
Problem loading a checklist

  • LeRoy M. Dorman

    LeRoy M. Dorman - 2005-01-31

    I tried to load a checklist for California from Avisys, but was unable to do so.  When the .html file was displayed in the
    browser for me to select the species list, all the data
    (scientific name, common name, status) appeared in the first column with a "/" separator.

    I also have a question about regions: Is it possible to index
    bu region/subregion? such as State/County?
    California has so many birds that county lists are useful.


    • LeRoy M. Dorman

      LeRoy M. Dorman - 2005-01-31

      Additional information:
      J-Bird version: 0.4.3
      OS: Solaris9-X86  CDE window system
      java Version: build 1.4.2_04-b05

      Also the installer seemed to crash while setting up
      shortcuts (not surprisingly) with the following outputL
      After clicking to create shortcuts, I got
      Couldn't find X Input Context
              at com.memoire.vainstall.VALinkKDE.getIcon(
              at com.memoire.vainstall.VALinkKDE.writeEntry(
              at com.memoire.vainstall.VALinkKDE.writeEntry(
              at com.memoire.vainstall.VALinkKDE.create(
              at com.memoire.vainstall.VALinkKDE.createAll(
              at com.memoire.vainstall.Setup.createShortcuts(
              at com.memoire.vainstall.Setup.nextStep(
              at com.memoire.vainstall.gui.VAPanel.nextAction(
              at com.memoire.vainstall.gui.VAWizard$

    • Dick Repasky

      Dick Repasky - 2005-02-04


      I do not know how avisys checklists are built. It's possible but unlikely that the table is just one column.   My guess is that the  table contains nested tables. For example, to center a table nicely some web sites use a table with just once cell and that cell contains a table that contains multiple rows and columns. J-Bird should actually be able to handle the example just given.  My bet is that the table consists of one column and that each row in it contains a table that contains the columns that you see.  That would I believe produce what you have seen.  You can test that idea.  First, select the first column and the last column in just one row.  That should produce a nice result - one row with several columns.  Then try the first column in one row and the last column in the next row.  If that produces garbage, each row in the table is a single cell that contains a subtable - or worse.  Such subtables will not work.  I considered them when I wrote the table gleaner, but I decided that I had to make too many assumptions to try to pull data from subtables into neat
      rows and columns and that I could easily end up with tables that were not rectangular.  It may be worth revisiting the issue. That requires mapping out possibilities and asking which cases can be covered. 

      Checklists are all simple lists.  It's possible to nest checklists in the sense that checklists have parents.  However, the parent checklist imposes no constraint on the contents of child lists.  Parents provide candidate species when building checklists manually.   I've thought about implementing an action in which any species that is on child lists but not on the parent's list is automatically added to the parent list.

      To do state and county lists, you'll have to import a state list and lists for the counties that you want.  There is at present no way to import many checklists at once using either a single column to indicate which checklist an entry belongs to or multiple columns to indicate which checklists each species belongs to.  It's just not there, yet.

      Thanks for the heads up on the shortcuts.  I need to get inside of vainstall and disable shortcuts on all platforms but MS Windows.  They are supposed to work on KDE and Gnome, too, but I bet that they are dated there.


    • LeRoy M. Dorman

      LeRoy M. Dorman - 2005-02-04

      Actually in my original post, I misspoke myself, saying avisys when I meant Avibase.   I was trying example 2 given in the J-Bird user manual.

      The Avibase presentaton does, in fact use nested tables. Each species is a row <tr> entry and the common name and latinized name are <td> entries. I see how dealing with _every_ formatting possibility would be a near-infinite time sink.

      I avoided the problem by falling back to the AOU checklist, example 1, which worked as advertised from the spreadsheet format the AOU provides.  As you pointed out,  there are a lot of subsetting inconsistencies and I probably made some suboptimal choices, but I did get the NA list loaded.

      >"I've thought about implementing an action in which >any species that is on child lists but not on the >parent's list is automatically added to the parent list.  >
      I wondered if that were happening now- apparently not.  It would make the work of loading the AOU list
      easier as many of the inconsistencies appear to be due to species splits.

      The state/county question was not so much a checklist question as a tick-counting question.
      I have not worked through any of that yet, nor looked at the schema so the question may not make sense.

      Returning to the Avibase problem, it appears that an alternative is "save as" text from the browser.
      This produces entries like
      Streaked Shearwater     /Calonectris leucomelas/        Rare/Accidental
      and running
      tr / , < CA_avb.txt > CA_avb.csl
      produces a comma-separated list.

      Thanks for your thorough response.

      LeRoy Dorman

    • Dick Repasky

      Dick Repasky - 2005-02-04

      Avibase? That should work.  If you are importing the California list using the Sibley & Monroe 1996 nomenclature, first click on the word Chukar. Then, scroll to the bottom and click on either "Dolichonyx oryzivorus" or in the blank area to the right of it in the blank column (underneath Rare/Accidental).  Then, click Forward. You should get a nice table of common names, scientific names and if you chose a status column. 

      Let us know what happens,


    • LeRoy M. Dorman

      LeRoy M. Dorman - 2005-02-05

      Well, I tried this again and it worked.
      In my earlier attempts, I was using the Mozilla browser
      instead of invoking the built-in J-Bird browser.


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