
IUP / News: Recent posts

IUP 3.31

Hi All,

We just released IUP version 3.31

There are few new features, but the changes are mainly bug fixes.

I'm sorry to say that IUP is on hold for now. It is not abandoned but its maintenance is restricted to bug fixes. The team has been allocated in another project and there is no time frame when it is going back to IUP.

You can find the complete list of changes and files for download at: read more

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2023-10-16

IUP 3.30

Hi All,

We just released IUP version 3.30

We would like to highlight some of the new features:

  • New: WYSIWYG HTML editor support for IupWebBrowser. See EDITABLE attribute documentation.
  • New: EXTRATEXTid and EXTRATEXTWIDTH attributes for IupFlatTree. Thanks to M. Voznesenskiy.
  • Changed: pre-compiled binaries of the tools executables are now built with Visual C++ 15 (Visual Studio 2019) and they are NOT compatible with Windows XP nor Windows Vista, only with Windows 7, 8 and 10. Although they can still be built from source to run on Windows XP/Vista.
  • Several bug fixes   ... read more
Posted by Antonio Scuri 2020-08-02

IUP 3.29

Hi All,

We just released IUP version 3.29

We would like to highlight some of the new features:

  • Several enhancements in IupVisualLed, including a better dialog layout editor and a better export code. A new image editor and supports RGB, RGBA and palette based images. A new toolbar for adding new controls in the layout editor.Improved Globals dialog and Element Properties dialog. Images are now exported in separate functions in C and Lua.... read more
Posted by Antonio Scuri 2020-05-19

IUP 3.28

Hi All,

We just released IUP version 3.28

We would like to highlight some of the new features:

  • New: IupVisualLED application is a IDE for editing and testing LED files, with capacity of visual editing a dialog layout.
  • New: IupFlatVal control that behaves as a IupVal, but with more control over its parameters.
  • New: CUSTOMFRAMESIMULATE attribute for IupDialog.
  • New: Added the CMake, Android, Cocoa, CocoaTouch and Emscripten contributions from Eric Wing & Chris Matzenbach to the SVN.
  • New: IupPostMessage function and POSTMESSAGE_CB callback for all elements.
  • New: IupThread resource element to handle simple threads.
  • New: IupVersionShow function that shows an IUP version information dialog.
  • New: IupClassInfoDialog pre-defined dialog for developers.
  • New: support for drag & drop controls in IupLayoutDialog. Improved Cut, Paste and New options.
  • Changed: containers can now be empty on LED.
  • Changed: improved language localization support. Specific ISO8859-1 and UTF-8 encoded strings are now in separate files. New localization files can now be based on these files.    ... read more
Posted by Antonio Scuri 2019-12-14

IUP 3.27

Hi All,

We just released IUP version 3.27.

We would like to highlight some of the new features:

  • New: TABTYPE attribute for IupFlatTabs. Now tabs can be at top, bottom, left or right around its children.
  • New: ORIENTATION attribute for IupGauge.
  • New: MERGEVIEW, PADDING, AXS_POSITION and AXS_REVERSETICKSLABEL attributes for IupPlot. To be able to merge two different plots aligning their axis, and choose which side of the axis goes labels and ticks.
  • New: FLOATING attribute support for IupTabs and IupFlatTabs.
  • New: CHILDSIZEALL attribute for IupZbox, IupTabs and IupFlatTabs. To allow the layout to be affected only by the visible child.
  • New: IupFlatList control that behaves as a IupList with DROPDOWN=NO and EDITBOX=NO, but with more control over its parameters.
  • New: IupGlobalsDialog pre-defined dialog to manage global attributes, functions and names. Can be shown from IupLayoutDialog menu.
  • Changed: the IupDraw function are now using GDI again in Windows. Direct2D was very slow for drawing controls with integer coordinates in dialogs with complex layout. To compensate the lost of antialiasing and alpha in GDI, we added a hack to use GDI+.

You can find the complete list of changes and files for download at:... read more

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2019-04-30

IUP 3.26

Hi All,

We just released IUP version 3.26.

We would like to highlight some of the new features:

  • New: SHOWTRANSPARENT attribute for flat scrollbars, affects IupFlatScrollBox and IupMatrix when FLATSCROLLBAR=Yes. This makes the flat scrollbar semi transparent and only interactive trough its handler.
  • New: IupMultiBox container that distributes elements in multiple lines or columns according to the available space.
  • New: alternative implementation for IupFileDlg in Windows using the new Explorer interface available since Windows Vista.
  • New: SHAPEIMAGE attribute for IupDialog in Windows and GTK. Sets a RGBA image as the dialog shape so it is possible to create a non rectangle window with children. The OPACITYIMAGE couldn't have children in the dialog.
  • New: THEME common attribute and DEFAULTTHEME global attribute that works for all controls to apply a set of attributes at once.... read more
Posted by Antonio Scuri 2019-01-08

IUP 3.25

Hi All,

We just released IUP version 3.25.

