
IVCon-TL 3D scene conversion tool / News: Recent posts

IVCon 1.17 released

On anonymous request, SMF format support was fixed.

Posted by Tomasz Lis 2008-04-19

IVCon 1.16 released

Support of some formats has been verified and fixed.

- Fixed HRC, TEC, POV and VLA format support
- Shapes can now belong to a mesh

Posted by Tomasz Lis 2008-03-31

IVCon 1.15 released

- Added rename meshes commands
- Added reducing mesh name sizes and making the names unique
Renaming meshes was required for 3DS format support - inside these files, every mesh name must be no longer than 10 characters and unique. These conditions are now always met - wrong names are automatically changed.

Posted by Tomasz Lis 2007-12-18

IVCon 1.14 released

- Rewritten the INTERACT commands routines
- Added reducinng face order user command
- Added mesh renaming user command

Posted by Tomasz Lis 2007-07-17

IVCon 1.13 released

- Started unification of file reading routines
- Corrected BYU format
- Corrected DXF format
- Minor corrections in ASC and ASE

Posted by Tomasz Lis 2007-03-19

IVCon 1.12 released

- Some speedups in listing mesh vertices
- ASE export can support face order up to 26
- Extended and fixed WRL writing
- Fixed re-setting faces area after reducing faces order
- Added support of Syndicate Wars maps SWM

Posted by Tomasz Lis 2007-03-16

IVCon-TL 1.11 released

New release - a few bug fixes in 3DS and SWV formats, better error detection and data correction in program core. Also, added support of SWM - Syndicate Wars map files.

Posted by Tomasz Lis 2007-03-13

IVCon-TL 1.10 released

The new version offers all file formats supported by original IVCON, and supports a lot more scene elements:
* Unlimited number of vertices (vertices are points in 3D space);
* Unlimited number of faces (face is a single closed area made of some vertices);
* Unlimited number of meshes/object (a mesh, or a object, is a set of faces making one element; mesh usually closes a volume);
* Unlimited number of shapes/lines (lines are usually helpers in 3D scene);
* Unlimited number of materials; diffuse, ambient and specular color in every material; alpha (transparency) is also supported;
* Unlimited number of textures; alpha level for every texture;
* Texture mapping (so-called UV mapping - defines how to place textures on meshes);
* Three textures in every material: diffuse, diffuse alpha map and bump;
* One default place of view and unlimited cameras
* Environment parameters - color and texture; unlimited lights;
* Program allows to merge scenes from different files; automatically fixes errors in data;
* Basic data processing - face order reduction, small faces deletion;

Posted by Tomasz Lis 2007-03-10

Lights supported in program core

Support for lights has just been added to the program core. Lights are not implemented yet inside format libraries, but it is easy to do this now.

Posted by Tomasz Lis 2007-03-09