
Problem installing 0.4.5 on Win2k

  • Winbird

    Winbird - 2005-07-03

    I have 0.4.4, and am trying to upgrade to 0.4.5. I've downloaded the software, but when I try to launch it, the DOS window that opens showing the progress of the installation shuts down after about 10 seconds. Unfortunately, I can't read what the difficulty is on that screen because the window closes far too fast to read it, and I haven't found any history log that I can pull up to view.

    I've installed the latest version of JRE, and have even copied the J-bird installation file into the JRE directory so J-bird would be forced to see the file, but to no avail.

    Any thoughts would be most appreciated. I've enjoyed using J-Bird, keep up the great work!

    • Winbird

      Winbird - 2005-07-04

      I was able to get a screenshot of the error message (wasn't easy!):

      Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_08-b03)
      Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_08-b03, mixed mode)

      C:\DOCUME~1\KANGAM~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\ICE_JNIRegistry.dll The handle is invalid
      at sun.reflect.NativeConstructionAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
      at sun.reflect.NativeConstructionAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
      at sun.reflect.DelgatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
      at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
      at JBirdSetup_V0_4_5_Windows.launchSetup(
      at JBirdSetup_V0_4_5_Windows.setup(
      at JBirdSetup_V0_4_5_Windows.main(
      Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
      at<init>(Unknown Souce)
      at<init>(Unknown Source)
      at java.util.Properties.load(Unknown Source)
      at com.memoire.vainstall.Setup.<init>(Unknown Source)
      ... 7 more


    • Dick Repasky

      Dick Repasky - 2005-07-04

      Thanks for the kudos.

      Oh, no, I've seen this before. I don't completely understand it, and I don't have a good fix for it. The exception cropped up when I was testng version 0.4.5 with JVM 1.5.0_03 on Win XP Pro (with SP 2) running under VMWare Workstation 3.5.  The intaller worked fine on Win XP Pro (with SP 2) not under VMWare.  It also worked fine with JVM 1.4.2 on XP Pro (SP 2) under VMWare. The exception occurs deep within the installer when it attempts to obtain a resource as a stream from a jar file. The resource is present, but for some reason null is returned instead of the stream.  I could prevent the exception by placing a print statement in the code just before a call to getNextEntry of the jar file but not by sleeping for up to 100 msec at that point.  I decided that there must be some kind of race condition.  It seemed to be associated with VMWare and JVM 1.5.0. I decided that those were very restricted circumstances and didn't want to burden all Windows users with a huge stream of printed stuff. So, I didn't distribute with the print statement.

      Are you running under VMWare? 

      I'll compile up a copy with the print statement and get it to you to see if that works.


      P.S. I don't know how you got your screen shot.  To get them on windows, I run the installer from a the windows command line rather than double-clicking on the installer.  That way the  window remains open after the crash. 


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