Geonode - 2012-10-18

I've made a fix for the setup for Ipb, here you go:

| Package: IpbWiki Core
| Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Peter De Decker
if (file_exists ('initdata.php')) {
  //Load init data if present
  require_once( 'initdata.php' );
} else {
  //Set some defaults
  define( 'CP_DIRECTORY', 'admin' );
if (!defined('WRK_DIR')) {
    define ('WRK_DIR', getcwd());
if (!defined('KERNEL_PATH')) {
    define ('KERNEL_PATH', 'ips_kernel/');
    define ('IPS_KERNEL_PATH', 'ips_kernel/');
define( 'IPB_THIS_SCRIPT' , 'admin'   );
define( 'IPB_LOAD_SQL'    , 'admin_queries' );
define( 'IN_IPB', 0 );
define('IPBWIKI', 1);
define('IPBWIKI_LONG_VER', 22004);
define('IPBWIKI_HUMAN_VER', '2.2.4');
class ipbwiki_setup {
  // constructor, will take care of the program flow...
    function ipbwiki_setup () {
        switch (isset($_GET['act']) && ($_GET['act']))
            case 'check_entries':
    function print_top($title="")
        echo "<html>
                  <head><title>IpbWiki Set Up : $title </title>
                  <style type='text/css'>
                    body {
                        font: x-small sans-serif;
                        background: #f9f9f9 url(headbg.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat;
                        color: black;
                        margin: 0;
                        padding: 0;
                    table {
                        font-size: 100%;
                        background: transparent;
                        color: black;
                    td {
                        text-align: left;
                    a {
                        text-decoration: none;
                        color: #002bb8;
                        background: none;
                    a:visited {
                        color: #5a3696;
                    a:active {
                        color: #faa700;
                    a:hover {
                        text-decoration: underline;
                 <body marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' leftmargin='30' topmargin='30' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><center><table width='80%'>
                 <H1>IpbWiki Set Up : $title</H1>
                 <br />
    function print_footer () {
        echo "</table></center></body></html>";
    function add_row ($text) {
        echo "<tr><td>$text</td></tr>";
    function entry() {
        $this->print_top ('Checking configuration.');
        if ( !file_exists ('conf_global.php') ) {
            echo "<td><p><form method='post' action='?act=re-entry'><B>The file conf_global.php does not exist. Please set up Invision Power Board first before you install IpbWiki.<BR>Click the button below to try again.<p><input type='submit' value='Try Again'></form></td>";
        // IPB 1.3
        if (file_exists ('sources/Admin/admin_pages.php')) {
            if ( ! is_writable ('sources/Admin/admin_pages.php')) {
                echo "<td><p><form method='post' action='?act=re-entry'><B>The file sources/Admin/admin_pages.php is not writable, please chmod it to 777, then click the button below to try again.<p><input type='submit' value='Try again'></form></td>";
            if ( ! is_writable ('admin.php')) {
                echo "<td><p><form method='post' action='?act=re-entry'><B>The file admin.php is not writable, please chmod it to 777, then click the button below to try again.<p><input type='submit' value='Try again'></form></td>";
            if ( ! is_writable ('index.php')) {
                echo "<td><p><form method='post' action='?act=re-entry'><B>The file index.php is not writable, please chmod it to 777, then click the button below to try again.<p><input type='submit' value='Try again'></form></td>";
        // IPB 2.0
        if (file_exists ('sources/admin/admin_pages.php')) {
            if ( ! is_writable ('sources/admin/admin_pages.php')) {
                echo "<td><p><form method='post' action='?act=re-entry'><B>The file sources/admin/admin_pages.php is not writable, please chmod it to 777, then click the button below to try again.<p><input type='submit' value='Try again'></form></td>";
            if ( ! is_writable ('admin.php')) {
                echo "<td><p><form method='post' action='?act=re-entry'><B>The file admin.php is not writable, please chmod it to 777, then click the button below to try again.<p><input type='submit' value='Try again'></form></td>";
            if ( ! is_writable ('index.php')) {
                echo "<td><p><form method='post' action='?act=re-entry'><B>The file index.php is not writable, please chmod it to 777, then click the button below to try again.<p><input type='submit' value='Try again'></form></td>";
            if ( ! is_writable('sources/online.php')) {
                echo "<td><p><form method='post' action='?act=re-entry'><B>The file sources/online.php is not writable, please chmod it to 777, then click the button below to try again.<p><input type='submit' value='Try again'></form></td>";
        echo "<td><p><form method='post' action='?act=check_entries'>configuration prerequisites ok, please click the button to Start the installation.<BR><BR><input type='submit' value='Start Install'></form></td>";
    function do_replace ($in) {
        if (strpos($in,base64_decode('aHR0cDovL3d3dy5pcGJ3aWtpLmNvbQ==')) === FALSE) {
                    $in = str_replace(base64_decode('PCUgQ09QWVJJR0hUICU+'),base64_decode('PCEtLSAtLT4gPGRpdiBjbGFzcz0nY29weXJpZ2h0MicgYWxpZ249J2NlbnRlcic+QnJpZGdlZCBCeSA8QSBIUkVGPWh0dHA6Ly93d3cuaXBid2lraS5jb20gc3R5bGU9J3RleHQtZGVjb3JhdGlvbjpub25lJyB0YXJnZXQ9J19ibGFuayc+SXBiV2lraTogSW50ZWdyYXRpb24gT2YgSW52aXNpb24gUG93ZXIgQm9hcmQgYW5kIE1lZGlhV2lraTwvQT4gJmNvcHk7IDxBIEhSRUY9aHR0cDovL3d3dy5nbG9iYWxzb2Z0LmJlIHN0eWxlPSd0ZXh0LWRlY29yYXRpb246bm9uZScgdGFyZ2V0PSdfYmxhbmsnPkdsb2JhbFNvZnQ8L0E+PC9kaXY+PCUgQ09QWVJJR0hUICU+'),$in);
        $in = str_replace("'","''",$in);
        $in = str_replace("\\","\\\\",$in);
        return $in;
    function do_css ($css) {
            if (strlen($css)>0) {
                if (strpos($css,'.copyright2') === FALSE) { 
          $pos = strpos($css,'.copyright');
          if ($pos !== FALSE) {
                        $pos2 = strpos($css,'}',$pos); 
                        $temp = '';
                        $remember = FALSE;
                        $result = '.copyright2 { ';
                        for ($i=1; $i<=strlen($str); $i++) {
                            if ((substr($str,$i,1) == '{') or (substr($str,$i,1) == ';')) {
                                if ($remember) {
                                    $result .= $temp . ';';
                                $temp = '';
                                $remember = FALSE;
              } else if (substr($str,$i,1) == ':') {
                                if ((trim($temp) == 'background') or (trim($temp) == 'font-size') or (trim($temp) == 'color')) {
                                    $remember = true;
                                    $temp .= substr($str,$i,1);
                            } else {
                                $temp .= substr($str,$i,1);
                        $result .= ' }';
                        $css .= "\r\n" . $result;
                $css = str_replace ("'","''",$css);
      return $css;
    function check_entries() {
        $ipb13 = 0;
        $ipb20 = 0;
        $ipb21 = 0;
        $ipb22 = 0;
        $ipb30 = 0;
        // double check!
