
#48 Hot key to interpolate the active label


Hi! I'm using ITK-SNAP to manually label individual nuclei in whole brain micrographs of zebrafish larvae. These are training datasets for machine learning algorithms - and I typically need to annotate ~1,000 individual nuclei. Each ROI is small and rather quick to label, ~30 seconds each. In most cases, the nuclei conform to a predictable shape - a small perturbation away from an ellipse in 3D. They are regular enough that the label interpolation function is often useful: I can annotate the top slice of the nucleus, scroll a few slices down and annotate, and repeat - perhaps only requiring annotation on 3-4 out of ~10 of the slices that contain the nucleus. I do not use this function however because it requires that I change window focus to the interpolate labels window, click the interpolate labels button, then change focus back to the viewer, which takes about as much time as just annotating all the slices anyway. A hotkey for "interpolate the current label only" would really speed up my workflow.


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