
#2271 User Interface Sub-Categories of Service, too many displayed

User Interface

Hello Team Combodo
I would like to report a bug in version 3.1.1
When I create a user to whom I simply assign the profile of "Support Agent" and only 2 organizations allowed, one being supplier of the other, when I log in with this user account, in the services management: it does see a single contract with 2 services, i precise i didn't create sub-categories of services for my 2 services but it lists all my sub-categories of services of all my helpdesk for all my customers etc....99+
it seems to me that if the user is dedicated to a single customer, with a single contract, 2 services: we should only see the sub-categories of services linked precisely to the 2 services of the contract.
To make sure I'm not doing anything wrong, I've redone the same config for another customer and another support agent for other organizations.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong
I have some screenshots to share with you
Thank you for your attention.

1 Attachments


  • Vincent @ Combodo

    This is a well known datamodel issue, the ServiceSubcategory class do not have any field named "org_id", as a result, no limitation on what is visible to users.
    With an iTop extension, you can rename the "service_org_id" field into "org_id" which is an iTop reserved name for access rights restriction based on the User's "Allowed Organizations"

        <class id="ServiceSubcategory" _delta="must_exist">
            <field id="org_id" xsi:type="AttributeExternalField" _rename_from="service_org_id"/>
                <item id="org_id" _rename_from="service_org_id"/>
                <item id="org_id" _rename_from="service_org_id"/>
                <item id="org_id" _rename_from="service_org_id"/>
                <item id="org_id" _rename_from="service_org_id"/>

    You should also rename the dictionary entry or create a new entry.

        <dictionary id="FR FR">
            <entry id="Class:ServiceSubcategory/Attribute:org_id" _rename_from="Class:ServiceSubcategory/Attribute:service_org_id"/>

    This change has no impact on the User Portal.


    Last edit: Vincent @ Combodo 2024-08-07
  • Vincent @ Combodo

    • status: new --> not-a-bug

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