        // check if it is the invision power board directory they passed us on...
        if ( file_exists (CP_DIRECTORY . '/api/api_core.php')) {
            $ipb30 = 1;
            $this->print_top ("Installing...");            
        } else {
            if ( !file_exists ("conf_global.php")) {
                $this->print_top ('Configuration Error.');
                echo "<td><p><form method='post' action='?act=re-entry'><B>The file conf_global.php does not exist.<BR>Click the below button to go back to the entry screen where you can correct the path.<p><input type='submit' value='Try Again'></form></td>";
            // we have to import the xml on a 2.1 board anyway, assume if the xml exists that it is a 2.1+ board...
            if (file_exists ('ipbwiki.xml')) {
                if (file_exists ('converge_local/converge.php')) {
                    $ipb22 = 1;
                } else {
                    $ipb21 = 1;
            } else {
                if (file_exists ('ips_kernel/class_db_mysql.php')) {
                    $ipb20 = 1;
                } else {
                    $ipb13 = 1;
            if (($ipb20 == 1) or ($ipb13 == 1)) {
                // check if we need to modify admin.php
                // reset flag & counters...
                $settings1_found = false;
                $i1 = 0;
                $j1 = 0;

                $fp = fopen('admin.php', 'r');
                while( !feof($fp) ) {
                    $str = fgets($fp);
                    // 2.0
                    if (trim($str) === "'ipbwiki'   => array( 'ipbwiki'         , 'ipbwiki'),            // <-- this line was automatically added by the IPBWiki Installer.") {
                        $settings1_found = true;
                    // 1.3
                    if (trim($str) === "'ipbwiki'    => 'ipbwiki',  // <-- this line was automatically added by the IPBWiki Installer.") {
                        $settings1_found = true;
                    if (($ipb20 == 1) and (trim($str) === "'emailerror'=> array( 'emailerror'      , 'emailerror'     ),")) {
                        // target found, let's add the IPBWIKI Settings...
                        if (!$settings1_found) {
                            $arr1[$i1++] = "                     'ipbwiki'   => array( 'ipbwiki'         , 'ipbwiki'),            // <-- this line was automatically added by the IPBWiki Installer.\n";
                    if (($ipb13 == 1) and (trim($str) === "'csite'     => 'ad_dynamiclite',")) {
                        if (!$settings1_found) {
                            $arr1[$i1++] = "                     'ipbwiki'    => 'ipbwiki',  // <-- this line was automatically added by the IPBWiki Installer.\n";
                    $arr1[$i1++] = $str;
                // check if we need to modify sources/admin/admin_pages.php (we do this check before so that we don't have to bother the user in the middle of the install to chmod a file we're not going to change anyway)
                // reset flag & counters...
                $settings2_found = false;
                $added_to_settings2 = false;
                $i2 = 0;
                $j2 = 0;

                if ($ipb13 == 1) {
                    $fp = fopen('sources/Admin/admin_pages.php', 'r');
                } else {
                    $fp = fopen('sources/admin/admin_pages.php', 'r');
                while( !feof($fp) )
                    $str = fgets($fp);
              if (trim($str) === "// IpbWiki Administration Plugin") {
                  $settings2_found = true;
                    if (($settings2_found) and (trim($str) === "2 => array( 'IpbWiki Group Access',  'act=ipbwiki'),")) {
                        $added_to_settings2 = true;
                        $arr2[$i2++] = "                                   2 => array( 'IpbWiki Discussion', 'act=ipbwiki&code=discussion'),\n";
                        $str         = "                                   3 => array( 'IpbWiki Group Access',  'act=ipbwiki'),\n";
                    if (($settings2_found) and (trim($str) === "3 => array( 'IpbWiki Group Access',  'act=ipbwiki'),")) {
                        $added_to_settings2 = true;
                        $arr2[$i2++] = "                                   3 => array( 'IpbWiki SEO', 'act=ipbwiki&code=seo'),\n";
                        $str         = "                                   4 => array( 'IpbWiki Group Access',  'act=ipbwiki'),\n";
                    if (($settings2_found) and (trim($str) === "4 => array( 'IpbWiki Group Access',  'act=ipbwiki'),")) {
                        $added_to_settings2 = true;
                        $arr2[$i2++] = "                                   4 => array( 'IpbWiki Namespaces', 'act=ipbwiki&code=namespaces'),\n";
                        $str         = "                                   5 => array( 'IpbWiki Group Access',  'act=ipbwiki'),\n";
                    if (($settings2_found) and (trim($str) === "5 => array( 'IpbWiki Group Access',  'act=ipbwiki'),")) {
                        $added_to_settings2 = true;
                        $arr2[$i2++] = "                                   5 => array( 'IpbWiki Copyright Removal',  'act=ipbwiki&code=copyrightremoval'),\n";
                        $str         = "                                   6 => array( 'IpbWiki Group Access', 'act=ipbwiki'),\n";
                    if (($settings2_found) and (trim($str) === "6 => array( 'IpbWiki Group Access', 'act=ipbwiki'),")) {
                        $added_to_settings2 = true;
                        $arr2[$i2++] = "                                   6 => array( 'IpbWiki Skin',  'act=ipbwiki&code=skin'),\n";
                        $str         = "                                   7 => array( 'IpbWiki Group Access', 'act=ipbwiki'),\n";
                    if (trim($str) === '?>') {
                        // end of php found, let's add the IPBWIKI Settings...
