
Fatal error after installation

  • myeviltwin

    myeviltwin - 2011-06-28


    unfortunately there are no docs inside the zip file. So i tried my best. I used both install scripts, for the forums and for the wiki. I run IP.Board 3.1.4 and Mediawiki something.17 (the most recent one).

    After installing everything, i cannot access my media wiki install anymore. I get this error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined method User_Orig::User_Orig() in /www/xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx/wiki/includes/User.php on line 3884

    Also, it wasn't possible to install the Forum App with the packet manager, so i ran the script from web. This worked fine but i can't find or access any settings for the app inside the acp. Where do i have to look?

    Can you help me, please? I think you application would be exactly what i was searching for sooo long, i really hope i can get it working.

    Thank you very much in advance,

    best regards!

  • myeviltwin

    myeviltwin - 2011-06-30

    Yeah, thanks, i found them yesterday :-)

    I think i did everything right, but still getting the error. Any Idea?

  • Peter Newman

    Peter Newman - 2011-06-30

    Given there are two of you having issues, either the installer has broken, or something changed in MW 1.17, in fact from a quick glance it looks like the MW 1.17 Users.php file is bigger, so its probably related to this and/or the installer not working properly against this new file. Personally I've only used it against 1.16 in the past. I'm going to try a test against 1.17 and try and get to the bottom of it, but I haven't had a chance yet.

    As to where the settings are in the IPB ACP, there should be a "My Apps" tab, clicking on that will reveal an IpbWiki option and the settings are all there.

    Thanks for posting the error too, that should help diagnose things.

  • Peter Newman

    Peter Newman - 2011-06-30

    Right I've just done a quick and dubious test, grabbing the 1.17.0 version of User.php from the MediaWiki SVN, patching it with the IpbWiki installer, and I indeed get the same error as both of you. A quick bit of investigation suggests if you change line 3884 to this:

    return parent::__construct();

    It then at least bypasses that error. At that point I get an error about cookies in the log, but that's because I've only updated that one file, not the entire MW install yet. So if you're feeling brave, you could try that change. It might work, it might just throw up another error/difference in MW 1.17, it might set fire to your machine and eat all your databases, so take some decent backups first. :) But it might possibly get you going again before I get a chance to do a proper MW 1.17 install and work through that and any other issues.

  • myeviltwin

    myeviltwin - 2011-07-01

    It works! I'm happy!

    The App also appeared in the ACP when rebuilt all the caches… So i guess it's working just fine!

    Just have this one error in the ACP:
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx/chamaeleon/xxx/admin/applications_addon/other/ipbwiki/skin_cp/cp_skin_ipbwiki.php on line 42

    But it's all working fine as far as i can see, so:

  • Peter Newman

    Peter Newman - 2011-07-01

    Ah, I think I made a note of needing to rebuild somewhere, perhaps at the end of the IPB installer, will add it to the docs too. It's due to the historic way the installer works, to behave the same across all IPB versions.

    Out of interest how much testing have you done? A reasonable selection of the features working, moving between the two etc, or just proving the wiki displayed again? I'll try and integrate that fix into the installer anyway.

    More of my dubious PHP coding and insufficient testing/not looking at the error log, I'm more of a Perl man really, hopefully I'm not giving the project a bad name. Anyway if you change the $hidden = NULL bit of line 28 of cp_skin_ipbwiki.php to read $hidden = array(), then that error should go away.

    Homya I'm assuming this should fix your issues too, but let us know if it doesn't.

  • myeviltwin

    myeviltwin - 2011-07-02

    I tested most functions. Single sign on works fine, template sharing works fine, editing and user rights works fine… I'm pretty happy!
    I'm having some trouble with tags like <pipe-separator> not getting parsed and destroying my layout, but that's a mediawiki problem i already had before and just can't get solved.

    Thanks a lot again, i've waited for something like this for 5 years! :-)

  • myeviltwin

    myeviltwin - 2011-07-02

    The only issue i found so far is the hardcoded template paths (localhost), but that's no hassle to fix :-)


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