
Error after migration

  • Oscar Barraza Aravena

    We recently migrated our itop (V 3.0.0-8663) with MariaDB database on an Ubuntu 20.0.4 server to another datcenter, but when an end user connects to the platform to generate a ticket, the error is obtained from the attached image

  • Pierre Goiffon

    Pierre Goiffon - 2023-09-08


    Did you carefully check the migration notes ? What was the previous version ? Check also for extensions compatibility...

  • Oscar Barraza Aravena

    What was done was to create a new virtual machine (with the same characteristics) in another datacenter and install the same version of itop (V 3.0.0-8663) then we created a manual backup and restored from that backup to the new virtual machine, including, but when testing the user portal you get what is indicated in the image. The only difference is that the original machine has Ubuntu 20.0.4 and the new one has 22.0.4

  • Jeffrey Bostoen

    Jeffrey Bostoen - 2023-09-08

    I'd suggest installing iTop 3.0.2 (it's a maintenance release, so it should be fine and better; but don't go higher at this point) and re-run the setup.

  • Pierre Goiffon

    Pierre Goiffon - 2023-09-11

    Ubuntu 22.04 comes with PHP 8.1 as default, and iTop 3.x isn't compatible with it, see Hardware & Software requirements [iTop Documentation]


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