                        if (!$settings2_found) {
                            $arr2[$i2++] = "// The settings below were automatically added by the IpbWiki installer.\n";
                            $arr2[$i2++] = "// If you make manual changes, please keep track in case you need to\n";
                            $arr2[$i2++] = "// recreate them later.\n";
                            $arr2[$i2++] = "\n";
                            $arr2[$i2++] = "// IpbWiki Administration Plugin\n";
                            $arr2[$i2++] = "\$PAGES[count(\$PAGES)+1] = array (\n";
                            $arr2[$i2++] = "                                   1 => array( 'IpbWiki Configuration', 'act=ipbwiki&code=setup'),\n";
                            $arr2[$i2++] = "                                   2 => array( 'IpbWiki Discussion',    'act=ipbwiki&code=discussion'),\n";
                            $arr2[$i2++] = "                                   3 => array( 'IpbWiki SEO',  'act=ipbwiki&code=seo'),\n";
                            $arr2[$i2++] = "                                   4 => array( 'IpbWiki Namespaces',  'act=ipbwiki&code=namespaces'),\n";
                            $arr2[$i2++] = "                                   5 => array( 'IpbWiki Copyright Removal',  'act=ipbwiki&code=copyrightremoval'),\n";
                            $arr2[$i2++] = "                                   6 => array( 'IpbWiki Skin',  'act=ipbwiki&code=skin'),\n";
                            $arr2[$i2++] = "                                   7 => array( 'IpbWiki Group Access',  'act=ipbwiki'),\n";
                            $arr2[$i2++] = "                                  );\n";
                            if ($ipb13 == 1) {
                                $arr2[$i2++] = "\$CATS[count(\$CATS)+1]   = 'IpbWiki';\n";
                            } else {
                                $arr2[$i2++] = "\$CATS[count(\$CATS)+1]   = array( 'IpbWiki'           , '#F9FFA2' );\n";
                            $arr2[$i2++] = "\$DESC[count(\$DESC)+1]   = 'Manage your IpbWiki.';\n";
                            $arr2[$i2++] = "\n";
                    $arr2[$i2++] = $str;
                // check if we need to modify index.php
                // reset flag & counters...
                $settings3_found = false;
                $i3 = 0;
                $j3 = 0;

                $fp = fopen('index.php', 'r');
                while( !feof($fp) ) {
                    $str = fgets($fp);
                    // 2.0
                    if (trim($str) === "'ipbwiki_discussion' => array ('ipbwiki_discussion', 'ipbwiki_discussion' ), // <-- this line was automatically added by the IPBWiki Installer.") {
                        $settings3_found = true;
                    // 1.3
                    if (trim($str) === "'ipbwiki_discussion'   => 'ipbwiki_discussion',  // <-- this line was automatically added by the IPBWiki Installer.") {
                        $settings3_found = true;
                    if (($ipb20 == 1) and (trim($str) === "'findpost'   => array( 'findpost'           , 'findpost'      ),")) {
                        // target found, let's add the IPBWIKI Settings...
                        if (!$settings3_found) {
                            $arr3[$i3++] = "                 'ipbwiki_discussion' => array ('ipbwiki_discussion', 'ipbwiki_discussion' ), // <-- this line was automatically added by the IPBWiki Installer.\n";
                    if (($ipb13 == 1) and (trim($str) === "'module'   => 'modules',")) {
                        if (!$settings3_found) {
                            $arr3[$i3++] = "                 'ipbwiki_discussion'   => 'ipbwiki_discussion',  // <-- this line was automatically added by the IPBWiki Installer.\n";
                    $arr3[$i3++] = $str;
                // check if we need to modify sources/online.php
                // reset flag & counters...
                $settings4_found = false;
                $i4 = 0;
                $j4 = 0;
                $cnt = 0;
                $fp = fopen('sources/online.php', 'r');
                while( !feof($fp) ) {
                    $str = fgets($fp);
                    // 2.0
                    if (trim($str) === "// MOD: IpbWiki") {
                        $settings4_found = true;
                    if (trim($str) === '$line = " {$ibforums->lang['. "'board_index'". ']}";'  ) {
                    if (($cnt == 2) and (trim($str)==="}")) {
                    } else if (($cnt == 3) and (trim($str)==="}")) {
                    if ($cnt == 4) {
                        // target found, let's add the IPBWIKI Settings...
                        $arr4[$i4++] = $str;
                        $arr4[$i4++] = "                // MOD: IpbWiki\r\n";
                        $arr4[$i4++] = '                if ($sess[' . "'location'] == 'mod:ipbwiki') {\r\n";
                        $arr4[$i4++] = "                    \$line = \" <a href='{\$sess['location_1_type']}'>Viewing {\$sess['location_2_type']}</a> \";\r\n";
                        $str         = "                }\r\n";
                        $cnt = 999;
                    $arr4[$i4++] = $str;
                // double check!
