
Invocation Programming Language / News: Recent posts

ipl: 1.0.2 now available

Development environment for Karl Fant's Invocation Programming Language described in "Computer Science Reconsidered" (Wiley, 2007)

ipl-1.0.2 is now available. This includes two new example program: lwarp.ipd and iterator.ipd. Read the new HOW-TO to learn how to write your own ipl programs.

Posted by Scott Johnston 2008-07-09

ipl-1.0.1 now available

The first public release of ipl (the Invocation Programming Language) is now available. This a development environment and testbed for the concurrent programming language described in Karl Fant's book "Computer Science Reconsidered: The Invocation Model of Process Expression" (Wiley-Interscience, 2007). Requires ivtools-1.2.5 (

Posted by Scott Johnston 2008-03-05