Activity for IT++

  • Erik Lindskog Erik Lindskog posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Now, a friend of mine showed me how to build the IT++ library with Cmake from the comand line in Windows. Create a 'build' directory in the directory for your downloaded version 4.3.1 if IT++, the current latest version. Open the Visual Studio Developers Command line tool (or the Visual Studio Command line tool) from within Visual Studio (2022). Go to your creaated build directory. Make the commands: cmake .. cmake --build . For me this creates an IT++ library in build\itpp\Debug\itpp.lib However,...

  • Erik Lindskog Erik Lindskog modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have now tested the (static) 64bit It++ library I was able to build according to my posts above. I tested the Matlab mex example at the bottom of the page that I put in a C++ file named itpp_qpsk_modulation_mex_function.cpp. In the same directory I also placed a copy of the 'itpp' directory containing the heared files, and your compiled 64 bit IT++ library which to my understanding you need when you use a 'modern' 64 bit Matlab version. This...

  • Erik Lindskog Erik Lindskog modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have now tested the (static) 64bit It++ library I was able to build according to my posts above. I tested the Matlab mex example at the bottom of the page that I put in a C++ file named itpp_qpsk_modulation_mex_function.cpp. In the same directory I also placed a copy of the 'itpp' directory containing the heared files, and your compiled 64 bit IT++ library which to my understanding you need when you use a 'modern' 64 bit Matlab version. This...

  • Erik Lindskog Erik Lindskog posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have now tested the (static) 64bit It++ library I was able to build according to my posts above. I tested the Matlab mex example at the bottom of the page that I put in a C++ file named itpp_qpsk_modulation_mex_function.cpp. This example performs QPSK modulcation in a mex file to be called from Matlab. My mex build command (in Matlab 2024a): mex -v itpp_qpsk_modulation_mex_function.cpp -litpp -I"." -output itpp_qpsk_modulation_mex_function...

  • Erik Lindskog Erik Lindskog posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    FYI. Why would one need to compile in 64 bits? Well, if one would like to use IT++ in a Matlab mex file from a 64 bit Matlab: "MathWorks Support Team on 27 Jun 2009 0 Link The ability to compile 64-bit MEX-files that access functions in 32-bit DLL's is not available in MATLAB. 64-bit applications such as 64-bit MATLAB can only use 64-bit shared libraries. In general, you cannot mix 32-bit and 64-bit code in a single application. If you have a 64-bit application, everything related to that application,...

  • Erik Lindskog Erik Lindskog modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Bogdan, Thanks for the information. I will study it further. For whatever reason I am at the moment running into trouble when I set ITT_SHARED_LIB to 'on' (i.e. checking it in the Windows CMake GUI), so I am setting it to 'off' (i.e. unchecking it in the Windows CMake GUI). I was able to this way build, presumably, a static library, in 64 bit debug mode, even though it became suspiciously large, 523 MB . When I switch to build it in release mode I had add the line: #define HAVE_LOG2 1 in config_msvc.h...

  • Erik Lindskog Erik Lindskog posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Bogdan, Thanks for the information. I will study it further. For whatever reason I am at the moment running inti trouble when I set ITT_SHARED_LIB to 'on' (i.e. checking it in the Windows CMake GUI), so I am setting it to 'off' (i.e. unchecking it in the Windows CMake GUI). I was able to this way build, presumably, a static library, in 64 bit debuf mode, even though it became suspiciously large. When I switch to build it in release mode I had add the line #define HAVE_LOG2 1 in config_msvc.h in (after...

  • Bogdan Cristea Bogdan Cristea modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have created these 2 bug reports: Feel free contribute on any of these and/or add more bugs/feature requests if needed.

  • Bogdan Cristea Bogdan Cristea posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have created these 2 bug reports: Feel free contribute on any of these and/or add more bugs/reports if needed.

  • Bogdan Cristea Bogdan Cristea created ticket #264

    Update cmake minimum version and build the library as a component

  • Bogdan Cristea Bogdan Cristea created ticket #263

    Compilation errors when trying to build the static library on Windows

  • Bogdan Cristea Bogdan Cristea posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Erik IT++ has not been updated for quite some time, but should still be compatible with VS 2022. For the best results, you should follow this page: and use the default options when generating from cmake the VS solution, i.e. ITPP_SHARED_LIB=ON The above option generates the shared library (DLL): itpp.dll (and the associated .lib file) into ${CMAKE_BUILD_DIR}/itpp/Debug folder (assuming you generate the debug build). The compilation warnings...