                // check if we have write access on the sources/online.php file
                if (!$settings4_found) {
                    if ( ! is_writable ('sources/online.php') ) {
                        echo "<td><p><form method='post' action='?act=re-entry'><B>The file sources/online.php is not writable, please chmod it to 777, then click the button below to try again.<p><input type='submit' value='Try again'></form></td>";
                // check if we have write access on the forum admin_pages.php file...
                if ($ipb13 == 1) {
                    $admin_pages = 'sources/Admin/admin_pages.php';
                } else {
                    $admin_pages = 'sources/admin/admin_pages.php';
                if (( ! $settings2_found) or ($added_to_settings2)) {
                    if ( ! is_writable ($admin_pages)) {
                        $this->print_top ('Checking file access permissions.');
                        // let's also check admin.php while we're busy...
                        if ( ! $settings1_found and ! is_writable ('admin.php')) {
                            echo "<td><p><form method='post' action='?act=re-entry'><B>The files admin.php and " . $admin_pages . " are not writable, please chmod them to 777, then click the button below to try again.<p><input type='submit' value='Try again'></form></td>";
                        } else {
                            echo "<td><p><form method='post' action='?act=re-entry'><B>The file " . $admin_pages . " is not writable, please chmod it to 777, then click the button below to try again.<p><input type='submit' value='Try again'></form></td>";
                // check if we have write access on the forum admin.php file...
                if ( ! $settings1_found ) {
                    if ( ! is_writable ('admin.php')) {
                        $this->print_top ('Checking file access permissions.');
                        echo "<td><p><form method='post' action='?act=re-entry'><B>The file admin.php is not writable, please chmod it to 777, then click the button below to try again.<p><input type='submit' value='Try again'></form></td>";
                // check if we have write access on the forum admin.php file...
                if ( ! $settings3_found ) {
                    if ( ! is_writable ('index.php')) {
                        $this->print_top ('Checking file access permissions.');
                        echo "<td><p><form method='post' action='?act=re-entry'><B>The file index.php is not writable, please chmod it to 777, then click the button below to try again.<p><input type='submit' value='Try again'></form></td>";
                $this->print_top ("Installing...");

                $this->add_row ("Appending IpbWiki processing to ..index.php...");
                if (! $settings3_found) {
                    $fp = fopen('index.php', 'w');
                    while ($j3 <= $i3) {
                        fwrite ($fp, $arr3[$j3++]);
                    fclose ($fp);
                } else {
                    $this->add_row ('Info: ..index.php was already modified for IpbWiki. Settings not reapplied.');

                $this->add_row ("Appending IpbWiki processing to ..admin.php...");
                if (! $settings1_found) {
                    $fp = fopen('admin.php', 'w');
                    while ($j1 <= $i1) {
                        fwrite ($fp, $arr1[$j1++]);
                    fclose ($fp);
                } else {
                    $this->add_row ('Info: ..admin.php was already modified for IpbWiki. Settings not reapplied.');

                $this->add_row ("Appending IpbWiki processing to .." . $admin_pages . "...");
                if ((! $settings2_found) or ($added_to_settings2)) {
                    $fp = fopen($admin_pages, 'w');
                    while ($j2 <= $i2) {
                        fwrite ($fp, $arr2[$j2++]);
                    fclose ($fp);
                } else {
                    $this->add_row ('Info: ..'. $admin_pages . ' was already modified for IpbWiki. Settings not reapplied.');

                $this->add_row ("Appending IpbWiki processing to ..sources/online.php...");
                if (! $settings4_found) {
                    $fp = fopen('sources/online.php', 'w');
                    while ($j4 <= $i4) {
                        fwrite ($fp, $arr4[$j4++]);
                    fclose ($fp);
                } else {
                    $this->add_row ('Info: ..sources/online.php was already modified for IpbWiki. Settings not reapplied.');
            } else {
                $this->print_top ("Installing...");
        require_once ('conf_global.php');
        if ($ipb13 == 1) {
            $INFO['sql_driver'] = !$INFO['sql_driver'] ? 'mysql' : $INFO['sql_driver'];
            require ( 'sources/Drivers/'.$INFO['sql_driver']).".php";
            $DB = new db_driver;
            $DB->obj['sql_database']     = $INFO['sql_database'];
            $DB->obj['sql_user']         = $INFO['sql_user'];
            $DB->obj['sql_pass']         = $INFO['sql_pass'];
            $DB->obj['sql_host']         = $INFO['sql_host'];
            $DB->obj['sql_tbl_prefix']   = $INFO['sql_tbl_prefix'];
        } else { 
            if ($ipb30 == 1) {
                require ('ipbwiki_db.php');
                $DB = new ipbwiki_db();
            } else { // IPB 2.x
                $INFO['sql_driver'] = !$INFO['sql_driver'] ? 'mysql' : $INFO['sql_driver'];
                require ( KERNEL_PATH.'class_db_'.strtolower($INFO['sql_driver']).".php" );
                if ($ipb21 == 1 or $ipb20 == 1) {
                    $DB = new db_driver;
                } else { // ipb 2.2 +
                    $classname = "db_driver_".$INFO['sql_driver'];
                    $DB = new $classname;
                $DB->obj['sql_database']     = $INFO['sql_database'];
                $DB->obj['sql_user']         = $INFO['sql_user'];
                $DB->obj['sql_pass']         = $INFO['sql_pass'];
                $DB->obj['sql_host']         = $INFO['sql_host'];
                $DB->obj['sql_tbl_prefix']   = $INFO['sql_tbl_prefix'];
                $DB->obj['use_shutdown']     = 0;
                $DB->obj['query_cache_file'] = 'sources/sql/'.strtolower($INFO['sql_driver']).'_queries.php';
                $DB->obj['debug']            = 0;
        $ibf_prefix                  = $INFO['sql_tbl_prefix'];
        if ($ipb30 == 1) {
            $DB->query ("SELECT app_id FROM ".$ibf_prefix."core_applications WHERE app_title = 'IpbWiki'");
            if ($row = $DB->fetch_row()) {
                $app_id = $row[app_id];
                $DB->query ("UPDATE ".$ibf_prefix."core_applications" .
