
Beta Release

A Beta release is currently in the works. By the time I get to developing the Beta, Campaign mode will most likely be a priority, since multi-player will be completed by then.

WHEN the Beta release will come out, I don't know. Hopefully, an Alpha version will be out by August 2011, after it's latest debute at LibertyCon near Chattanooga, TN. It all depends on when I can get more people on board to help with thee development.

The Alpha will come out as soon as I get the weapon modeling completed, as well as player animations and new maps. Bug fixes have become a priority as I can't upgrade something that has a bunch of bugs. And most of the MAJOR bugs have already been taken care of, the rest will be taken care of by the Beta 1 release of the game.

Untill then I will continue work on the Pre-Alpha. Version 1.3.8 is soon to be out in the next few months, with new weapon models, along with numberous HUD upgrades and tweaks, as well as the ability to toggle the game to pause when any menu is displayed (that is if there are not any other human players).

You can see any major updates for future release in Iron Fist's summary page under "features".

Posted by Leviscus Tempris 2011-02-08

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