000005] error on any queue that uses authentication. If we revert the WannaCry patch the issue is resolved.

  • Vikram Roopchand Vikram Roopchand posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Hi Tejas, Please compile and use the trunk, that has the fix. Best regards, Vikram On Dec 27, 2017 13:49, "Tejas Sawant" wrote: Following exception occuring java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 16 at jcifs.util.Encdec.dec_uint32le( at ndr.NdrBuffer.dec_ndr_long( at ndr.NetworkDataRepresentation.readUnsignedLong(NetworkDataRepresentation. java:64) at org.jinterop.dcom.core.JIRemoteSCMActivator$

  • Tejas Sawant Tejas Sawant posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Following exception occuring java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 16 at jcifs.util.Encdec.dec_uint32le( at ndr.NdrBuffer.dec_ndr_long( at ndr.NetworkDataRepresentation.readUnsignedLong( at org.jinterop.dcom.core.JIRemoteSCMActivator$ at ndr.NdrObject.decode( at at

  • Diego Ruiz Diego Ruiz posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    I have the same problem in windows 2008, Is there any solution to solve this problem? Thanks ind advance

  • merlyn merlyn modified a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Hi, We have an application with a java component and a com component, the communication between which is facilitated through j-Interop. We have been using this for almost 3 years with no major issues, but only recently we have observed that our java components fails while it tries to commumnicate with the com object with the error - Access is denied [0x00000005]. The com object is working we have testing the same, also the DCOM configurations have been verified multiple times following this exception....

  • merlyn merlyn posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Hi, We have an application with a java component and a com component, the communication between which is facilitated through j-Interop. We have been using this for almost 3 years with no major issues, but only recently we have observed that our java components fails while it tries to commumnicate with the com object with the error - Access is denied [0x00000005]. The com object is working we have testing the same, also the DCOM configurations have been verified multiple times following this exception....

  • Niteen Niteen posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    We have a requirement to create java based opc da 3.0 client for backward compatibility. Has anyone tried using utguard for OPC DA version 3.0 As per specification for Utguard, it only supports version upto 2.0 I am trying to use J-interop for OPC DA 3.0 specification but it is time consuming. So far just able to connect to opcserver and stuck trying to read tag values

  • Akila Akila modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I get this exception after event handler method is called: Exception in thread "jI_RemUnknown[00000000-0000-0000-c000-000000000046 , L(62029):R(62030)]" java.lang.NullPointerException No more events after that.. Can this be caused by wrong handle method argument's types? Log (FINEST) included Thanks for any help

  • Akila Akila modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I get this exception after event handler method is called: Exception in thread "jI_RemUnknown[00000000-0000-0000-c000-000000000046 , L(62029):R(62030)]" java.lang.NullPointerException No more events after that.. Can this be caused by wrong handle method arguments? Log (FINEST) included Thanks for any help

  • Akila Akila posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I get this exception after event handler method is called: Exception in thread "jI_RemUnknown[00000000-0000-0000-c000-000000000046 , L(62029):R(62030)]" java.lang.NullPointerException No more events after that.. Can this be caused by wrong handle method arguments? Log (FINEST) included Thanks for any help

  • nauar nauar modified a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Hello, we are experiencing the same problem after updating some KB's from May'2016...

  • nauar nauar posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Hello, we are experiencing the same problem after updating some KB's from May'2016...

  • Asni Amir Asni Amir posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Hi, My application uses jinterop to connect to OPC server to pull the metering data....

  • Daniel Daniel posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Vikram, Seems it was a false alarm. We've re-examined our data flow and found...

  • majeed said majeed said modified a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Hi Vikram, please can u advise on that? how do u mean i should find more details...

  • majeed said majeed said posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Hi Vikram, i can see the following: org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugException: com.sun.jdi.ClassNotLoadedException:...

  • Vikram Roopchand Vikram Roopchand posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Hi, It's an automation exception. Please catch it accordingly. That exception has...

  • majeed said majeed said posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Hi Vikram, i have compiled the trunk and passed this issue. now ia hve a new exception...

  • Vikram Roopchand Vikram Roopchand posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Hi, There is a big in the library, it's fixed on the trunk though. Please download...

  • majeed said majeed said posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Hi, im using jinterop to connect to remote windows machine and getting the following...

  • majeed said majeed said posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Hi, when i try to connect to remote windows machine using i-interop i got the following...

  • majeed said majeed said posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, when i try to connect to remote windows machine using i-interop i got the following...

  • nandini nandini posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    I am using Utgard to get data from cygnet server. I see the following issues. 1)...

  • nandini nandini posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Hello, I am using Utgard libraries to connect to OPC DA. I observe that 2 threads...

  • Harsh Desai Harsh Desai posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Hi Zhang, Can you share the steps to register the WBEM Scripting Locator COM server...

  • javi javi posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration


  • javi javi posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    has someone found a solution for this problem?

  • Henri Yandell Henri Yandell posted a comment on ticket #24

    Vikram Roopchand - I saw you were active on the project. Any thoughts on the abo...

  • Vikram Roopchand Vikram Roopchand posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Can you also let me know which is the source machine and which is the target...

  • Daniel Daniel posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Vikram, Here is the pcap. I've limited it to a destination IP. There are 33 variable...

  • Vikram Roopchand Vikram Roopchand posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Capture full traffic. For inspection you can use "dcerpc" but please make sure...

  • Daniel Daniel posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sure I'll do, but could you point me to some instructions how to do this? Is some...

  • Vikram Roopchand Vikram Roopchand posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Can you verify that with packet capture ? I can then have a look to see what...

  • Daniel Daniel posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks Vikram, I've also asked Jens but no reply yet. Also I've spent some time debugging...

  • Vikram Roopchand Vikram Roopchand posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Unfortunately, I think it best if you would ask Utguard developers (Jens Reinmann)...

  • Daniel Daniel posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    In our app we use OPC Utgard library that is based on top of j-interop. There is...

  • javi javi posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    any new idea?

  • Yitzchak Horowitz Yitzchak Horowitz modified a comment on discussion Help

    I am trying to instantiate a JIComServer using JInterop for a custom dll, but I keep...

  • Yitzchak Horowitz Yitzchak Horowitz posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am trying to instantiate a JIComServer using JInterop for a custom dll, but I keep...

  • Eric Song Eric Song posted a comment on discussion Release 2.0 Migration

    Hi, David. I am recently trying to create virtual hard disk via Java for our Hyper-V...

  • Vikram Roopchand Vikram Roopchand posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Hi Ryan, Unfortunately, I would not be able to get to this anytime soon, totally...

  • Ryan P Ryan P posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Vikram, could you check SSO on windows 7 or server 2008 R2 (or newer) with all recent...

  • Ryan P Ryan P posted a comment on discussion j-Interop - DCOM Configuration

    Seems the windows update breaks SSO. Confirmed that TestWinNativeSSO works on non-updated...

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