
ITLPoll System / News: Recent posts

Small update ITLPoll 3.2.5 is here

Hi everybody, this is just a small update of ITLPoll because its been a while since last update.

The changes are as follows :
1- IPv4 GeoIP database updated and IPv6 feature is added
2- Some style and css cleaning and improvement is made

The latest version can be always downloaded from below link :

Enjoy ;)

Posted by BahramBeigy 2013-10-07

ITLPoll 3.2.4 ready

Hi there, here is a minor update for ITLPoll version 3.2, changes are as follows :

1- Fixed paging feature in edit page of admin panel to be easily used
2- Added "Time ago" date format for latest participated voters in admin panel (using php-time-ago class :
3- Updated GeoIP database to latest (IPv4)
4- Added "Show Only Actived and Confirmed Polls" feature in edit page of admin panel... read more

Posted by BahramBeigy 2013-01-22

ITLPoll 3.2.3 update available

ITLPoll version 3.2 has a new update,
changes in this update :
1- Fixed lower and upper case bug in usernames
2- Fixed php embedding
3- Added Javascript Embedding
4- Updated GeoIP database to latest version

In this version you can simply add ITLPoll to your HTML pages using Javascript. your javascript code is something like this :
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="itlpoll_folder/include_itlpoll.php?js&width=600&height=700&scrollbars=yes"></script>... read more

Posted by BahramBeigy 2012-08-24

ITLPoll 3.2.2 update available

Since new version of modern web browsers like firefox won't allow us to open new customizable windows anymore, ITLPoll is using colorbox popup windows in this new update.
new windows in this version of ITLPoll will show like this :

you can get latest version from here : read more

Posted by BahramBeigy 2012-03-09

ITLPoll 3.2.1 update available

Just 2 small bugs fixed in this version :
1- Unkown IP flags fixed
2- Admin Session time reactivation fixed
(just "includes/functions.php" file has been changed)

ITLPoll 4 (new version) is currently under development and will be available to download as soon as possible.

Good Luck.

Posted by BahramBeigy 2011-09-13

ITLPoll 3.2.0 updated with new icon

ITLPoll 3.2.0 Final is updated with new icon and md5sum of file is changed.
No notable changes has been made in this version except new icon and some lines of codes.


Posted by BahramBeigy 2011-05-21


Hi every body,
ITLPoll has new icon which are designed by Ms Shojayei (
Many Thanks for her special gift to ITLPoll Project.

You can see new ITLPoll icon here :

This icon will be included in the next updated versions of ITLPoll.

Until then,
Good Luck.

Posted by BahramBeigy 2011-05-12

ITLPoll 3.2.0 Final is here

Hi there
Finally, ITLPoll version 3.2.0 Final is here and it's enough stable to publish on your website.
ITLPoll help is updated in the package.
And Turkish updated file added to package.

Download Link :

or get it from git repository.

You can Test it now :
and admin panel :
username: demo
password: demo read more

Posted by BahramBeigy 2011-04-29

ITLPoll 3.2.0 Beta is ready

here is the last version of ITLPoll ready for testing.

Changes in this version are :
1- A complete accounting system for voter users based on their emails ( to create private poll and surveys )
2- Basic changes in templates which <tables> tags are replaced by <div> to improve performance.
3- Better Compatibility with PHP 5.3 and higher (eregi functions are replaced by preg perl like functions )
4- Reviewed database structures and queries.
5- Added captcha and country IP detector by flags for having more controls on users.
6- Compatiblity with IE6+, Gecko, Opera and WebKit based browsers
7- Fixed admin(s) session reactivation time
8- Dropped German and Spanish languages (were old and translator didn't update their files)
9- ITLPoll Embed (include_itlpoll.php) only will work when one poll is active and voters accounting is disabled
10- Right to left template is updated and ready to use to RTL languages... read more

Posted by BahramBeigy 2011-04-23

ITLPoll Version 3.2.0 Alpha is here for test

Hi every body,
ITLPoll version 3.2.0 alpha is here for testing and it's completely EXPERIMENTAL and not tested completely.

Changes in this version :
1- A complete accounting system for voter users based on their emails ( to create private poll and surveys )
2- Basic changes in templates which <tables> tags are replaced by <div> to improve performance (IE browsers are not supported yet)
3- Better Compatibility with PHP 5.3 and higher (eregi functions are replaced by preg perl like functions )
4- Reviewed database structures and queries.
5- Added captcha and country IP detector by flags for having more controls on users.... read more

Posted by BahramBeigy 2011-04-11

Second updated version of ITLPoll version 3.1

ITLPoll version 3.1.2 is here.
Changes in this version :
1- Brute force attacks will partially prevented in admin(s) login section. (full prevention maybe in the next versions because it needs database changes).
2- unique column update integrated in one query ( was not working seperated on some MySQL servers )
3- Turkish language file added to ITLPoll main pack. ( Thanks to Yusuf Ziya GÜZEY )... read more

Posted by BahramBeigy 2011-02-01

ITLPoll version 3.1.1 is here

A small Christmas gift for ITLPoll users. first patch for ITLPoll 3.1 series is here. (3.1.1)

No database changes has been made in this version.
"Check Cookie" section in index.php of root folder fixed to not allow malicious users to send invalid choice selections.
And for this reason ITLPoll needs to use sessions in this file (index.php). so for including ITLPoll on your homepage you should use "session_start()" in the first line of your homepage.... read more

Posted by BahramBeigy 2010-12-15

ITLPoll Version 3.1.0 Final Released

Hi every body.
ITLPoll Version 3.1.0 Final "Dementor" is ready for download and testing.
After many test and beta versions, this is the final release of ITLPoll version 3.1.0 and is secure enough for installing on your server.

