
how to manually add bird to master list?

  • jamangus

    jamangus - 2005-12-18

    Hello.  Great project!

    Is there a procedure I could follow to manually ADD a bird to my master list?  (I used the S&M World List.)


    These are the steps I have used to edit an existing bird's common name:

    1. dump raw data
    2. edit the name in commonnames.csv
    3. run "rebuild" from the database builder

    • Dick Repasky

      Dick Repasky - 2005-12-20

      Thanks for the kudos!

      If you've changed common names in the manner that you have, you're probably game for this.

      1) dump raw data
      2) edit the species.csv file and commonnames.csv files as described below
      3) rebuild database from csv - see below for non-gui way

      Edting species.csv

      The fields are:

      GenNo - Unique id of genus, taken from genera.csv

      SpecNo - Unique id of species. Given that you used the Sibley and Monroe list, the first value available to you is 9703 because largest value in the S & M list is 9702.

      Species - specific epithet of the new species

      SortOrder - this number specifies where a species will appear in a list of all species in the genus. The easiest thing to do for a new species is to find the highest number in use for the genus and add one to it for the new entry.  If you really want to insert a species into the middle of the list, you'll need to edit the SortOrder values for all species that will appear after the new one and do the same for the GlobalSort.

      GlobalSort - this number specifies where a species will appear in a list of all species in the database.  It is a hack. Ideally that order is specified by the SortOrder values in the table of families, table of genera and the table of species, but sorting based on so many numbers is much, much to slow. So, GlobalSort exists.  To calculate GlobalSort take the GlobalSort of the genus from genera.csv, multiply it by 1000 and add the value of SortOrder.

      Editing commonnames.csv

      You're an old hand at this. Don't forget to add a common name for the new species.

      Rebuilding from csv

      You can rebuild the database from the csv files without dealing with the graphical user interface if you like.  Get a command-line prompt and change the current working directory to be the J-Bird directory.  Then, run the Database_Builder script with the argument -r. Examples follow.

      Windows: cd "\Program Files"\J-Bird
               .\Database_Builder -r

      Linux & Mac OS X: cd ~/J-Bird
                        ./ -r

      Good luck!


      • jamangus

        jamangus - 2005-12-22

        Wow...and great support too!

        Your instructions worked perfectly.  Thank you.


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