We would like to highlight some of the new features:

  • New tutorial section using the 7GUIs Samples methodology.
  • New controls IupFlatSeparator, IupFlatLabel and IupFlatToggle similar to the original ones but using the IupDraw api with more configuration options.
  • New support for text orientation in any angle, text wrap, and text ellipsis in all IupDraw based controls.
  • The IupDraw api will now use Direct 2D in Windows and Cairo in Linux to provide support for transparency and anti-aliasing.
  • New IupDropButton control to show a dropdown child. The child can be any combination of IUP elements. The button can have the appearance of a dropdown list, or two independent areas for the button and the drop arrow. The drop child can also be positioned in several ways.... read more
Posted by Antonio Scuri 2018-05-30

IUP 3.24

Hi All,

We just released IUP version 3.24.

We would like to highlight some of the new features:

  • New: Find All and Find Results tab for IupScintillaDlg. Option for searching in Project Files even if they are not open.
  • New: NOSCROLLASTITLE attribute for IupMatrix. NOSCROLL columns and lines can now behave and look as title cells.
  • New: EOL, EOLMODE attributes and options for FIXEOL attribute in IupScintilla. Support for different end of lines in IupScintillaDlg.
  • Changed: IupColorBrowser, IupColorbar, IupGauge and IupDial migrated from the IupControls library to the main library using IupDraw, they do not depend on the CD library anymore. The natives IupColorDlg were removed and now only the IupColorBrowser based dialog remains.
  • Changed: [IMPORTANT INCOMPATIBILITY] The separate library for IupMatrixEx was merged with the IupControls library. The IupMatrixExOpen and IupMatrixExInit functions were removed.

You can find the complete list of changes and files for download at:... read more

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2018-01-23

IUP 3.23

Hi All,

We just released IUP version 3.23.

  • We would like to highlight some of the new features:
  • Merge of cells in IupMatrix
  • Watch for global variables and expressions in IupLuaScripter
  • Print of text files in IupScintilla and IupScintillaDlg
  • Support for projects (list of files) in IupScintillaDlg. Configurations can now be saved in the project instead of the global configuration file.
  • Support for multiple files in IupScintillaDlg and IupLuaScripter.
  • Inspect of tables using trees for global and local variables during debug in IupLuaScripter.
  • and many more features in IupLuaScripter that is becoming a complete development environment for Lua applications, using IUP or not.
  • You can find the complete list of changes and files for download at:... read more
Posted by Antonio Scuri 2017-10-12

IUP 3.22

Hi All,

We just released IUP version 3.22.

We would like to highlight some of the new features:

  • New: internal support for SPANISH language (thanks to Germán A.)
  • New: build guides for NetBeans and CodeLite IDEs in the documentation. (Thanks to A. Bogdanov)
  • New: IupFlatScrollBox container with drawn controlled and smaller scrollbars, along with flat scrollbars attributes.
  • New: FLATSCROLLBAR attribute for IupMatrix, to enable flat scrollbars.
  • New: IupScintillaDlg pre-defined dialog of a text editor.
  • New: IupLuaScripterDlg pre-defined dialog for editing, running and debugging Lua scripts. It has a console with a command line and output area, support for breakpoints, with visualization of local variabels and call stack.
  • New: application IupLuaScripter based on the new IupLuaScripterDlg.
  • Changed: several attributes relative to CUSTOMFRAME in IupDialog to unify behaviors in GTK and Windows.
  • Changed: added support for scrolling of tabs in IupFlatTabs.
  • Changed: added support for extra buttons in IupFlatTabs.... read more
Posted by Antonio Scuri 2017-06-13

IUP 3.21

Hi All,

We just released IUP version 3.21.

We would like to highlight some of the new features:

  • New: IupFlatTabs container similar to IupTabs but more controllable.
  • New: DS_AREATRANSPARENCY attribute for IupPlot when DS_MODE=AREA.
  • New: HIGHLIGHTMODE and SCREENTOLERANCE attributes for IupPlot. CLICKSEGMENT_CB callback for IupPlot. New IupPlotFindSegment function.
  • New: DS_BARMULTICOLOR attribute for IupPlot when DS_MODE=BAR or HORIZONTALBAR.
  • New: "DataSet Values" dialog in context menu for IupPlot. New attribute EDITABLEVALUES for IupPlot.
  • New: SIMULATEMODAL attribute for IupDialog to disable all other visible dialogs.
  • New: FOCUS_CB callback for the IupDialog.
  • New: FLAT and FLATCOLOR attributes for IupGauge.
  • New: -1 value for SIZECOL and SIZELIN attributes in IupGridBox to use all columns and all lines when computing lines and columns sizes.
  • New: Scintilla Notepad source code in the topic "3. Simple Notepad" of the Tutorial.... read more
Posted by Antonio Scuri 2017-01-20

IUP 3.20

Hi All,

We just released IUP version 3.20.

