
iTonamaton / News: Recent posts


I made contact with Andy Rueder.
For those of you who don't know, Andy is the GNUStep developer who wrote netclasses, the base library that makes iTonamaton tick. netclasses handles all the interaction between IRC an iTonamaton.
Anyway this Andy Ruder is a very friendly and reasonable pserson so we have permission to do whatever with netclasses.
What is this "whatever" we plan to do with netclasses? My eventual plan is to compile netclasses into the iTonamaton framework. This way there will only be one framework you have to deal with to make iTonamaton work. So this is all very good news. I've also run into some oddities with netclasses that I should be able to fix having the code.
All-in-all this is good news.
Also if you'd like to see the status of the project, look in the Tasks section as well as the Bug Tracker. I'm trying more and more to make my progress as verbose as possible on this project site. On that same note, feel free to make feature requests in the tracker, or if you see a feature request you may want to take a whack at, let me know.
And last of all...
My last CVS commit makes the plugin API one step closer to completely done. I think there may be one or two minor things to implement, but for all intents and purposes the plugin API is done. I hope to document it for you all soon so you can get started writing those plugins.

Posted by Eric Reinecke 2003-12-04

iAlps: iTonamaton Automatic Log Parsing Script posted

Our good friend Paploo has submitted the lovely iAlps ruby-based parsing script to CVS. It can be found in plugins/iLog/iAlps.
We should all give Paploo a round of appluause, he wrote iAlps on my request, ignoring the million other ptojects on his plate. Currently the script is in a mostly working stage, though it has a few wrinkles to iron out before mass consumption. I forgive Paploo however, since I haven't moved logging out to a plugin yet.
Anyway all you ruby fans can take a look at his source now.

Posted by Eric Reinecke 2003-12-04

Cranking Along

Happy Turkey!
After many distractions we are nearly at a working iTonamaton release featuring the much touted plugin API. As of 18:05 PST The plugin API is functional as best I can tell. I just have to move the disabled stock functions of iTonamaton into plugins as necessary. Also in this release we will move iTonamaton's support files to /usr/local/iTonamaton, that's not done yet though.
My Girlfriend won't be visiting for two weeks, so I may be dedicating more time :) I'm excited to get some plugins written and hope everyone else feels the same. Also feel free to gratuitously use the trackers, I can always remove a request if I hate it :)
Keep plugging and bugging me in #itonamaton on

Posted by Eric Reinecke 2003-12-03