                                        "    SET app_version = '" . IPBWIKI_HUMAN_VER . "', app_long_version = " . IPBWIKI_LONG_VER . 
                                        "  WHERE app_id = " . $app_id );
            } else {
                $DB->query ("SELECT MAX(app_id) as app_id FROM ".$ibf_prefix."core_applications");
                if ($row = $DB->fetch_row()) {
                    $app_id = $row[app_id] + 1;
                    $DB->query ("INSERT INTO ".$ibf_prefix."core_applications" .
                                            "  (app_id, app_title, app_public_title, app_description, app_author, app_version, app_long_version, app_directory, app_added, app_position, app_protected, app_enabled, app_location) " .
                                            "VALUES " .
                                            "  (" . $app_id . ", 'IpbWiki', 'Wiki', 'Integration of Invision Power Board and MediaWiki', 'Peter De Decker', '" . IPBWIKI_HUMAN_VER . "', " . IPBWIKI_LONG_VER . ", 'ipbwiki', 1246304128, 0, 0, 1, 'other') ");
            // admin module
            $DB->query ("SELECT sys_module_id FROM ".$ibf_prefix."core_sys_module WHERE sys_module_title = 'IpbWiki' and sys_module_admin = 1");
            if ($row = $DB->fetch_row()) {
                $module_id = $row[sys_module_id];
                $DB->query ("UPDATE ".$ibf_prefix."core_sys_module" .
                                        "    SET sys_module_version = '" . IPBWIKI_HUMAN_VER . "'" .
                                        "  WHERE sys_module_id = " . $module_id );
            } else {
                $DB->query ("SELECT MAX(sys_module_id) as sys_module_id FROM ".$ibf_prefix."core_sys_module");
                if ($row = $DB->fetch_row()) {
                    $module_id = $row[sys_module_id] + 1;
                    $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$ibf_prefix."core_sys_module" .
                                            "  (sys_module_id, sys_module_title, sys_module_application, sys_module_key, sys_module_description, sys_module_version, sys_module_protected, sys_module_visible, sys_module_admin) " .
                                            "VALUES " .
                                            "  (" . $module_id . ", 'IpbWiki', 'ipbwiki', 'ipbwiki', 'IpbWiki: Integration of Invision Power Board and MediaWiki', '" . IPBWIKI_HUMAN_VER . "', '1', 1, 1) ";
                    $DB->query ($sql);
            // public module
            $DB->query ("SELECT sys_module_id FROM ".$ibf_prefix."core_sys_module WHERE sys_module_title = 'IpbWiki' and sys_module_admin = 0");
            if ($row = $DB->fetch_row()) {
                $module_id = $row[sys_module_id];
                $DB->query ("UPDATE ".$ibf_prefix."core_sys_module" .
                                        "    SET sys_module_version = '" . IPBWIKI_HUMAN_VER . "'" .
                                        "  WHERE sys_module_id = " . $module_id );
            } else {
                $DB->query ("SELECT MAX(sys_module_id) as sys_module_id FROM ".$ibf_prefix."core_sys_module");
                if ($row = $DB->fetch_row()) {
                    $module_id = $row[sys_module_id] + 1;
                    $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$ibf_prefix."core_sys_module" .
                                            "  (sys_module_id, sys_module_title, sys_module_application, sys_module_key, sys_module_description, sys_module_version, sys_module_protected, sys_module_visible, sys_module_admin) " .
                                            "VALUES " .
                                            "  (" . $module_id . ", 'IpbWiki', 'ipbwiki', 'ipbwiki', 'IpbWiki: Integration of Invision Power Board and MediaWiki', '" . IPBWIKI_HUMAN_VER . "', '1', 1, 0) ";
                    $DB->query ($sql);
        if (($ipb20 == 0) and ($ipb13 == 0) and ($ipb30 == 0)) { // IPB 2.1, 2.2 or 2.3
            // Load xml class
            require( KERNEL_PATH.'class_xml.php' );
            // let's import the xml file...
            if (! file_exists ("ipbwiki.xml")) {
                echo "<td><p><form method='post' action='?act=re-entry'><B>The file ipbwiki.xml does not exist, please upload the file and then click the button below to try again.<p><input type='submit' value='Try again'></form></td>";
            // read the file...
            $content = implode( '', @file("ipbwiki.xml") );
            // Get current components.
            $DB->simple_construct( array( 'select' => 'com_id, com_section',
                                          'from'   => 'components',
                                          'order'  => 'com_id' ) );
            while ( $row = $DB->fetch_row() ) {
                $cur_components[ $row['com_section'] ] = $row['com_id'];
            $xml = new class_xml();
            // Unpack the datafile
            $xml->xml_parse_document( $content );
            // pArse
            $fields = array( 'com_title'   , 'com_description', 'com_author' , 'com_url', 'com_version', 'com_menu_data',
                             'com_enabled' , 'com_safemode'   , 'com_section', 'com_filename', 'com_url_title', 'com_url_uri' );
            if ( ! is_array( $xml->xml_array['componentexport']['componentgroup']['component'][0]  ) ) {
                // Ensure [0] is populated
                $tmp = $xml->xml_array['componentexport']['componentgroup']['component'];
                $xml->xml_array['componentexport']['componentgroup']['component'][0] = $tmp;
            foreach( $xml->xml_array['componentexport']['componentgroup']['component'] as $id => $item )
                $newrow = array();
                foreach( $fields as $f ) {
                    $newrow[$f] = $item[ $f ]['VALUE'];
                $DB->force_data_type = array( 'com_version' => 'string' );
                if ( $cur_components[ $item['com_section']['VALUE'] ] ) { // Update
                    $DB->do_update( 'components', $newrow, 'com_id='.$cur_components[ $item['com_section']['VALUE'] ] );
                } else { // Insert
                    $newrow['com_date_added'] = time();
                    $DB->do_insert( 'components', $newrow );

        // make a second db connection...
