
Version for IPB 3.1.x

  • david2323

    david2323 - 2011-06-05

    Does the version actually provided work with IPB 3.1.x?

  • EngineeringGuy

    EngineeringGuy - 2011-06-05

    I am running latest version of Mediawiki and 3.1.4.  I get an error when trying to access IPB wiki through the ACP on IPB. 

  • Peter Newman

    Peter Newman - 2011-06-05

    Having just done an install on a test forum (not entirely clean, but I'd used the IPB remove option for the application. Anyway I then got that message, ran the ipbwiki_setup.php in the forum root, and did that config, then did a "recache apps and modules", which made the message go away.

    I think its probably because it doesn't currently install via the official IPB installer, something I'd hope could perhaps be resolved, or both methods could be used in parallel, but there may be some historical reason I'm not aware of why this hasn't been done.

    David, as I've just posted in the other topic, I'm running it happily on IPB3.1.something and MediaWiki 1.16.

  • EngineeringGuy

    EngineeringGuy - 2011-06-06

    Awesome.  I'm on a clean install as well.  I got the message to go away and it now shows under 'My Apps.'  Though when I select it, I get an Error:  Could not locate template: cp_skin_ipbwiki

  • EngineeringGuy

    EngineeringGuy - 2011-06-06

    oops.  I will see what happens.  Thanks for the help.

  • Peter De Decker

    Peter De Decker - 2011-06-06

    I think we probably should make a seperate release zip file for the ipb 3.1 version as there are some minor differences between ipb 3.0 and ipb 3.1. I wonder whether there are still people running on ipb 3.0 though?

    The fact that ipbwiki supports several versions of ipb is one of it's strengths but also makes changing sth a bit harder because you need to think where you want to put your modifications (ie does it apply to version X.X of ipb). It's apparently also a bit of a pain to create the several releases as the release batch is apparently confusing to others, so perhaps that should be revised.

    It might be easier if we only provide support for the major versions of ipb being:
    IpbWiki for Ipb 1.3.1
    Ipbwiki for Ipb 2.0 (= last free version of ipb)
    IpbWiki for Ipb 2.3
    IpbWiki for Ipb 3.1

    Or even altogether drop support for older versions of ipb and just focus on the latest version of all the software packages…

    I guess time will tell where the community will take IpbWiki, that's the beauty of an open source application… Power to the people :)

    Peter De Decker.

  • Greg185

    Greg185 - 2011-06-09

    I already had a working Wiki and ipbwiki intergration, but after upgrading the forum to IPB 3.1.4 the Wiki shows the following driver error

    mySQL query error: SELECT conf_value FROM ibf_conf_settings c WHERE conf_key ='cookie_domain'
    SQL error: Table 'ibf_conf_settings' doesn't exist
    SQL error code: 1146

    Removing the ipbwiki code from localsettings.php comes back with this:

    A database error has occurred
    Query: SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'deps' LIMIT 1
    Function: LCStore_DB::get
    Error: 1146 Table 'DB_wiki.l10n_cache' doesn't exist (localhost)

    I tried upgrading the mediawiki but of course it wouldn't let me, I was in chats with a few people over on the ipbwiki forums (which of course are not around now!) who had working wikis with 3.1.4, I have done a fresh install of mediawiki 1.16 which went fine, and am in the process of testing it's integration with the ipbwiki core and interface and the ACP on a test forum, I can get a fresh install working and inegrated with a 3.1.4 forum, but what about getting the 'old' wiki working again, would it be a case of copying over the database tables/files, It's annoying that during sorting this out and chatting with people who had it working over on the forums it's now closed down and gone onto here!
    One of the userrs was a guy called "blueroom", but a few of you seem to have got it working, so any tips?!!

    Cheers in advance

  • Peter Newman

    Peter Newman - 2011-06-09

    Peter, I'm surprised to hear there are differences between IPB3 and 3.1, I certainly wasn't aware of any, mind you, we went from 2.something to 3.1.4. Presumably until someone is trying to use it on IPB3 and it isn't working, we could just have one distro for that version, but with your code layout, it should be very easy to split it off when they diverge, or for 3.2 at least.

    I guess there might be people on 3.0 still, we weren't quick to upgrade, and just jumped to the available release, we might stay here for a while now. As to the batch file being confusing, it makes sense after your explanation, it was just when I first looked it took a bit of getting my head around, especially not having seen the file, just the folder structure.

    I imagine the system should still work fairly well, I'd think most people will be developing for the newer/newest version, with perhaps a few still working on IPB2, so you don't really need to kill off the others, but if people want, and still use an older one, there isn't anything to stop them backporting improvements down to IPB2 etc. Certainly personally I'll only be working on IPB3 stuff I imagine.

    I wonder if there will start to be issues with different Wiki versions and supporting them, or if that can still be handled with a bit of logic as necessary, I guess the structure has changed less than IPB at least.

  • Peter Newman

    Peter Newman - 2011-06-09

    Greg, I'm the person who was blueroom on the old forum. Have you got PHPMyAdmin access to the database or similar? Have you tried rerunning both the IPBWiki forum and wiki interface installers? All the errors seem to suggest tables missing, which I'd imagine are to do with upgrade issues of some sort, I think the IPBWiki installer for the wiki tweaks a few files, but it looks like its trying to load stuff that doesn't exist.

    This might help,, I think re-reading it I hit it myself, and then following that, including setting the relevant user details in AdminSettings.php on the wiki, I was then able to get it run up and working.

    I'd certainly try fixing the wiki faults standalone first, and then getting the bridge working. It will also avoid trying to migrate stuff from another wiki DB, which I think would be a challenge at best.