  • Erik Lindskog Erik Lindskog modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    How about that. By changing ITPP_SHARED_LIB to 'off' in CMake I was able to get the code to build. (I guess this builds a static library?) I do however get a lot of warnings of this type: warning C4273: 'tgamma': inconsistent dll linkage Not sure if one need to pay attention to these warning messages. Also, I have not yet tested that this library works. Further, the file with the library, itpp_debug.lib (64 bit debug without usage of BLAS and LAPACK and such) becomes VERY big, 532 MB. That seems...

  • Erik Lindskog Erik Lindskog posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    How about that. By changing ITPP_SHARED_LIB to 'off' in CMake I was able to get the code to build. (I guess this builds a static library?) I do however get a lot of warnings of this type: warning C4273: 'tgamma': inconsistent dll linkage Not sure if one need to pay attention to these warning messages. Also, I have not yet tested that this library works.

  • Erik Lindskog Erik Lindskog modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    A related issue, possibly the cause of the problem I am experiencing, seems to be that neither itpp_EXPORTS nor itpp_debug_EXPORTS seems to be defined when they are used in itexports.h but it seems one of them need to be set in order to define ITPP_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) in itexports.h such as not to get many compilation errors of this type: error C2491: 'itpp::Normal_RNG::ktab': definition of dllimport static data member not allowed Now, according to the code, itpp_EXPORTS and itpp_debug_EXPORTS...

  • Erik Lindskog Erik Lindskog posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    A related issue, possibly the cause of the problem I am experiencing, seems to be that neither itpp_EXPORTS nor itpp_debug_EXPORTS seems to be defined when they are used in itexports.h but it seems one of them need to be set in order to define ITPP_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) in itexports.h such as not to get a compilation error (forgot which one this was now...). Now, according to the code, itpp_EXPORTS and itpp_debug_EXPORTS are supposed to be automatically defined by cmake, except where is this...

  • Erik Lindskog Erik Lindskog posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Anybody else getting build errors of the type: itpp-4.3.1\itpp\protocol\packet_channel.cpp(38,1): error C2653: 'Packet_Channel': is not a class or namespace name when trying to build the IT++ library (after CMake configuration) with Visual studio 2022? Seems if does not like the code: namespace itpp { Packet_Channel::Packet_Channel() { parameters_ok = false; keep_running = false; } etc. in, for example, itpp/protocol/packet_channel.cpp. Best Regards, Erik

  • Ryan Carsten Schmidt Ryan Carsten Schmidt created ticket #262

    version:1:1: error: expected unqualified-id

  • Kaan Aykut KABAKÇI Kaan Aykut KABAKÇI modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, i am currently trying to use ITPP on Android Studio. I am using Fast_ICA that need BLAS, LAPACK class for my project. I build external library by using command that is below: export NDK_DIR="/home/kaan/Android/Sdk/ndk/21.4.7075529" export INSTALL_DIR="`pwd`/jni_arm" export TARGET=x86_64-linux-android export API=30 export TOOLCHAIN="$NDK_DIR/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64" export AR=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/$TARGET-ar export AS=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/$TARGET-as export CC=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/$TARGET$API-clang...

  • Kaan Aykut KABAKÇI Kaan Aykut KABAKÇI modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, i am currently trying to use ITPP on Android Studio. I am using Fast_ICA that need BLAS, LAPACK class for my project. I build external library by using command that is below: export NDK_DIR="/home/kaan/Android/Sdk/ndk/21.4.7075529" export INSTALL_DIR="`pwd`/jni_arm" export TARGET=x86_64-linux-android export API=30 export TOOLCHAIN="$NDK_DIR/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64" export AR=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/$TARGET-ar export AS=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/$TARGET-as export CC=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/$TARGET$API-clang...

