
iValidated 2.1 released!

iValidator Release 2.1

1. New Features

1.1 Managed TestRunner

The Managed TestRunner supports the control auf a test run from a remote machine. You can start
it with this command:

java -cp ivalidator.jar [configuration]

The Managed TestRunner can be started with all the arguments of the standard TestRunner. After
the start the Managed TestRunner dont start the test run immediately, but provides a web-based
GUI. It is reachable by


by default. With the system properties '' and 'ivalidator.managed.port'
you can modify these defaults (use -D at command line).

The GUI supports starting, stopping and suspending of a test run. Also, you can set filters and
watch the results of a test run.

1.2 XML Report Repository support for stylesheets

The XML files which are generated by the report repository now supports stylesheets. There are
three new properties for the report repository:

stylesheet.copy=[semicolon-separated filelist]

If you only set the property 'stylesheet.use=true', the reports will be generated with a standard
stylesheet which is delivered with the iValidator. To involve your own stylesheet set the property
'stylesheet.file'. This will generate the line

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="[stylesheet.file]"?>

in your report file. With the property 'stylesheet.copy' you specify the location of all needed
files. These file will be copied to the result directory.

1.3 New source distribution

The source distribution has been reworked. Now it is much more simplier to create binaries from
the sources. Also, the source distribution comes with Eclipse .project and .classpath files. So it
is very easy the build up an Eclipse workspace.

1.4 Ant Task

This release supports Ant. Now, it is very easy to start an iValidator test run from your Ant
environment. For more details look at the doc directory.

2. First steps

Note: You can download samples for this release at It is recommend to
use this samples to do the first steps with this samples. Additionally we provide a user guide
on our website.

After the archive is unpacked, the iValidator framework is ready to use. With this release comes
a test runner, that will be started in the console. Use this command

java -jar ivalidator.jar [configuration]

[configuration] is a file that describes a test run. You can also provide a directory. In this
case, the test runner expects a file with the name configuration.xml in this directory.

The iValidator framework uses Log4j for the logging. At test execution time the test
runner uses the Log4j configuration that is provided in the directory, that provides the test
configuration file.

3. Bugs

Please report bugs to Beside a bug description a stacktrace and the
configuration file is very helpful to analyze the bug.

4. Known problems

A Java bug ( can cause an OutOfMemoryException
when executing large scenarios. If this problems occurs, use the option


to avoid the exception. The problem exists on JDK 1.3.1_15, JDK 1.4.2_08 and JDK 1.5.0_02.

5. Contact


Posted by Oliver Damm 2005-09-15

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