
Android Compatibility

  • Kcm

    Kcm - 2011-09-26


    I realy don't know much abour NFC but i am an Android expert.
    I want to create an application for Android smartPhone with NFC in SIM card (UICC).

    Do you know if it is possible to send a script to a cardlet throught a mobile application ?

    Thanks for your help.


  • IzyNFC

    IzyNFC - 2011-09-28

    Good morning,

        If i understand your question, you want to send APDUs to UICC through I/O communication. With the "SEEK for Android" APIs (, it is possible to send APDU to UICC. But if you want to send APDU through NFC, you have to be sure the mobile is compliant with Card Emulation mode.

        Let us known if it helps.


       IzyNFC Team

  • alae

    alae - 2012-04-12


    I have a Samsung Galaxy S2 Cityzi from Orange, is this mobile compliant with Card Emulation mode ?



  • IzyNFC

    IzyNFC - 2012-04-12


        The Samsung Galaxy S2 Cityzi from Orange is compliant with the Card Emulation mode.
        Generally if a mobile is compliant "full Cityzi", this means that it supports at least NFC Tag Read (type 1, 2 and 4) and Card Emulation mode.


       IzyNFC Team

  • alae

    alae - 2012-04-12

    Thank you



  • alae

    alae - 2012-04-12

    In order to developpe an Android application for the emulation mode in the samsung Galaxy S2 Cityzi.
    All I have to do is using the IzyNFC to create MIDlet app in the mobile and that all ?


  • IzyNFC

    IzyNFC - 2012-04-12


        To build a service using the emulation card mode, you have to proceed the following steps:
         - first develop the Java Card Applet (also called Cardlet) that will received the APDU sent either by the NFC Reader through SWP (e.g the point sale of the merchant) or by the mobile through I/O protocol.
         - Then if you need to have a Man Machine Interface on the mobile, you will have to develop the Android application.

         The MIDlet term is used for Java ME mobile. For Android we the term Android Application.

         By using IzyNFC, you can develop the Java Card Applet and the Android application. By the way if you need advices to develop your NFC Application, you can download development guides at the following URL: A member of the NFC Team worked on them.

         Feel free to ask more question or samples


          IzyNFC Team

  • alae

    alae - 2012-04-13

    Good morning,

    Thank you for your answer.



  • alae

    alae - 2012-04-13


    I have another question. I read the document android-developpement_guidlines and I want to know if I can use any SIM card to developpe the emulation mode in my Samsung Galaxy S2, Or I have absolutely to get the Cityzi SIM card from Orange in order to do that ?
    Second, do I need to build the system and flash my samsung Galaxy S2 according to SmartCard API website ? or it is already integrated in the mobile ?

    Thank you,



  • IzyNFC

    IzyNFC - 2012-04-13


        To develop a NFC application using card emulation mode, you will need to have NFC SIM Card. To test your application you must have a Test SIM Card after that if you want to deploy you service in the "Real World", you will have to contact the operators. As you can imagine, because of security and integrity it is not easy to obtain such SIM Card, you have to contact the opertor. Right now there is no known process but what you can do is to send the following information to
        - Your lastname, your firstname
        - your status (student, independant developer, service provider…)
        - email adress
        - your company name if any
        - the goal of your application (demo, test, commercial)
        - If you need network or resource on the SIM card …
        The IzyNFC team will try to forward this information to Orange and in return you will have the contact at Orange (as soon as possible)

       For your second question: it is not necessary to flash your mobile, the API (from SIM Alliance) to access the SIM Card are already present in the Galaxy S2 Cityzy.


       IzyNFC Team

  • alae

    alae - 2012-04-16

    Good morning,

    Thank you,



  • Awais

    Awais - 2014-02-06


    I have an LG Optimus 4X HD, is this mobile compliant with Card Emulation mode?
    I'm a student and i want to do card emulation in android for research purposes. I'm from Pakistan and I'm not sure of UICC SIM are available in Pakistan. What should i do? even if i get an UICC from abroad, will it work here?
    Can software card emulation can be done on this phone without using CyanogenMod?



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