        if ($ipb13 == 1) {
            $INFO['sql_driver'] = !$INFO['sql_driver'] ? 'mysql' : $INFO['sql_driver'];
            //require ( 'sources/Drivers/'.$INFO['sql_driver']).".php" );
            $DB2 = new db_driver;
            $DB2->obj['sql_database']     = $INFO['sql_database'];
            $DB2->obj['sql_user']         = $INFO['sql_user'];
            $DB2->obj['sql_pass']         = $INFO['sql_pass'];
            $DB2->obj['sql_host']         = $INFO['sql_host'];
            $DB2->obj['sql_tbl_prefix']   = $INFO['sql_tbl_prefix'];
        } else {
            if ($ipb30 == 1) {
                $DB2 = new ipbwiki_db();
            } else { // IPB 2.x
                if ($ipb21 == 1 or $ipb20 == 1) {
                    $DB2 = new db_driver;
                } else { // ipb 2.2 +
                    $DB2 = new $classname;
                $DB2->obj['sql_database']     = $INFO['sql_database'];
                $DB2->obj['sql_user']         = $INFO['sql_user'];
                $DB2->obj['sql_pass']         = $INFO['sql_pass'];
                $DB2->obj['sql_host']         = $INFO['sql_host'];
                $DB2->obj['sql_tbl_prefix']   = $INFO['sql_tbl_prefix'];
                $DB2->obj['use_shutdown']     = 0;
                $DB2->obj['query_cache_file'] = 'sources/sql/'.strtolower($INFO['sql_driver']).'_queries.php';
                $DB2->obj['debug']            = 0;
        // add tables to the database...
        if (strcasecmp($INFO['sql_driver'],'mssql') == 0) {
            // MsSQL
            $this->add_row ("Adding tables to (mssql) database...");
            $sql="IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = '" . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_conf') " .
                 "CREATE TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_conf (" .
                 "   conf_id    char(10) NOT NULL, " .
                 "   conf_value text, " .
                 "PRIMARY KEY (conf_id) " .
            $res = $DB->query ($sql);
            $sql="IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = '" . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_group') " .
                 "CREATE TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_group (" .
                 "  g_id int NOT NULL, " .
                 "  posts int NOT NULL, " .
                 "  ug_group char(16) NOT NULL default '', " .
                 "  PRIMARY KEY (g_id,posts) " .
            $res = $DB->query ($sql);
            $sql="IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = '" . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_group_rights') " .
                 "CREATE TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_group_rights ( " .
                 "  g_id int NOT NULL, " .
                 // bits for ipbwiki rights...
                 "  ir_read             tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_edit             tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_minoredit        tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_createpage       tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_createtalk       tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_move             tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_delete           tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_deletedhistory   tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_undelete         tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_protect          tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_block            tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_userrights       tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_createaccount    tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_upload           tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_reupload         tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_reuploadshared   tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_rollback         tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_patrol           tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_import           tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_importupload     tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_editinterface    tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_siteadmin        tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_bot              tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_asksql           tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_checkuser        tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_makesysop        tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_viewrate         tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_canrate          tinyint default 0, " .
                 // number of posts required before the right is applied...
                 "  ir_read_posts_req               int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_edit_posts_req               int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_minoredit_posts_req          int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_createpage_posts_req         int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_createtalk_posts_req         int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_move_posts_req               int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_delete_posts_req             int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_deletedhistory_posts_req     int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_undelete_posts_req           int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_protect_posts_req            int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_block_posts_req              int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_userrights_posts_req         int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_createaccount_posts_req      int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_upload_posts_req             int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_reupload_posts_req           int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_reuploadshared_posts_req     int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_rollback_posts_req           int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_patrol_posts_req             int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_import_posts_req             int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_importupload_posts_req       int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_editinterface_posts_req      int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_siteadmin_posts_req          int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_bot_posts_req                int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_asksql_posts_req             int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_checkuser_posts_req          int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_makesysop_posts_req          int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_viewrate_posts_req           int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_canrate_posts_req            int default 0, " .
                 "  PRIMARY KEY (g_id) " .
            $res = $DB->query ($sql);
            $sql="IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = '" . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_discussion_topic') " .
                 "CREATE TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_discussion_topic (" .
                 "   id                         int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, " .
                 "   topic_id                   int NULL, " .
                 "   member_id                  int NOT NULL, " .
                 "   article_title              varchar(255), " .
                 "   article_url                varchar(255), " .
                 "   article_content            text NULL, " .
                 "   namespace                  int NULL, " .
                 "  PRIMARY KEY (id) " .
                 "); " .
                 "CREATE INDEX idx1_".$ibf_prefix."ipbwiki_discussion_topic ON " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_discussion_topic ( article_title )";
            $res = $DB->query ($sql);
            $sql="IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = '" . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_skin') " .
                 "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_skin` (" .
                 "   `skin_id`                      int NOT NULL, " .
                 "   `skin_type`                    int NOT NULL, " .
                 "   `custom_skin_name`             varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', " .
                 "   `logo_picture`                 varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', " .
                 "    prerendered_css               text NULL, " .
                 "    topmenul                      text NULL, " .
                 "    topmenulc                     text NULL, " .
                 "    topmenur                      text NULL, " .
                 "    topmenurc                     text NULL, " .
                 "    leftmenu                      text NULL, " .
                 "    leftmenuc                     text NULL, " .
                 "  PRIMARY KEY (skin_id) " .
            $res = $DB->query ($sql);
        } else {  // mysql
            // MySQL
            $this->add_row ("Adding tables to (mysql) database...");
            $sql="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_conf` (" .
                 "   `conf_id`    char(10) NOT NULL, " .
                 "   `conf_value` text, " .
                 "PRIMARY KEY (conf_id) " .
                 ") ENGINE=InnoDB;";
            $res = $DB->query ($sql);

            $sql="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_group` (" .
                 "  g_id int(3) NOT NULL, " .
