
Updated to mysql 5.6 now have errors

  • Greg185

    Greg185 - 2015-05-29

    Hi All

    I have updated my server software to mysql 5.6 & php 5.5+ but now the wiki has the following errors:

    Strict Standards: Declaration of AuthPlugin_ipbwiki::modifyUITemplate() should be compatible with AuthPlugin::modifyUITemplate(&$template, &$type) in /home//public_html/wiki/extensions/ipbwiki/ipbwiki_authplugin.php on line 17

    Strict Standards: Declaration of AuthPlugin_ipbwiki::addUser() should be compatible with AuthPlugin::addUser($user, $password, $email = '', $realname = '') in /home//public_html/wiki/extensions/ipbwiki/ipbwiki_authplugin.php on line 17

    Strict Standards: Declaration of AuthPlugin_ipbwiki::initUser() should be compatible with AuthPlugin::initUser(&$user, $autocreate = false) in /home//public_html/wiki/extensions/ipbwiki/ipbwiki_authplugin.php on line 17

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home//public_html/wiki/extensions/ipbwiki/ipbwiki_authplugin.php:17) in /home/greg/public_html/wiki/includes/WebResponse.php on line 48


    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home//public_html/wiki/extensions/ipbwiki/ipbwiki_authplugin.php:17) in /home/greg/public_html/wiki/includes/WebResponse.php on line 16


    I have updated to mediawiki 1.18.6 (which installed with errors) then 1.19.24 on a test forum/wiki also updated ipbwiki to 2.2.5 although the version it shows is 2.2.4 and still same errors.
    forum version is 3.4.7 and wiki was working fine with mediawiki 1.16.5 and ipbwiki 2.2.3 on live forum.
    I have even tried a fresh install of a wiki using mediawiki 1.19.24 & ipbwiki 2.2.5 which says its for mysql 5.5+ but as i say when downloaded and installed it actually shows version 2.2.4 but seems to have the ENGINE rather than TYPE updates.

    I have looked around the forum and see that some users have just used newer ipbwiki_interface and authplugin files but assume these are now in the latest ipbwiki.

    so any help on what the issue is, not only is live wiki and test wikis showing these errors but even a fresh install which i thought using latest ipbwiki files would then work?

  • Geonode

    Geonode - 2015-05-29

    wasnt vault wiki suppose to add IPB support like 2 years ago or something? >_> hmmm. Are you using IPB 3.4 or 4.0?

  • Greg185

    Greg185 - 2015-06-06

    As per my post I am using IPB 3.4.7 and before the MYSQL upgrade the wiki was working fine with ipbwiki 2.2.3 & MW 1.16.5.

    I have even done a fresh install of a forum/wiki and the errors are the same, i was hoping it was down to the way MYSQL changes when using 5.5+ so downloaded the ipbwiki 2.2.5 files as they mention compatibility with mysql 5.5 but they install and show as 2.2.4 version but do have the changes in regards to ENGINE.

    Is anyone else using the wiki on a server running MYSQL 5.6?

  • Geonode

    Geonode - 2015-06-07

    I did use to support this a while back and made an update to the version though I don't know if it works wit the latest version but can you tell me if it does?

    I can't test it right now but If it doesnt work for you I'll make a separate repository and add it to my list of support.


  • Greg185

    Greg185 - 2015-06-14


    I have used the files from your zip package (2.2.6) and the errors are still the same, I used them on the fresh install i installed which is using IPB 3.4.5, MW 1.19.24

    they show the same errors that my live site shows which is still using IPB 3.4.8, MW 1.16.5 & ipbwiki 2.2.3 (I havent upgraded anything on that yet until i get the fresh/test wiki working) I have been using the same MW & IPBWIKI versions since IPB v3.2 with no issues and it was working fine with 3.4.7 until MYSQL upgrade.

    All that has changed is I upgraded MYSQL to 5.6 which I assume is incompatible with ipbwiki versions, even though I have used newer MW version which says it is for MYSQL 5.5+ on the fresh install.

    I have had a look through the files and the changes from TYPE to ENGINE seem to be there, but are there more changes that need making to work with MYSQL 5.6?
    The IPBWIKI files say they work with MYSQL 5.5 but I know there are differences with MYSQL 5.5>5.6 so is this why there are errors even after using latest ipbwiki files?

    After loading Main_Page.php on fresh install wiki these are showing:

    AuthPlugin_ipbwiki::addUser() should be compatible with AuthPlugin::addUser($user, $password, $email = '', $realname = '') in /home/xxxx/public_html/wiki/extensions/ipbwiki/ipbwiki_authplugin.php on line 17

    Strict Standards: Declaration of AuthPlugin_ipbwiki::initUser() should be compatible with AuthPlugin::initUser(&$user, $autocreate = false) in /home/xxxx/public_html/wiki/extensions/ipbwiki/ipbwiki_authplugin.php on line 17

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/xxxx/public_html/wiki3/extensions/ipbwiki/ipbwiki_authplugin.php:17) in /home/xxxx/public_html/wiki3/includes/WebResponse.php on line 38

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/xxxx/public_html/wiki3/extensions/ipbwiki/ipbwiki_authplugin.php:17) in /home/xxxx/public_html/wiki3/includes/WebResponse.php on line 78

    and on my live site there is also lots of instances of this error when viewing Main_Page,php:

    Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: group name must start with a non-digit at offset 8 in /home/xxxx/public_html/wiki/includes/MagicWord.php on line 722

    Warning: preg_match_all(): Compilation failed: group name must start with a non-digit at offset 4 in /home/xxxx/public_html/wiki/includes/MagicWord.php on line 700

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/greg/public_html/wiki/includes/MagicWord.php on line 701

    Warning: preg_replace(): Compilation failed: group name must start with a non-digit at offset 4 in /home/xxxx/public_html/wiki/includes/MagicWord.php on line 705


    Last edit: Greg185 2015-06-14
  • Peter De Decker

    Peter De Decker - 2016-09-09

    I also bumped into the issue, it's not so much a mysql issue, but more of a php issue i think.
    I made following changes to fix the errors that I had:

    file: extensions/ipbwiki/ipbwiki_authplugin.php

    function addUser( $user, $password ) {
    function addUser( $user, $password, $email = '', $realname = '' ) {

    function initUser( &$user ) {
    function initUser( $user, $autocreate = false ) {

    file: includes/User.php (near the end of the file in the User class change):

    function newFromName( $name ) {

    function newFromName( $name, $validate = 'valid' ) {


    Last edit: Peter De Decker 2016-09-09

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