
UDP bounceback option

  • Andreas

    Andreas - 2024-02-21

    Version 2.1.8 provided initial support for bounceback, and it was feasible to execute a UDP mode operation which appeared to function correctly when the client and server were operating on the same host. This suggests that there was an initial effort to support this combination. However, in version 2.1.9, there is an error message stating, "ERROR: option of -X or --bounceback not supported with -u UDP."

    Given this observation, are there plans to provide support for UDP bounceback in the near future?

    • Robert McMahon

      Robert McMahon - 2024-02-22

      probably will do this. Not sure the time frame. There are some other UDP requests in the pipeline too.

  • Andreas

    Andreas - 2024-02-23

    Sounds great! Is it worth creating a ticket for this?

    • Robert McMahon

      Robert McMahon - 2024-02-23

      yes, tickets are good


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