                 "  posts mediumint(6) NOT NULL, " .
                 "  ug_group char(16) NOT NULL default '', " .
                 "  PRIMARY KEY (g_id,posts) " .
                 ") ENGINE=InnoDB;";
            $res = $DB->query ($sql);
            $sql="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_group_rights` ( " .
                 "  g_id int(3) NOT NULL, " .
                 // bits for ipbwiki rights...
                 "  ir_read             tinyint(1) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_edit             tinyint(1) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_minoredit        tinyint(1) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_createpage       tinyint(1) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_createtalk       tinyint(1) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_move             tinyint(1) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_delete           tinyint(1) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_deletedhistory   tinyint(1) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_undelete         tinyint(1) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_protect          tinyint(1) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_block            tinyint(1) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_userrights       tinyint(1) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_createaccount    tinyint(1) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_upload           tinyint(1) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_reupload         tinyint(1) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_reuploadshared   tinyint(1) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_rollback         tinyint(1) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_patrol           tinyint(1) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_import           tinyint(1) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_importupload     tinyint(1) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_editinterface    tinyint(1) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_siteadmin        tinyint(1) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_bot              tinyint(1) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_asksql           tinyint(1) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_checkuser        tinyint(1) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_makesysop        tinyint(1) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_viewrate         tinyint default 0, " .
                 "  ir_canrate          tinyint default 0, " .
                 // number of posts required before the right is applied...
                 "  ir_read_posts_req               mediumint(6) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_edit_posts_req               mediumint(6) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_minoredit_posts_req          mediumint(6) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_createpage_posts_req         mediumint(6) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_createtalk_posts_req         mediumint(6) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_move_posts_req               mediumint(6) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_delete_posts_req             mediumint(6) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_deletedhistory_posts_req     mediumint(6) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_undelete_posts_req           mediumint(6) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_protect_posts_req            mediumint(6) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_block_posts_req              mediumint(6) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_userrights_posts_req         mediumint(6) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_createaccount_posts_req      mediumint(6) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_upload_posts_req             mediumint(6) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_reupload_posts_req           mediumint(6) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_reuploadshared_posts_req     mediumint(6) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_rollback_posts_req           mediumint(6) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_patrol_posts_req             mediumint(6) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_import_posts_req             mediumint(6) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_importupload_posts_req       mediumint(6) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_editinterface_posts_req      mediumint(6) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_siteadmin_posts_req          mediumint(6) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_bot_posts_req                mediumint(6) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_asksql_posts_req             mediumint(6) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_checkuser_posts_req          mediumint(6) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_makesysop_posts_req          mediumint(6) default 0, " .
                 "  ir_viewrate_posts_req           int default 0, " .
                 "  ir_canrate_posts_req            int default 0, " .
                 "  PRIMARY KEY (g_id) " .
                 ") ENGINE=InnoDB;";
            $res = $DB->query ($sql);
            $sql="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_discussion_topic` (" .
                 "   `id`                           int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment, " .
                 "   `topic_id`                     int(10) NULL, " .
                 "   `member_id`                    int(10) NOT NULL, " .
                 "   `article_title`                varchar(255), " .
                 "   `article_url`                  varchar(255), " .
                 "   `article_content`              text NULL, " .
                 "   `namespace`                    int NULL, " .
                 "  PRIMARY KEY (id), " .
                 "  KEY discussion_topic (article_title) " .
                 ") ENGINE=InnoDB;";
            $res = $DB->query ($sql);
            $sql="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_skin` (" .
                    "   `skin_id`                       int(10) NOT NULL, " .
                    "   `skin_type`                 int(1) NOT NULL, " .
                    "   `custom_skin_name`             varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', " .
                    "   `logo_picture`                  varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', " .
                    "    prerendered_css               text NULL, " .
                    "    topmenul                      text NULL, " .
                    "    topmenulc                     text NULL, " .
                    "    topmenur                      text NULL, " .
                    "    topmenurc                     text NULL, " .
                    "    leftmenu                      text NULL, " .
                    "    leftmenuc                     text NULL, " .
                    "  PRIMARY KEY (skin_id) " .
                    ") ENGINE=InnoDB;";
            $res = $DB->query ($sql);
            if (($DB->field_exists( 'article_content', $ibf_prefix.'ipbwiki_discussion_topic') == 0) and ($DB->field_exists( 'article_content', 'ipbwiki_discussion_topic') == 0)) {
                $this->add_row ("Upgrading ipbwiki_discussion_topic table...");
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_discussion_topic ADD article_content text NULL";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);
            if (($DB->field_exists( 'namespace', $ibf_prefix.'ipbwiki_discussion_topic') == 0) and ($DB->field_exists( 'namespace', 'ipbwiki_discussion_topic') == 0)) {
                $this->add_row ("Upgrading ipbwiki_discussion_topic table...");