You can download this version form here :
Or simply go on official website and download it : read more

Posted by BahramBeigy 2010-09-19

ITLPoll 3.1.0 Beta2 is here

Hi again,
This version is really close to Final and stable version.
So you can test it now. but it still unstable and not ready for your main surveys.

You can get this version from git rep :
git clone git://

or simply download zip package from here : read more

Posted by BahramBeigy 2010-09-07

ITLPoll Version 3.1.0 Beta

ITLPoll Version 3.1 Releases Series has begun.
ITLPoll 3.1.0 Beta "Dementor" ( yeah I like Harry Potter very much ) Released. and It's ready for TESTING.
Please don't use this version on your website until FINAL version Release.
you can test this version here :

ITLPoll in this version is a Powerful and Complete SURVEY system.
Hurry up test it now.

Help of new features will be available in the final release.... read more

Posted by BahramBeigy 2010-07-25

Important notice about file permissions

Hello again,
In some servers because of high security, files having permission 777 (rwx for everyone) will not able to execute and you'll get 5XX error ( like 500 ! )
so, you can change all files permissions to 755 ( -rwxr-xr-x ) for runnig ITLPoll on such servers.
enter something like " chmod -R 777 * " in ITLPoll folder.

Good Luck

Posted by BahramBeigy 2010-07-03

ITLPoll Version 3.0.4 Released

Hi Every body ,
This this version contains very important patch for a "Session Hijack" bug in admin sessions.
please update to this version on your server for better security.

Changes :
1- Fix Session Hijack Problem in Admin sections
2- Added last_login column to users table
3- fixed some SQL and HTML mistakes.


Posted by BahramBeigy 2010-07-01

ITLPoll Version 3.0.3 Released

hello again.
Some changed has been made to this update of Version 3.0.
They are :
1- Compatibility with PHP 5.3.x ( Fixed depricated errors )
2- Remember latest admins positions for logging again
3- Better template styles for agents ! ( like google :D )
4- Styles Full Complatibility with IE ( Internet Explporer 6.0 or higher ) now

and Happy Norouz to all people of world ! ( specially Iranians )

Posted by BahramBeigy 2010-03-17

ITLPoll.CoM is online now

Hi Every body
After a free day , I created a simple website for support people who are using ITLPoll.
so here it is :
and for support go on :

thanks, bahrambeigy

Posted by BahramBeigy 2010-02-10

ITLPoll Version 3.0.2 Released

Hi every body
I got free time after the term, and here it is the ITLPoll 3.0.2 with very new features.
basic changes on this version :
1- Enable Multiple Choice Selection for each poll
2- Reactive peoples chance to participate in new poll ( using cookies )
3- Added a column (multiple) to poll table ( so you need to upgrade database too )
4- Better Script for including ITLPoll on your homepage (include_itlpoll.php)

Posted by BahramBeigy 2010-01-28

ITLPoll Version 3.0.1 Released

Hi every body
I got some free time this weekend and made some changes to ITLPollV3.0.0 and here it is the new update ITLPoll Version 3.0.1 . good luck

Posted by BahramBeigy 2009-09-25

ITLPoll Version 3.0.0 Final Released

Hi every body - some fixing on the final release of 3.0.0 : Fix User passwords reset - Fix charts calculations - and add check new version function to admin panel - Good Luck !

Posted by BahramBeigy 2009-09-02

ITLPoll Joined Trilex Labs

Special Thanks to Trilex Inc and their admin ( Mat ) !
ITLPoll is a part of Trilex Labs and demo , tests and develop will be on their server.
and you can test latest version here :


Posted by BahramBeigy 2009-08-08

ITLPoll Version 3.0.0 Beta Released

Hi Everyone!
Some Logical and Security Tests made in the new version.
Platforms : Windows , Linux -
Browsers : Firefox 3.x ( or higher ) , IE ( 6.0 or higher ) , Opera ( 9.x or higher ).
also Spanish and German Translations added to system. thanks to Kris and Eddie! and Check cookies added to system.
thanks - BahramBeigy

Posted by BahramBeigy 2009-07-26

ITLPoll Version 3.0.0 Alpha Released

Hi Every Body !
A Very Special gift from ITLPoll project : ITLPoll 3
3D Result Using 3D Pie and 3D bar Graphs
Adding Users and Groups system to Control Permissions and users.

Please don't use this alpha version in your website!
just test it on local !

Please send me logical and syntax error !

thanks again
the Programmer!

Posted by BahramBeigy 2009-07-15