  • Kaan Aykut KABAKÇI Kaan Aykut KABAKÇI modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, i am currently trying to use ITPP on Android Studio. I am using Fast_ICA that need BLAS, LAPACK class for my project. I build external library by using command that is below: export NDK_DIR="/home/kaan/Android/Sdk/ndk/21.4.7075529" export INSTALL_DIR="`pwd`/jni_arm" export TARGET=x86_64-linux-android export API=30 export TOOLCHAIN="$NDK_DIR/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64" export AR=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/$TARGET-ar export AS=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/$TARGET-as export CC=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/$TARGET$API-clang...

  • Kaan Aykut KABAKÇI Kaan Aykut KABAKÇI posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, i am currently trying to use ITPP on Android Studio. I am using Fast_ICA that need BLAS, LAPACK class for my project. I also need FFTW

  • kguy kguy posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for the hint. That worked pretty well. Regards Guy

  • Bogdan Cristea Bogdan Cristea created ticket #105

    Add cmake options to include only specified modules in the library

  • Bogdan Cristea Bogdan Cristea posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi This option is not yet available when using cmake. You could try to change itpp/CMakeLists.txt file by commenting the sources you don't want to be included, e.g., file ( GLOB ITPP_SRCS "base/*.cpp" "base/algebra/*.cpp" "base/bessel/*.cpp" "base/math/*.cpp" "comm/*.cpp" "fixed/*.cpp" "optim/*.cpp" # "protocol/*.cpp" # "signal/*.cpp" "srccode/*.cpp" "stat/*.cpp" ) regards Bogdan

  • kguy kguy posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I am using the IT++ library in a baremetal environment with limited memory. I am linking the library statically and the resulting binary turns out to be very large. I was wondering if there is a way to only compile and link a specific subset of the library. For instance, I would like to compile and link the "Basic Mathematical Feature" and the "Communication" part. I do not need the other parts of the library. Thanks for any hint. G

  • kguy kguy posted a comment on discussion Help

    I was able to successfully compile IT++ by replacing line 439 of the file srccode/audiofile.cpp std::streamsize ann_length = (std::streamsize)std::min(hdr_size - snd_fixed_header_size, max_annotation_length); with this std::streamsize ann_length = (std::streamsize)std::min((uint32_t)(hdr_size - snd_fixed_header_size), (uint32_t)max_annotation_length); Essentially casting the arguments of the function min into uint32_t One last issue is bothering me. Despite specifying the lib directory and the include...

  • kguy kguy posted a comment on discussion Help

    I can get a little bit further adding the following to the file base/binary.h //! Convert \c bin to \c int32_t operator int32_t() const { return static_cast<long int>(b); } However, I am getting the following errors /itpp-riscv/itpp-4.3.1/itpp/srccode/audiofile.cpp: In function 'bool itpp::read_header(Binary_In_Stream&, itpp::Audio_Stream_Description*, std::streamoff&, std: :streamoff&)': /itpp-riscv/itpp-4.3.1/itpp/srccode/audiofile.cpp:439:115: error: no matching function for call to 'min(long...

  • kguy kguy posted a comment on discussion Help

    I made some small progress on this: 1) I was able to successfully cross compile FTTW and LAPACK (aka itpp-external-3.2.0)for RISCV using the following steps: A) Replace the file config.sub in both FFTW and Lapack sub directories with this one In the configure file of the external directory, add --host=riscv32-unknown-elf and --build=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu B) RISCV_TC_DIR=/sifive_toolchain_rv32imaf_ilp32f_fortran INSTALL_PATH=/itpp-riscv32/externals...

  • kguy kguy posted a comment on discussion Help

    Just wondering if someone has ever tried cross-compiling IT++ for RISCV. If yes, could you please share the steps? What are the pitfalls? Thanks for any hint. G

  • Yall_Trippin Yall_Trippin posted a comment on discussion Help

    OK, ill try....ty

  • Bogdan Cristea Bogdan Cristea posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi You are trying to use the old build system which is not longer maintained. Please use instead cmake: Bogdan

  • Yall_Trippin Yall_Trippin posted a comment on discussion Help

    Could someone tell me please why the hack i get this error? Logs down below.... Thank you <3 $ ./ Bootstapping IT++ version 4.3 installing 'build-aux/compile' installing 'build-aux/config.guess' installing 'build-aux/config.sub' installing 'build-aux/install-sh' installing 'build-aux/missing' doc/tutorial/src/ installing 'build-aux/depcomp' automake: warnings are treated as errors /usr/share/automake-1.16/am/

