
Issue with Region selection

  • Fripp

    Fripp - 2004-10-22

    Hi there, first off J-Bird is a great application, thanks for the development.
    Installed fine on WinXP but after the first run, when I'm in "Create a new Trip", It doesn't allow me to select a Region. The drop-down menu is blank and If I enter something generic such as Europe, it doesn't register. Since the field is required, I'm a bit stuck at this point.
    Any ideas on which step I missed?


    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-10-22

      Ditto for me. Looks like a NullPointerExcpetion is thrown when the new trip window is opened.

    • Dick Repasky

      Dick Repasky - 2004-10-22


      I've got it fixed and I'll release a new version tonight.

      In the mean time, there is a way around this bug.
      1) Close the trip window.
      2) Select browse/edit checklists on the task menu
      3) Right-click to create a checklist. You don't have to put any species in the checklist - click the "defer" radio button on the dialog.  Click the commit button.
      4) Close the checklist window.
      5) Select the browse/edit trips and ticks, and it should
         work.  When you type in Europe as the region a
         dialog will appear with that name and possible
         preferred checklists for the region.  You don't have
        to select anything.  Just dismiss the window.


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