
Can't delete a list

  • pshute

    pshute - 2007-01-04

    I was playing with importing lists and created several called test, test2, etc.  I was able to delete them all except the one called test.  When I try to delete it I get the error:
    "Immediate foreign key constraint violation on delete (_ANONYMOUS_CONSTRAINT_4) Columns=APP.regions(PrefChecklist)->APP.checklistinfo(listNo)"

    It's not affecting anything, but I'd rather it was gone.

    • Dick Repasky

      Dick Repasky - 2007-01-04

      Oops, that is a bug.  There is a region that lists as its preferred checklist the checklist that you  try to delete. 

      If you select the task "Browse regions", you should see the checklist listed in the column of preferred checklists.  Right click on the cell that contains the preferred checklist and click "Select preferred checklist" from the menu.

      Thanks for reporting the bug.


      • pshute

        pshute - 2007-01-05

        Thanks, that worked.


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