
IPB-Wiki Authenatication

  • balerion

    balerion - 2011-06-06

    If all I wanted to use in the IPB Wiki bridge was the shared login - so that members of the forum can be logged into the wiki - would it be enough to just include the authplugin.php and $wgAuth in the file? Or is ipbwiki_interface also needed?

  • balerion

    balerion - 2011-06-07

    Just to update, decided to comment out both…

    And noticed something interesting. The number of visitors IPB reported at the bottom of the board, often at 1400-1600, plummeted by about half. Did the bridge actually trick IPB into thinking there were more visitors than actually present, each visitor to the wiki being considered a visitor to the forum? Did this mean extra SQL queries being spun out for those non-existent visitors?

  • Peter De Decker

    Peter De Decker - 2011-06-08

    it's one of the features of ipbwiki that the location of the user @ wiki-side is also added to current list of visitors (including url of the location), it can be turned off in the options

  • EngineeringGuy

    EngineeringGuy - 2011-06-08

    It has to be turned off in the IPB admin panel, though.  From what I understand the last release doesn't support this function. 

  • balerion

    balerion - 2011-06-09

    Is there any way to switch this off via a file or a database setting being modified?

  • balerion

    balerion - 2011-06-26

    Just to bump this. As the show our site is in part devoted to just finished its season, traffic has slowly tailed down and we figured we could turn authentication back on. However, load still spikes due to the traffic level that the wiki is getting.

    We're hoping that it's just the feature that shows visitors to the wiki on the forum's visitor list, so we would really like to know where we can manually disable that feature, given that the ACP for IPB-Wiki is not yet functioning properly. Is it in a database setting, is it in a config file? A pointer would be really appreciated! The IPBWiki authentication feature was basically the only feature we use.



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