
Access problems in itop applications urgent

  • Jeffrey Bostoen

    Jeffrey Bostoen - 2022-12-27

    This sounds like an issue on the web application firewall; not with iTop itself.

  • maria de jesus montes

    Question, can this damage my database?

  • Jeffrey Bostoen

    Jeffrey Bostoen - 2022-12-27

    I think the web application firewall just blocks the request, so I don't think so.

  • Kirk Thompson

    Kirk Thompson - 2022-12-27

    the WAF sees the SELECT statement as a potential SQL injection attack and blocks it. Can this be done as a POST? (although still bad practice for apps to use SQL in GETS or POSTs). Ask your WAF admin if a policy exception can be made for your iTop intance.

  • Vincent @ Combodo

    The "SELECT" statement which is used, looks like SQL, but it is not, it is OQL. The statement passed cannot be anything else than a SELECT and only a single statement is allowed, then your OQL will be checked against user rights before being translated in SQL and executed.
    iTop never ever post or put in url any SQL statement.
    It's a false positive, pretty common.

  • Vincent @ Combodo

    To answer the dabase questiont: no, it cannot, those are SELECT statement which do nothing to the database. When writing to iTop, we don't use OQL, in fact there is no write statement in OQL, just read...


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