
ipmiutil-3.0.9 has been released

The ipmituil-3.0.9 release has been posted to
See for binaries and documentation.

03/26/2018 ARCress ipmiutil-3.0.9 changes (iver 3.09)
doc/ipmiutil.spec - handle fc25/fc28 BuildRequires qrencode-libs,
include gcc gcc-c++ BuildRequires for all
util/ipmiutil.c,ifruset.c,iseltime.c,... - use global progver
util/oem_lenovo.c - handle sensor type 0x17 (RSA II, Mem1) for SFBug#31,
add get_ibm_event for some IBM OEM events
util/ievents.c - fixed (data1 & 0x0f) for BIOS POST events

Posted by Andy Cress 2018-03-26

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