  • Bogdan Cristea Bogdan Cristea posted a comment on ticket #260

    Hi Can you compile and link separately using BLAS, LAPACK and FFT libraries you found ? Also, as a first step, try to compile the library as static, but link with the shared versions of the external libs. Bogdan

  • Heera S Heera S posted a comment on ticket #260

    Hi Bogdan, I'm awaiting for your response. Please try to recreate the same and share the inputs. Regards, Heera

  • Hany Hany modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I am using Block LDPC codes to encode and decode WiGig packets. To do that, I generate parity-check matrix from a base- matrix. Then, I pass the generated parity-check matrix to Block LDPC generator BLDPC_Generator which in turn is passed to the LDPC_Code object. Based on the online documentation, the -1 in the base-check matrix presents submatrices with all zero entries. Here is a snippet of my code: imat codeMatrix = "40 -1 38 -1 13 -1 5 -1 18 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1;" "34 -1 35 -1 27 -1 -1 30...

  • Hany Hany posted a comment on discussion Help

    So if I use the BLDPC _Generator class directly to generate the enocded codeword and just use the LDPC_Code to decode the received codeword i.e. without passing the generator, the code works. However, it seems there are always errors in the decoded codeword even if I use a noiseless channel. So probably that is why perform_integrity_check fails? Here is my code: #include <itpp/itcomm.h> using namespace std; using namespace itpp; int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { imat codeMatrix = "40 -1 38 -1 13...

  • Hany Hany modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I am using Block LDPC codes to encode and decode WiGig packets. To do that, I generate Block LDPC parity matrix from a base matrix. Then, I pass the Block LDPC parity matrix to Block LDPC generator which in turn is passed to the LDPC_Code object. Based on the desciption, -1 will present submatrices with all zero entries. Here is my code: imat codeMatrix = "40 -1 38 -1 13 -1 5 -1 18 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1;" "34 -1 35 -1 27 -1 -1 30 2 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1;" "-1 36 -1 31 -1 7 -1 34 -1 10 41 -1 -1 -1...

  • Hany Hany modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I am using Block LDPC codes to encode and decode WiGig packets. To do that, I generate Block LDPC parity matrix from a base matrix. Then, I pass the Block LDPC parity matrix to Block LDPC generator which in turn is passed to the LDPC_Code object. Based on the desciption, -1 will present submatrices with all zero entries. Here is my code: ivec codeMatrix = "40 -1 38 -1 13 -1 5 -1 18 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1;" "34 -1 35 -1 27 -1 -1 30 2 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1;" "-1 36 -1 31 -1 7 -1 34 -1 10 41 -1 -1 -1...

  • Hany Hany posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I am using Block LDPC codes to encode and decode WiGig packets. To do that, I generate Block LDPC parity matrix from a base matrix. Then, I pass the Block LDPC parity matrix to Block LDPC generator which in turn is passed to the LDPC_Code object. Based on the desciption, -1 will present submatrices with all zero entries. Here is my code: ivec codeMatrix = "40 -1 38 -1 13 -1 5 -1 18 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1;" "34 -1 35 -1 27 -1 -1 30 2 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1;" "-1 36 -1 31 -1 7 -1 34 -1 10 41 -1 -1 -1...

  • Heera S Heera S posted a comment on ticket #260

    Hi Bogdan, I think there are no issues or dependencies in the external blas library which im trying to link with. The below simple example provides me the same result as i see while cross compiling with external library. I downloaded netlib's blas and built libblas.a using native gcc make. Similarly, built libcblas.a using gcc make and linked it with libblas.a .Further i built libitpp_static.a using "cmake .. -DITPP_SHARED_LIB=off -DBLA_STATIC=on -DBLAS_LIBRARIES=<xxx>/CBLAS/lib/libcblas.a" make...

