
any tips to getting this running?

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  • Dan

    Dan - 2010-03-10

    Yes, I agree. It would be nice to have a seperate config file for both the CWID and also for the timers for hangtime, timeout etc. But hey the software is provided for us for free and it must have taken considerable time to write it. I appreciate it all the same, I don't have a heck of alot of $$ anymore, and this software helps out immensely. I might try to contribute in some way by writing a howto at least for my application on my website seeings as there are no official docs for the IRLP-Repeater project.


  • Dan

    Dan - 2010-03-12

    I was looking through the system files and came across this /home/irlp-repeater/script/callsign
    It is Robert Pectols CWID script. I've edited it to try to lower volume and change the pitch, doesn't seem to do anything with volume or pitch. I know the *new* script Rob has you can change volume, pitch and it has an adjustable timer. I've been through quite a bit of system files to try to find the CWID timer file for the IRLP-repeater software. There must be some sort of cronjob for a timer?

  • w7boz

    w7boz - 2011-05-17

    IS this group still active? I need some serious help on how to install this. I can not find any documents or how to even get started. Help please.

  • w7boz

    w7boz - 2011-05-17

    IS this group still active? I need some serious help on how to install this. I can not find any documents or how to even get started. Help please.

  • AJ Ragusa

    AJ Ragusa - 2011-05-17

    Hi, yes this is still supported/active.  I have a repeater/node running this.

    There use to be a README file, but I'm not sure where it went.

    The jist is create a controller user, in the controller home directory put the svn checkout/tar file you need gcc installed.  I believe there is a makefile, so type make, and it should compile… at that point there is an init script run it, and it should start up… hopefully….

  • w7boz

    w7boz - 2011-05-18

    Ok…. So let me start out here. :) I am very new to Linux. Used GUI Linux, but not a command prompt person. I barely know how to install CentOS on the machine, keep it running, and install/config some scripts. I use Putty and WinSCP for most of my interface. So, with that said….. I would like to run my repeater, 2 Motorola GM300s' from software. I am also trying to find what type of interface I need to do this. Like what AUX port to where etc… I have no hardware repeater controller, and running simplex untill I can figure this out. So, with that said….. Can anyone help me :)
    Thanks, Kevin

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