  • Greg185

    Greg185 - 2011-06-09

    Oh, cool, I got a pm from you and then of course I can't read it now LOL!

    Hi, Yes I have full access to the server, so can do phypmyadmin aswell as ssh etc etc..
    No I haven't tried re-running the core and interface installers, they need need upgrading anyway, but wanted to upgrade mediawiki first, but that didn't work (I figured out the second error i listed above is related to the later 1.16 mediawiki) which is why that table isn't there in the older versions, need to remove all the new files as the upgrade didn't work, and looks like it's got files looking for things that are not in the database,
    I will re-run the installers and see what happens.

    But as you say, I would prefer to get the wiki working just as the mediawiki part ideally, but having installed the core and interface and it was all working prior to upgrading to 3.1.4, there is a lot of stuff going on that I now can't access/change, as nothing appears in the ACP to be able to change settings or disbale the bridge etc..
    Which is why I tied removing the auto input code from the ipbwiki in localsetings.php, of course there is ipbwiki_config and ipbwiki_interface aswell.

    What steps did you take after upgrading the forum to 3.1.4 and then seeing the wiki was not working, what errors etc did you see after upgrading the forum on the wiki?
    did you just re-run the core and interface installers?

    Looking at that link, it seems to be going on about doing the upgrade via SSH and not via web, which I did as per instructions on mediawiki wiki, but it came back with error as it does when trying to view the wiki, and wouldn't upgrade it.

  • Peter Newman

    Peter Newman - 2011-06-09

    I don't think the PM said anything particularly useful.

    From the depths of my Subversion repo, I've found a revision which I annotated as fix up IPBWiki code so we can run the maintenance upgrade script. The change was to make lines 22-26 of wiki/ipbwiki_interface.php read as follows:

    // for mediawiki 1.13+
    if (file_exists(IPBWIKI_ROOT.'includes/normal/UtfNormalUtil.php')) 

    Which was just adding the IPBWIKI_ROOT constant at the start of the path. I think this was enough to get it working for me and IIRC I then ran the upgrade script in maintenance via SSH.

  • Greg185

    Greg185 - 2011-06-09

    Well I have the Wiki itself working now (just removed the code that the ipbwiki inserts into localsettings.php), I will now try and upgrade mediawiki - now it's working, I think it wouldn't upgrade before due to the error caused by the ipbwiki files.
    Just to confirm, once the latest version of the ipbwiki core and interface files are upgraded, what edits/tweaks to files/settings need to be done in order for users to be able edit pages etc.. as normal, as I know this can't be done via the ACP

    Is there any differences with the latest ipbwiki core file available for download on here, compared to what was available on the old ipbwiki forum?

  • Greg185

    Greg185 - 2011-06-10


    Finally managed to upgrade the 'live' wiki to the latest mediawiki version, would not work via SSH, had to do it via the browser method in the end, various problems encountered, but got there in the end!

    Have just installed the latest core and interface files from here onto a test forum/wiki and they both installed ok, had the same problem as the guy above with the missing cp_skin_ipbwiki though, but I had to create the folder skin_cp to put it in!

    I can now see ipbwiki under 'my apps', but have the following error when clicking some of the links down the left:

    Warning: Missing argument 6 for cp_skin_ipbwiki::setupForm(), called in /home/xxxx/public_htmlxxxx/admin/applications_addon/other/ipbwiki/modules_admin/ipbwiki/ipbwiki.php on line 739 and defined in /home/xxxx/public_html/xxxx/admin/applications_addon/other/ipbwiki/skin_cp/cp_skin_ipbwiki.php on line 27
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/xxxx/public_html/ipboard_test/admin/applications_addon/other/ipbwiki/skin_cp/cp_skin_ipbwiki.php on line 41

    Looks like it's working though, it certainly is logging me into the wiki when coming from the test forum etc..
    are there any other tweaks, edits to do?
    Will be giving it a thorough testing before I do this to the 'live' forum & wiki.

    Good job on the edits to the files Guys, looks like it's pretty much there for 3.1.x, considering version 3.2 is around the corner (typical), but hopefully that will not mean as much work as it has been to get it to work with 3.1.4 as it was major changes!

  • Greg185

    Greg185 - 2011-06-13

    Ading that ipbwiki.php page is causing this error now:

    Warning: Missing argument 6 for cp_skin_ipbwiki::setupForm(), called in /home/xxx/public_html/ipboard_test/admin/applications_addon/other/ipbwiki/modules_admin/ipbwiki/ipbwiki.php on line 742 and defined in /home/xxxx/public_html/ipboard_test/admin/applications_addon/other/ipbwiki/skin_cp/cp_skin_ipbwiki.php on line 27
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/xxxx/public_html/ipboard_test/admin/applications_addon/other/ipbwiki/skin_cp/cp_skin_ipbwiki.php on line 41
  • Greg185

    Greg185 - 2011-06-13

    during installation of ipbwiki_interface, this error comes up immediately:

    Unable to insert user_group - MySQL Error: Duplicate entry '8711- Member' for key 'PRIMARY'

    Appending IpbWiki processing to LocalSettings.php…
    Enlarge member group storage..

    Now, bearing in mind this is a forum that had the wiki/ipbwiki already installed but not working due to forum upgrade, would it be prudent to drop all the ipbwiki tables from that forum database so the interface installation can create new ones?

  • Peter Newman

    Peter Newman - 2011-06-14

    Sorry a silly mistake on my part, combined with not realising you were only seeing the errors in the log not on the page for your first question. Anyway now solved, if you grab the latest cp_skin_ipbwiki.php those errors should go away.

    Not seen that SQL error myself, but yes a rename (to _old or something) or drop (depending on if its a test or live system) and try installing again sounds sensible.


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