  • Bogdan Cristea Bogdan Cristea posted a comment on ticket #260

    Hi That message is a warning, BLAS library might not expose that specific function, this however does not impact the library functionality, probably only the processing time. Bogdan

  • Heera S Heera S posted a comment on ticket #260

    Hi Bogdan, i will try to recompile the blas library which im trying to link with for the arm and test it again to check there are no dependencies in the library. Meanwhile when i run cmake, im getting some library(cheev_) not found error, once the BLAS API detected . Is this gives any clue? -- A library with BLAS API found. -- A library with BLAS API found. -- Looking for cheev_ -- Looking for cheev_ - not found Regards, Heera

  • Bogdan Cristea Bogdan Cristea posted a comment on ticket #260

    Hi Heera Your message above says that there are compile time errors about missing dependences. So what are these errors specifically ? Bogdan

  • Heera S Heera S posted a comment on ticket #260

    Hi Bogdan, Thank you for your response. I already verified that the CMake is referring the specified static libraries correctly and i don't have any other shared libraries to link. Regards, Heera

  • Bogdan Cristea Bogdan Cristea created ticket #261

    Update MKL support

  • Bogdan Cristea Bogdan Cristea posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for reporting this, I'll create a bug report

  • Hany Hany posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks Bodgan, I've posted my question on Intel MKL Forum. I wanted to see if anyone had expereinced the same problem with the latest MKL. What you mentioned regaeding IT++ not optimally using MKL API makes sense as ITPP is not being updated and Intel MKL has been quite modified since the last stable release of IT++. One of the issues that I ran into during linking with MKL is that one of the domains is outdated by MKL. So instead of using MKL_FFT in ITPP, you have to use MKL_DOMAIN_FFT.

  • Bogdan Cristea Bogdan Cristea posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi This is a question you should address in MKL forums. One possible reason could be that IT++ is not using optimally the MKL API, but you should try to track down this problem to a specific call to be sure. regards Bogdan

  • Bogdan Cristea Bogdan Cristea posted a comment on ticket #260

    Hi You are using the correct variabled for specifying the libraries, LAPACK_LIBRARIRES and BLAS_LIBRARIES. Try the following: - when you cross-compile use make VERBOSE=1 and check if the library is compiled using the correct BLAS/LAPACK libraries - make sure that when you compile using the static IT++ library you also add the shared libraries (if any) needed by IT++ regards Bogdan

  • Heera S Heera S created ticket #260

    BLAS and LAPACK libraries not detected by the CMake

  • Hany Hany posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I've written a PHY stack that encodes and decodes 802.11 frames using the ITPP library. Now I am doing some performance evaluation for my implementation and trying different optimization options to speed up calculations and execution time. Using standard BLAS and LAPACK libraries in Linux with FFTW 3.8, my program can generate and decode 1K packets per 180 seconds. However, when I switch to the latest version of Intel MKL, the execution time increases to 210 seconds which is not expected. These...

  • Khadem Ullah Khadem Ullah posted a comment on ticket #230

    Thank you very much sir, I run the following command and it is now perfectly worked. sudo apt install liblapack-dev libfftw3-dev libitpp-dev Warm Regards,

  • Khadem Ullah Khadem Ullah posted a comment on ticket #230

    when I copy the itpp-config file in bin directory, then it gives the error cannot find -litpp as following.

  • Khadem Ullah Khadem Ullah posted a comment on ticket #230

    Thanks Installation was successful in itpp-4.3.1.bz2 folder with the command including the path (cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$/home/betadevolper/Desktop/itpp-4.3.1/build/itpp-install) but it gives the error when compile an IT++ program with make file as following.

  • Bogdan Cristea Bogdan Cristea posted a comment on ticket #230

    It is itpp-4.3.1.tar.bz2 folder

  • Khadem Ullah Khadem Ullah modified a comment on ticket #230

    Thank you very much Sir, IT++ source folder, is it itpp-4.3.1.tar.bz2 or cmake etc folder ? regards,

  • Khadem Ullah Khadem Ullah posted a comment on ticket #230

    Thank you very much Sir, IT++ source folder, is it itpp-4.3.1.tar.bz2 or cmake etc folder ? regards, On Mon, 2 Nov 2020, 11:56 pm Bogdan Cristea, wrote: Hi I did this on ubuntu 20 sudo apt install liblapack-dev libfftw3-dev then in IT++ source folder mkdir build && cd build cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/itpp-install make -j make install [bugs:#230] itpp-config should include external libraries*...

