Citadel - 2014-09-22

Just doing a install of ipbwiki (ipbwiki_for_ipb30) latest version as of 09/21/2014 and ran into a issue. This is on IPB forum 3.4.6.

I start the install and run into the famous IPB "Driver Error" screen. After looking in sql_error_latest.cgi I see the following:

Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 00:14:43 +0000
Error: 1054 - Unknown column 'sys_module_parent' in 'field list'
IP Address: .*.. - /forums/ipbwiki_setup.php?act=check_entries

mySQL query error: INSERT INTO core_sys_module (sys_module_id, sys_module_title, sys_module_application, sys_module_key, sys_module_description, sys_module_version, sys_module_parent, sys_module_protected, sys_module_visible, sys_module_tables, sys_module_hooks, sys_module_position, sys_module_admin) VALUES (46, 'IpbWiki', 'ipbwiki', 'ipbwiki', 'IpbWiki: Integration of Invision Power Board and MediaWiki', '2.2.4', '', 0, 1, '', '', 0, 1)
| File | Function | Line No. |
| ipbwiki_setup.php | [ipbwiki_db].query | 581 |
| ipbwiki_setup.php | [ipbwiki_setup].check_entries | 42 |
| ipbwiki_setup.php | [ipbwiki_setup].ipbwiki_setup | 1226 |

Feels like a permission thing to me but not sure how to fix it as I see nowhere to actually input anything.

Also in IPB admin > Manage applications and modules I see IPNwiki listed but also an error next to it that says "This application cannot be installed. Is it in the correct directory? You cannot install third party applications into the IPS directory or vice-versa."

Which i don't quite understand as the install instructions say "Step 1: upload all the files which are in the upload directory to your forum directory."

So a little guidance is needed :)