We would like to highlight some of the new features:

  • New: IupExecuteWait function.
  • New: IupGLDrawText, IupGLDrawImage, IupGLDrawGetTextSize and IupGLDrawGetImageInfo functions for IupGLSubCanvas.
  • New: guide to create Shell Extension Handlers for thumbnails and previews in Windows.
  • New: BUTTON_CB, MOTION_CB and WHEEL_CB callback in IupFileDlg when the preview canvas is enabled.
  • New: DECORATION, DECORSIZE and DECOROFFSET attributes for IupBackgroundBox and IupGLBackgroundBox.
  • New: IupFlatFrame custom container.
  • New: FRAMEBORDER attribute for IupMatrix to draw a border around the matrix visible area.... read more
Posted by Antonio Scuri 2016-10-02

IUP 3.19

Hi All,

We just released IUP version 3.19.

We would like to highlight some of the new features:

  • New: IupDraw API for drawing custom controls in a IupCanvas or IupBackgroundBox.
  • New: IupGLText control for IupGLControls.
  • Changed: IupScrollBox will now expand to child natural size the first time the layout is computed.
  • Changed: FreeType and FTGL are now external to the project.
  • Changed: IupParam and IupParamBox are now controls.
  • IMPORTANT: removed controls, attributes, functions and headers that were deprecated. See the History page for the full list.... read more
Posted by Antonio Scuri 2016-06-30

IUP 3.18 Released

Hi All,

We just released IUP version 3.18.

We would like to highlight some of the new features:


  • New: IupPlotGetSampleExtra and IupPlotSetSampleExtra functions for IupPlot.

  • New: CUSTOMFRAME, CUSTOMFRAMEEX, CUSTOMFRAMECAPTION, CUSTOMFRAMECAPTIONLIMITS attributes and CUSTOMFRAME_CB callback for IupDialog in Windows. To allow custom dialog frames by drawing the frame components or using other controls as components.... read more

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2016-03-24

IUP 3.17 Released

Hi All,

We just released IUP version 3.17.

We would like to highlight some of the new features:

  • New IupAnimated Label control that displays an animation in a loop label. An animation is simply a sequence of IupImage images which varies according to a given time. The pre-defined animation "IUP_CircleProgressAnimation" is available in IupImageLib. You can also use the new functions IupLoadAnimation and IupLoadAnimationFrames to load images using the IM library.... read more
Posted by Antonio Scuri 2015-12-03

IUP 3.16 Released

Hi All,

We just released IUP version 3.16.

We would like to highlight some of the new features:

New: header "iup_plus.h" with the first version of the C++ API.
New: TOGGLEIMAGEON/TOGGLEIMAGEOFF, SORTIMAGEDOWN/SORTIMAGEUP and DROPIMAGE attributes for IupMatrix. Default images improved with a clear design.
New: TOGGLECENTERED attribute for IupMatrix, to center the toggle and use the cell value in place of TOGGLEVALUEL:C. No text will be drawn.
New: Improved IupLuaConsole application with a new command line and console output without using standard output and standard input.
New: RETRYCANCEL and YESNOCANCEL button configurations for IupMessageDlg.
Changed: Lua pre-compiled binaries are now separated by folders Lua51/Lua52/Lua53.
Changed: distribution packages are now split according to the Lua version.
Changed: IupPopup now can turn an already visible dialog into a modal dialog and interrupt processing. A call to IupShowXY for a modal dialog will now update its position.
Changed: mouse wheel processing will now occur also when the canvas is not in focus while the cursor is over the canvas in Windows.
Changed: IupImageLib now contains less images in its pre-compiled library, because we increased the image size to 32x32 with 32bpp in Windows. Images will be automatically resized if necessary using the IMAGESTOCKSIZE global attribute, its default value depends on the screen resolution.
Fixed: removed luaL_register dependency from Lua >= 5.2 bindings.... read more

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2015-09-18

IUP 3.15 Released

Hi All,

We just released IUP version 3.15.

