
Tree [af2050] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 Properties 2014-11-19 Rex Black Rex Black [af2050] Initial commit
 bin 2014-11-19 Rex Black Rex Black [af2050] Initial commit
 BotMain.cs 2014-11-19 Rex Black Rex Black [af2050] Initial commit
 IRCBotLib.csproj 2014-11-19 Rex Black Rex Black [af2050] Initial commit
 IRCMessage.cs 2014-11-19 Rex Black Rex Black [af2050] Initial commit
 readme.txt 2014-11-19 Rex Black Rex Black [af2050] Initial commit

Read Me

IRCBotLib by Cliffordex

This library provided under license:
Attribution and ShareAlike

Code steps:
1. Construct
2. Set Name, _pass (if applicable)
3. Add ToJoin channel(s)
4. Add EventHandlers 
5. RunBot(ServerAddress)


static void Main()
  IRCBot Bot = new IRCBot(){ Name = "Botty" }; // Construct and set name
  Bot.OnPMed += Bot_OnPMed; // Add EventHandler(s)
  Bot.ToJoin.Add("#Bots"); // Add channel(s) to join
  Bot.RunBot(""); // Start Loop