

  • balerion

    balerion - 2011-06-03

    Great that this has become an open source project! Thanks to Peter for opensourcing it.

    Now, it's been a long time since I upgraded… are there any instructions for it available? And is this IPB3.0 wiki package updated to any degree beyond what Peter had put up? Pretty sure I had used his last update.

  • Peter Newman

    Peter Newman - 2011-06-03

    There are instructions within the zip file. I'd done various fixes, particularly to the ACP sections, which are in Subversion but I'm not sure they're all in the release zip yet. You could grab the stuff directly from Subversion, but Peter has a confusing but sensible layout, so perhaps better to wait for a new release; I should be able to put one together soon if Peter doesn't beat me to it.

    I've also got some new interesting bits and tweaks coming shortly, they just need a bit of finishing and testing.

  • balerion

    balerion - 2011-06-04

    Terrific. Many thanks!

  • david2323

    david2323 - 2011-06-05

    Hi Peter, and thanks for what seems to me a very nice and amazing idea.

    I'm new to IPB and wiki, and i have a question.
    This project is new, is solid? I 'd like to know: i want to transfer my community to IPB and i was searching for wiki integration: yours seems perfect.
    Do you really think that in future it will be upgradated?

    thanks for the help and if i'll move to ipbwiki, belive me, i'll help the project with my bug reports… :)

  • EngineeringGuy

    EngineeringGuy - 2011-06-05

    Instructions are simple.  Upload the files in the folders into the appropriately named folders on your server.  Run the setup scripts located in the root directory of your wiki installation and the root directory of your board. 

  • Peter Newman

    Peter Newman - 2011-06-05

    I'm running it happily on IPB3.1.something and MediaWiki 1.16. As a satisfied former customer, its been great for us, so I'm really pleased the project is now open source and we can all share our improvements. To possibly remove some confusion, I'm not Peter De Decker who started the project, but another Peter, but even if he doesn't I'll continue to update it as necessary, because our forum makes use of it. I've already done a number of fixes and additions which are making their way into the Subversion repository and hopefully into a release soon.


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