
ItsNat, Natural AJAX, version 0.7

* In this release Xerces DOM has been replaced by Batik DOM (not included SVG) , Batik DOM is extended in ItsNat to support HTML DOM APIs and to fix some serious threading issue and providing even mode transparency following the approach "The Browser Is The Server". For instance ((EventTarget)element).addEventListener("click",listener,false) registers now a remote event listener.

* Improved support of XHTML and non-XHTML namespaces in general (SVG, XUL, MathML...).

* SVG is even more a first class namespace, besides native SVG, added support to the following SVG plugins: Adobe SVG Viewer (v3 and v6), Renesis 1.1, Savarese Ssrc, SVGWeb and Batik as applet. Savarese Ssrc provides XUL to MSIE.

* Support of SVG (or any other non-XHTML namespace) embedded inline in XHTML served with MIME "text/html" in browsers with native SVG. In MSIE and MIME "text/html" SVG code can be embedded inline in XHTML using SVGWeb and Adobe SVG Viewer, both including dynamic DOM behavior, very useful on Single Page Interface applications (no page navigation).

* More browsers supported, including Bolt, UCWEB, Motorola Symphony, Opera Mobile 9.7 and 10, BlackBerry JDE 5.0 (Storm 2 and others), Palm OS etc. Heavily improved performance and stability of ItsNat in Pocket IE (WinMob 6.0 and 6.1).

* XUL including AJAX in Gecko browsers and MSIE with Savarese Ssrc plugin.

* Some support of Google App Engine including AJAX. Online demo:

* JavaScript framework files no longer are public, automatically loaded from ItsNat.jar

* Improved filtering/custom components support

* Auto-binding in server of child documents loaded through iframe, object, embed or applet tags including SVG. Child documents now can be used as whether they where inline into the parent document (very useful when SVG plugins are used in Single Page Interface applications).

* More features, bug fixes, added API (including some API changes).

See the complete list here:

Online demo:
GAE demo:

Posted by Jose M. Arranz Santamaria 2010-01-29

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