  • Bogdan Cristea Bogdan Cristea posted a comment on ticket #230

    Hi I did this on ubuntu 20 sudo apt install liblapack-dev libfftw3-dev then in IT++ source folder mkdir build && cd build cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/itpp-install make -j make install

  • Khadem Ullah Khadem Ullah modified a comment on ticket #230

    Thank you very much sir.. I had first installed on ubuntu 18 version it worked perfectly but when Installed it on ubuntu 20 version it gives the error. FFTW is installed but not sure about lapack lib as when execute the follwing commond. cmake .. -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=$HOME/it++external-3.2.0/include -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/it++external-3.2.0/lib -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/it++4.3.0 -DBLA_STATIC=on -DITPP_SHARED_LIB=off it gives the warning as, this warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev...

  • Khadem Ullah Khadem Ullah posted a comment on ticket #230

    Thank you very much sir.. I had first installed on ubuntu 18 version it worked perfectly but when Installed it on ubuntu 20 version it gives the error. FFTW is installed but not sure about lapact lib as when execute the follwing commond. cmake .. -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=$HOME/it++external-3.2.0/include -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/it++external-3.2.0/lib -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/it++4.3.0 -DBLA_STATIC=on -DITPP_SHARED_LIB=off it gives the warning as, this warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev...

  • Bogdan Cristea Bogdan Cristea posted a comment on ticket #230

    Hi I seems that FFTW and Lapack libs are not detected. Are you sure that they are installed ? Also, on which Ubuntu version this happens ? Bogdan

  • Khadem Ullah Khadem Ullah modified a comment on ticket #230

    Hello Sir, I have installed IT++ without being root more than 5 times but still have the following problem. Can you kindly help me in this regrads?

  • Khadem Ullah Khadem Ullah posted a comment on ticket #230

    Hello Sir, I have installed without being root more than 5 times but still have the following problem. Can you kindly help me in this regrads?

  • LOI TRUONG LOI TRUONG posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Bogdan, Thank you for your helps. Now, I mostly have managed this library on android NDK as mini version (attached) I can call library on android as share library. However, I have some questions that need your helps. When I tried to run an sample usages code below: Multilateration multi; bvec method(4); method.zeros();//spherical multilateration mat bs_pos = randn(3, 4);//four BSs multi.setup(method, bs_pos); vec measures(4); //measures are generated following TOA ranging method (see unit tests...

  • LOI TRUONG LOI TRUONG posted a comment on discussion Help

    Ok, I got it. Thank you for your helps.

  • Bogdan Cristea Bogdan Cristea posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi itexports.h is generated based on itexports.h.cmake. Cmake replaces some placeholders found in itexports.h.cmake with their actual value, then renames the file. You can remove that include and define the missing variables as needed. Bogdan

  • LOI TRUONG LOI TRUONG posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Bogdan, Thank you for your helps. I tried to compile IT++ on mobile phone but it looks seem so complex for me. Then I tried to use other approach. I just want to use some function in this class, then I copied that class and some class related there into seperate project and try to combine. However, I missed file "itpp/itexports.h", I only saw "itpp/itexports.h.cmake". So what should i do to get "itpp/itexports.h"...

  • Bogdan Cristea Bogdan Cristea created ticket #104

    Replace AMD Core Math Library (ACML) with AMD Optimizing CPU Libraries (AOCL)

  • Bogdan Cristea Bogdan Cristea posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi IT++ depends on several external libraries in order to speed up calculations: FFTW, Lapack, Blas. You can either find these libraries compiled for your mobile platform or try to compile IT++ without these libraries (probably some speed penality will occur). Besides external dependences, since IT++ library is written in C++ and uses cmake as compilation management system, it can be crosscompiled on other platforms (e.g. Android, iOS) using toolchain files (

  • LOI TRUONG LOI TRUONG posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Guys, I'm interesting with this library which could be helpful for calculation distance, position. I'm looking this file and I see some helpful function . My question is that we can compile this library for mobile and load it into Android/iOS for using? More information: I'm working one tag management where I have a tracking system, I can get bluetooth signal from each tag and I will try to measurea distance...