We would like to highlight some of the new features:

  • New: "iup_class_cbs.hpp" header with macros to help creation of callbacks as methods in C++.
  • New: global hot key (Alt+Ctrl+Shft+L) to show the current dialog layout in a IupLayoutDialog dialog.
  • New: Tutorial section in the documentation. It is still under construction but already has several topics completed.
  • New: IupFlatButton control that mimics a IupButton but does not have native system decorations.
  • New: IupConfig support in Lua.... read more
Posted by Antonio Scuri 2015-07-07

IUP 3.14 Released

Hi All,

We just released IUP version 3.14.

We would like to highlight some of the new features:

New: support for Lua 5.3.
New: ANIMATION attribute for IupExpander to enable animation during open/close.
New: MULTIVALUECOUNT and MULTIVALUEid attributes for IupFileDlg when MULTIPLEFILES=Yes.
New: EDITFITVALUE, EDITVALUE, EDITTEXT, EDITALIGN, EDITHIDEONFOCUS attributes for IupMatrix to control editing cell values and focus.
New: CELLNAMES attributes for IupMatrix when using formulas.
Changed: IupExpander internally remodeled to use other IUP elements to compose its handler area. The controls can be accessed by IupGetChild* and then reconfigured if necessary. There are no size limitations for images anymore. Extra buttons are now creation-only.... read more

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2015-04-30

IUP 3.13 Released

Hi All,

We just released IUP version 3.13.

We would like to highlight some of the new features:

New: BACKIMAGE attribute to add a background image in IupPlot.
New: lots of attributes for controlling plot elements in IupPlot.
New: properties dialog at the context menu in IupPlot. The application can allow the user to configure all the plot elements during run time.
New: IupMatrixSetFormula and IupMatrixSetDynamic auxiliary functions for IupMatrix. So IupMatrix can act just like Excel with dynamic content cells using a very simple formula.
New: IupPlotSetFormula auxiliary function for IupPlot to create a dataset using a formula.
New: IupParamf and IupParamBox utility functions, exported from IupGetParam internals. So the same arrange of controls can be added to other dialog.
New: XHIDDEN and YHIDDEN attributes for scrollbar information in IupCanvas.
New: global attribute DEFAULTFONTFACE.
New: support for Lua 5.3. Pre-compiled binaries for Lua 5.3 will be released later this month.... read more

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2015-02-05

IUP 3.12 Released

Hi All,

The 3.12 version of the IUP library has been released.

We would like to highlight the following changes:

  • In Linux 3.13 the default native library is now GTK 3. You must use CD 5.8.1.

  • New IupConfig set of functions to manage configuration files. Including support to manage the recent files menu and to display dialogs at the last saved position.

  • New IupPlot control, which completely replaces the old IupPPlot. The new control uses double coordinates, you can choose to draw using OpenGL or the native system, has support for color transparency and anti-aliasing (the same model as in IupGLControls), and improved interaction with the canvas with various forms of zoom, pan and context menu.... read more

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2014-11-20

IUP 3.11.2 Released

Hi All,

The 3.11.2 version of the IUP library has been released.

This is a bug fix release.

Notice that not all pre-compiled binaries were built. If you need one that was not built just let me know and I will build it for you.

You can find the list of changes and files for download at:

Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2014-10-06

IUP 3.11.1 Released

Hi All,

The 3.11.1 version of the IUP library has been released.

This is a bug fix release, but it already has some new features originally planed for 3.12.

Notice that not all pre-compiled binaries were built. If you need one that was not built just let me know and I will build it for you.

You can find the list of changes and files for download at:

Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2014-09-01

Migration from CVS to SVN

Successfully completed. CVS access is now disabled.


Posted by Antonio Scuri 2014-07-31

IUP 3.11 Released

Hi All,

The 3.11 version of the IUP library has been released.

You can find the list of changes and files for download at:

We would like to highlight some of the improvements:

  • New: IMAGE, IMHIGHLIGHT, IMOPEN, and IMOPENHIGHLIGHT attributes for replacing the arrow, or the arrow and the title of a IupExpander when BARPOSITION=TOP.
  • New: EXTRABUTTONS, IMAGEEXTRAid, IMAGEEXTRAPRESSid, IMAGEEXTRAHIGHLIGHTid attributes and EXTRABUTTON_CB callback for IupExpander to handle extra buttons at right when BARPOSITION=TOP.
  • New: HORIZONTALFREE and VERTICALFREE values for the EXPAND attribute. The element will simply expand to the available free space at the container, and it will not affect the container expand.
  • New: IupGLControls an OpenGL embeddable controls library.
  • IupMglPlot updated to use the latest MathGL version (2.2.1).... read more
Posted by Antonio Scuri 2014-07-28

IUP 3.10.1 Released

Hi All,

The 3.10.1 version of the IUP library has been released.

You can find the list of changes and files for download at:

This is just a bug fix release.

Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2014-01-24