
Ivy Plugins / News: Recent posts

IvyPublisher 2.0 released

I'm pleased to announce the 2.0 release of IvyPublisher, a CruiseControl plugin that integrates Ivy with CruiseControl. IvyPublisher will parse the relevant Ivy files and decide which projects to build next, as a result of a successful build.

The IvyPublisher plugin has been tested with CruiseControl 2.8.2 and Ivy 2.0.0 and requires no changes to the CruiseControl source code. It is supposed to be called as a publisher on successful builds. That's easily done by enclosing it in the <onsuccess> tag. So, basically the only thing you need to do is the following: ... read more

Posted by Ulrik Sandberg 2009-06-16

IvyPublisher 1.0 released

This is the first release of IvyPublisher, a CruiseControl plugin that integrates Ivy with CruiseControl. IvyPublisher will parse the relevant Ivy files and decide which projects to build next, as a result of a successful build.

Before IvyPublisher, the solution for this integration was to use IvyCruise, which has several drawbacks: It only works for CruiseControl 2.3.1 and it also requires source code changes to be made to CruiseControl.... read more

Posted by Ulrik Sandberg 2006-09-13