  • Jackett Jackett posted a comment on discussion Help

    I successfully installed IT++ with VS2015, and I tried to compile MEX files in MATLAB(2018b). I copied a simple function at the bottom of this page: Then I typed the following orders in MATLAB: mex QPSK.cpp -IC:\itpp-4.3.1 -LC:\itpp-4.3.1\lib And MATLAB returned: 使用 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2015' 编译。 错误使用 mex 正在创建库 QPSK.lib 和对象 QPSK.exp QPSK.obj : error LNK2019: 无法解析的外部符号 "__declspec(dllimport) public: virtual __cdecl itpp::Factory::~Factory(void)"...

  • Jackett Jackett posted a comment on discussion Help

    I successfully installed IT++ with VS2015, and I tried to compile MEX files in MATLAB(2018b). I copied a simple function in Then I typed the following orders in MATLAB: mex QPSK.cpp -IC:\itpp-4.3.1 -LC:\itpp-4.3.1\lib And MATLAB returned: 使用 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2015' 编译。 错误使用 mex 正在创建库 QPSK.lib 和对象 QPSK.exp QPSK.obj : error LNK2019: 无法解析的外部符号 "__declspec(dllimport) public: virtual __cdecl itpp::Factory::~Factory(void)" (__imp_??1Factory@itpp@@UEAA@XZ),该...

  • Jackett Jackett posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Mudasar, I had problems like you. But I then used the old version of VS2015 and followed the steps in That worked.

  • tgm tgm posted a comment on ticket #253

    A "little" of time has passed, but anyway. I've experienced no such a behaviour for m = 2, 3, ... 8 (inclusive). It was tested against the freshly built ITPP 4.3.1 (master branch, commit: bb5c7e95f40e8fdb5c3f3d01a84bcbaf76f3676d, Ubuntu). What version and OS was it?

  • tgm tgm created ticket #259

    ITPP's soname version inconsistency

  • Waheed Ejaz Waheed Ejaz posted a comment on discussion Help

    set(_libdir "ENV LIB") works fine. I can see the mkl_rt.lib set in CMAKE_CACHE.txt file. FIND_BLAS.cmake successfully finds the intel mkl library(mkl_rt.lib). But it can't pass the "sgemm" function existence test. Due to "sgemm not found" the mkl_library_flag is not set. I have tried using "cblas_sgemm", "cblas_dgemm" as test function. But the result is the same. Any suggestions?

  • Waheed Ejaz Waheed Ejaz modified a comment on discussion Help

    I am trying to install itpp on windows10 using mingw. I have insatalled Intel MKL libraries. PATH and LIB environement variables are set accordingly. In MinGW, $LIB returns the following: $ $LIB sh: C:\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2019.4.245\windows\mkl\lib\intel64_win: is a directory then I invoke the following command as given in this guide: cmake .. -G "MSYS Makefiles" -DBLA_VENDOR=Intel11 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="C:\ITPP" But it is unable...

  • Waheed Ejaz Waheed Ejaz posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am trying to install itpp on windows10 using mingw. I have insatalled Intel MKL libraries. PATH and LIB environement variables are set accordingly. In MinGW, $LIB returns the following: $ $LIB sh: C:\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2019.4.245\windows\mkl\lib\intel64_win: is a directory then I invoke the following command as given in this guide: cmake .. -G "MSYS Makefiles" -DBLA_VENDOR=Intel11 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="C:\ITPP" But it is unable...

  • Abhay Abhay posted a comment on discussion Help

    This might help you. Its correlated rayleigh:

  • Khadem Ullah Khadem Ullah posted a comment on discussion Help

    I want to implement the transmission of bits on convolutional codes using Rayliegh fading channel. someone please share the rayliegh fading channel implementation.

  • V18006 V18006 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you sir, But sir, I have used sudo apt install libitpp-dev Now it did not show error but it showed lot of warning. I will analyse cmake logs if "sudo apt install libitpp-dev" fails in the future Thanks for the suggestion, sir.

