
Issue Tracker / News: Recent posts

Issue-Tracker 4.0.4

Issue-Tracker 4.0.4 is now available for download from the main website This release fixes many of the bugs found in 4.0.3 and it is recommended that anyone using 4.0.3 upgrade to this release. For those running releases older than 4.0.3 you will still need to convert your database to the 4.0.3 format before upgrading to 4.0.4.

Posted by Edwin Robertson 2004-12-13

Issue-Tracker 4.0.3

This is yet another bug fix release to correct some of the issues caused by the fixes in 4.0.2. Please see the changelog for a list of bug fixes in this release.

Posted by Edwin Robertson 2004-02-26

Issue-Tracker 4.0.2

Issue-Tracker 4.0.2 is now available. This is a bug fix release and does not include the new functionality discussed on the forums such as translation. Please see docs/CHANGELOG for a list of the changes in this relase.

Posted by Edwin Robertson 2004-01-31

Conversion Scripts

Conversion scripts to convert a Issue-Tracker v3 database to the new v4 format are now available. If you download a version of the scripts prior to today and are having problems converting the tickets table, please redownload the scripts.

Posted by Edwin Robertson 2003-10-11

Issue-Tracker 4.0.1 Released

Issue-Tracker 4.0.1 is now available. This release is just a small bug fix release that fixes a couple of the annoying bugs that I missed in the 4.0 release, including removal of the checks for the old css/template files and defining of the _URL_ constant for servers that do not have the SCRIPT_URI variable. This release also fixes an issue where users could search issues in groups that they did not belong to. If for some reason the sourceforge mirror which you connect to does not have the 4.0.1 files you can also download them from

Posted by Edwin Robertson 2003-10-09

Issue-Tracker 4.0 Released

Issue-Tracker 4.0 is now available. This release is a major step forward from the old 3.0.1 release and includes many bug fixes and new features that everyone has been asking for the past months. A couple of these features are grouping of groups, MySQL support, better email parsing, and much more. See the changelog for a longer list of changes between the 3.0.1 release and the new 4.0.

Posted by Edwin Robertson 2003-10-08


For those of you that would like to show your generosity, I have added a link to the Issue-Tracker home page to make donations to the project through paypal. Since I am still lacking in the employment department, any and all donations are very much appreciated.

Posted by Edwin Robertson 2003-09-29

Issue-Tracker v4RC3

Ok, I just posted v4RC3, which will hopefully be the last release before v4 gets released as stable. Those of you running RC1 and RC2 please upgrade and let me know any of any bugs you find. Here is a list of some of the things fixed/changed in RC3:

- Fixed problem with private issues not showing up as private
- Fixed multiple issues with email parsing
- Added functionality for attachment parsing
- Fixed multiple issues with file uploads and downloads including path issues
- Correct issue where some images would not display when viewing Issue-Tracker through Internet Explorer
- Added basic timezone support, times should now display according to your timezone (as reported by your browser)
- Fixed a couple of report queries which were returning incorrect results
- Correction to search queries for user and group lists
- Fixed infinite loops when using sub-groups, please let me know if any of you still run across this problem
- Fixed display of usernames in events and notifications
- Corrected javascript errors on page load
- Changed the way user preferences are store to make it easier to add new preferences without having to modify the table structure
- Fixed issue where severity could not be changed after issue creation
- Fixed issue where severity would not be selected correctly when set to High (2)
- Added support for user registration (configurable through conf/config.php)
- Corrected issue where sorting would not work correctly on issue listings when using sub-groups

Posted by Edwin Robertson 2003-09-27

Site Revamped

I finally went ahead and redid the homepage for the project. It's still pretty simple but better than what it was :).

Posted by Edwin Robertson 2003-09-21

Issue-Tracker v4RC2

Ok, RC2 of Issue-Tracker v4 is released. Test it, break it, report the bugs.

Posted by Edwin Robertson 2003-09-04

Steve Taylor

Steve Taylor (chatak), a good friend and maintainer of the Red Hat version of Issue-Tracker, passed away yesterday morning (6/17/2003). Steve was the only other active developer on the project and will be deeply missed.

Posted by Edwin Robertson 2003-06-18

New docs posted

The html user's guide, with screenshots is posted in files section. It's also in cvs.

The admin quickstart for setting up issue-tracker is in the docs section.

Posted by Jeremy Hogan 2003-03-05

Debug code was left in.

I forgot a small piece of debug code that prevents emails from being sent out properly. Anything that would spawn an email event would be mailed to my account. I have fixed that and uploaded version 3.0.1 wich would take care of that.

You can also look in the core directory for the dbi.core.php file and remove the line containing my email address to fix it also.

$addr = ""... read more

Posted by Steven G. Taylor 2003-03-04

Posted missing core/

Posted new release and checked in core/ directory, accidently left out of initial check in. Anyone grabbing release or checking out of cvs before 3/1/2003 will want to grab new files.

Posted by Jeremy Hogan 2003-03-01