
#1213 Not expected random result when updating n:n link


Not expected random result when updating n:n link .
One contract had x different services attached, I updated link customercontract-Services documenting SLA and coverage window.
iTOP erased (x-1) services by the last one and at the end, I have under CustomerContract x identical services attached to this one.
I tried to modify and delete services from customercontract window and it doesn't work (I can select services, click on delete and nothing happened, I still have X identical services).
only way to clean my DB is to go on OQL menu: SELECT lnkCustomerContractToService and here I can delete wrong entries and attach again my wanted services.


  • Bluearrow

    Bluearrow - 2016-03-25

    you can reproduce issue:
    if you change SLA related on one Service from CustomerContract , it's OK
    if you change Service related from SLA schema, then you regenerate the issue

  • Romain Quetiez

    Romain Quetiez - 2016-05-13

    To reproduce, on a fresh install with sample data:

    • Open the "Standard SLA" for modification.
    • Remove the last service (Telecom and Connectivity) and save
    • Outcome: the SLA now appears to have three identical services (the second one in the original list: Software)

    Variations, still starting from fresh sample data:

    • Open the "Standard SLA" for modification.
    • Remove the first OR the second service (Computers and Peripherals OR Software) and save
    • Outcome: the SLA now appears to have three identical services (the third one in the original list: Telecom and Connectivity)

    Last edit: Romain Quetiez 2016-05-13
  • Romain Quetiez

    Romain Quetiez - 2016-05-13

    One more method to reproduce:

    • Fresh install w/sample data
    • Edit Standard SLA and simply type something into Description
    • Save it... the three contracts exhibit the same service!
  • Romain Quetiez

    Romain Quetiez - 2016-05-13

    Not reproduced on iTop 2.1.0

    Reproduced on trunk, HEAD revision.

  • Romain Quetiez

    Romain Quetiez - 2016-05-20
    • labels: n:n link --> n:n link, SLA
    • status: new --> assigned
    • assigned_to: Romain Quetiez
    • Milestone: Unassigned --> 2.3.0
    • Component: User Interface --> Core/OQL
    • Priority: Medium --> Critical
  • Romain Quetiez

    Romain Quetiez - 2016-05-20
    • status: assigned --> closed

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