  • Bogdan Cristea Bogdan Cristea posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Check cmake logs in order to learn why FindITPP.cmake failed. regards Bogdan

  • V18006 V18006 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Sir / Madam, I am new to both GNU and ITPP, I am trying to run gr-ofdm example from CGRAN in my ubuntu 16.04 system. I have installed all prerequisites as mentioned in CGRAN. I have installed ITPP too. But it is showing error as shown in the attached file. i.e: CMake Error at cmake/Modules/FindITPP.cmake:46 (MESSAGE): Could not find ITPP library Call Stack (most recent call first) CMakeLists.txt:117 (find_package) I have followed step by step instructions mentioned in the site

  • Mudasar Bacha Mudasar Bacha posted a comment on discussion Help

    I want to install IT++ with Visual studio 2017 on Windows 7. I followed many links, but still not able to install it successfully. Can someone help me. Best, Mudasar

  • Bogdan Cristea Bogdan Cristea posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi This is a draft paper that explains the algorithms implemented in IT++ for indoor localisation. Check the bibliography for references: regards Bogdan

  • Andrea Monterubbiano Andrea Monterubbiano posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi everybody, I'm using itpp multilateration (defined in itpp/comm/multilateration.h) with spherical setting, using only TOAs. It works very well in 3D setting, being very precise. I wanted to modify the algorithm in order to compute spherical localization in 2D environment. The algorithm in itpp doesn't work as if you use it with beacons all on the same plane the algorithm detects their coplanarity. Could someone give me some hint in order to modify the algorithm for my purpose? Specifically I'd...

  • Victor Evangelista Victor Evangelista created ticket #258

    Error when compiling with MKL

  • Ahmed Shahein Ahmed Shahein posted a comment on discussion Help

    Done, working fine at last. Many many thanks. Regards.

  • Bogdan Cristea Bogdan Cristea posted a comment on discussion Help

    you need to set the library search path to the location where is installed: use either LD_LIBRARY_PATH or ldconfig application

  • Ahmed Shahein Ahmed Shahein posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I am sorry for bothering again. I am getting exactly the same error message. I have done all the steps in the thread. I don't get any compilation errors but I get the error when I execute the output file: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory I tried both commands, and I get the same error message with both. g++ exp_itpp.cpp -I$ITPP_HOME/include -L$ITPP_HOME/lib -litpp g++ itpp-config --cflags -o example exp_itpp.cpp itpp-config...

  • Ahmed Shahein Ahmed Shahein posted a comment on ticket #256

    Worked smoothly. Thanks a lot. Have a great evening.

  • Bogdan Cristea Bogdan Cristea posted a comment on ticket #256

    Hi Here are the steps I have used: git clone ssh://<user> itpp-git git clone cmake .. -DGTEST_DIR=$HOME/projects/googletest/googletest Note that GTEST_DIR does not point to the sources root folder (when googletest is cloned with git) but goes one level lower where only googletest sources are. In order to run the tests use (from build folder) ./gtests/itpp_gtests

  • Ahmed Shahein Ahmed Shahein posted a comment on ticket #256

    Could you please send me the link? I downloaded it from github but I am still getting the same error message. Many thanks. Regards.

  • Bogdan Cristea Bogdan Cristea posted a comment on ticket #256

    Hi gtest sources need to be downloaded separately in your gtests folder before you start the actual compilation. regards Bogdan

  • Ahmed Shahein Ahmed Shahein posted a comment on ticket #256

    After downloading this revesion it managed to build, however, when I am not able to do the testing. cmake .. -DGTEST_DIR=/home/shahein/Downloads/itpp-git/gtests -- A library with BLAS API found. -- A library with BLAS API found. -- A library with LAPACK API found. -- A library with FFT API found. CMake Warning (dev) at cmake/Modules/CheckCXXFunctionExists.cmake:32 (IF): Policy CMP0054 is not set: Only interpret if() arguments as variables or keywords when unquoted. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0054"...

  • Niklas Doose Niklas Doose created ticket #257

    Failed assertion in Array::left() when trying to access all elements

  • Bogdan Cristea Bogdan Cristea posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi The above change should be made in case IT++ compilation gives an error. If you have an error either you change random_dsfmt.h file or checkout with git the master branch. If no error nothing should be done. regards Bogdan

  • Alireza Sheikh Alireza Sheikh posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi again, Do you mean that I should add the above code in the random_dsfmt.h? or delete the IT++ package I have downloaded and download it again? I do not know what do you mean by master branch.

  • Kumar Appaiah Kumar Appaiah posted a comment on ticket #256

    I've uploaded a new version of IT++ to Debian with the above patch. Thanks.

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