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_discussion_topic ADD namespace int NULL";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);
            if (($DB->field_exists( 'ir_viewrate', $ibf_prefix.'ipbwiki_group_rights') == 0) and ($DB->field_exists( 'ir_viewrate', 'ipbwiki_group_rights') == 0)) {
                $this->add_row ("Upgrading ipbwiki_group_rights table...");
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_group_rights ADD ir_viewrate tinyint(1) default 0";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_group_rights ADD ir_canrate tinyint(1) default 0";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_group_rights ADD ir_viewrate_posts_req mediumint(6) default 0";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_group_rights ADD ir_canrate_posts_req mediumint(6) default 0";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);

            if (($DB->field_exists( 'topmenul', $ibf_prefix.'ipbwiki_skin') == 0) and ($DB->field_exists( 'topmenul', 'ipbwiki_skin') == 0)) {
                $this->add_row ("Upgrading ipbwiki_skin table...");
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_skin ADD topmenul text NULL";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_skin ADD topmenulc text NULL";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_skin ADD topmenur text NULL";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_skin ADD topmenurc text NULL";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_skin ADD leftmenu text NULL";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_skin ADD leftmenuc text NULL";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);
            if (($ipb13 == 0) and ($DB->field_exists( 'ir_minoredit', $ibf_prefix.'ipbwiki_group_rights') == 0) and ($DB->field_exists( 'ir_minoredit', 'ipbwiki_group_rights') == 0)) {
                $this->add_row ("Upgrading ipbwiki_group_rights table...");
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_group_rights ADD ir_minoredit tinyint(1) default 0";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_group_rights ADD ir_createpage tinyint(1) default 0";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_group_rights ADD ir_createtalk tinyint(1) default 0";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_group_rights ADD ir_reupload tinyint(1) default 0";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_group_rights ADD ir_reuploadshared tinyint(1) default 0";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_group_rights ADD ir_deletedhistory tinyint(1) default 0";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_group_rights ADD ir_import tinyint(1) default 0";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_group_rights ADD ir_importupload tinyint(1) default 0";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_group_rights ADD ir_minoredit_posts_req mediumint(6) default 0";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_group_rights ADD ir_createpage_posts_req mediumint(6) default 0";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_group_rights ADD ir_createtalk_posts_req mediumint(6) default 0";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_group_rights ADD ir_reupload_posts_req mediumint(6) default 0";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_group_rights ADD ir_reuploadshared_posts_req mediumint(6) default 0";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_group_rights ADD ir_deletedhistory_posts_req mediumint(6) default 0";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_group_rights ADD ir_import_posts_req mediumint(6) default 0";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);
                $sql="ALTER TABLE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_group_rights ADD ir_importupload_posts_req mediumint(6) default 0";
                $res = $DB->query ($sql);
                $this->add_row ("Converting ipbwiki_group bitmasks...");
                $DB->query ("SELECT * FROM ".$ibf_prefix."ipbwiki_group");
                while ($group = $DB->fetch_row()) {
                    $mask = 0;
                    if (substr($group['ug_group'],  0, 1) == 1) { $mask += 1; } // read
                    if (substr($group['ug_group'],  1, 1) == 1) { $mask += 2; } // createaccount
                    if (substr($group['ug_group'],  2, 1) == 1) { $mask += 4; } // edit
                    if (substr($group['ug_group'],  3, 1) == 1) { $mask += 64; } // upload
                    if (substr($group['ug_group'],  4, 1) == 1) { $mask += 512; } // move
                    if (substr($group['ug_group'],  5, 1) == 1) { $mask += 1024; } // delete
                    if (substr($group['ug_group'],  6, 1) == 1) { $mask += 4096; } // undelete
                    if (substr($group['ug_group'],  7, 1) == 1) { $mask += 8192; } // protect
                    if (substr($group['ug_group'],  8, 1) == 1) { $mask += 16384; } // block
                    if (substr($group['ug_group'],  9, 1) == 1) { $mask += 32768; } // rollback
                    if (substr($group['ug_group'], 10, 1) == 1) { $mask += 65536; } // patrol
                    if (substr($group['ug_group'], 11, 1) == 1) { $mask += 524288; } // editinterface
                    if (substr($group['ug_group'], 12, 1) == 1) { $mask += 1048576; } // siteadmin
                    if (substr($group['ug_group'], 13, 1) == 1) { $mask += 2097152; } // bot
                    if (substr($group['ug_group'], 14, 1) == 1) { $mask += 4194304; } // asksql
                    if (substr($group['ug_group'], 15, 1) == 1) { $mask += 8388608; } // checkuser
                    if (substr($group['ug_group'], 16, 1) == 1) { $mask += 16777216; } // userrights (useless right if you use ipbwiki)
                    if (substr($group['ug_group'], 17, 1) == 1) { $mask += 33554432; } // makesysop (useless right if you use ipbwiki)
                    $DB2->query ("UPDATE " . $ibf_prefix . "ipbwiki_group SET ug_group='". $mask . "' WHERE g_id=" . $group['g_id'] . " AND posts = " . $group['posts']);
        if ($ipb30 == 0) {
            $do = 1;
            $DB->query ("select * from ".$ibf_prefix."ipbwiki_conf where conf_id='copyrr'" );
            if ($row = $DB->fetch_row()) {
                if(strlen($row['conf_value']) > 1) {
                        $do = 0;
            if (($ipb13 == 0) and ($ipb30 == 0) and ($do == 1)) {
                $this->add_row("Rebuilding css...");
                // image url setting
                $DB->query ("select * from ".$ibf_prefix."conf_settings where conf_key='ipb_img_url'" );
                if ($row = $DB->fetch_row()) {
                    $ipb_img_url = ( $row['conf_value'] != '' ) ? $row['conf_value'] : $row['conf_default'] ;
                    $ipb_img_url = ($ipb_img_url == '{blank}' ) ? '' : $ipb_img_url;
                } else {
                    $ipb_img_url = '';
                $DB->query ('SELECT set_skin_set_id, set_wrapper,set_cache_wrapper,set_css_method, set_css, set_cache_css, set_image_dir FROM '.$ibf_prefix.'skin_sets');
                while ($row = $DB->fetch_row()) {
                    $row['set_wrapper'] = $this->do_replace($row['set_wrapper']);
                    $row['set_cache_wrapper'] = $this->do_replace($row['set_cache_wrapper']);
                    if ($row['set_css_method'] == 0) { // WTF???!!!
                        $row['set_css'] = $this->do_css($row['set_css']);
                    } else {
                        $row['set_css'] = $this->do_css($row['set_cache_css']);
                    $DB2->query ('UPDATE '.$ibf_prefix."skin_sets SET set_css='".$row['set_css']."',set_wrapper='".$row['set_wrapper']."', set_cache_wrapper='".$row['set_cache_wrapper']."' WHERE set_skin_set_id=".$row['set_skin_set_id']);
                    $css  = "/*------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n";
                    $css .= "/* FILE GENERATED BY INVISION POWER BOARD                           */\n";
                    $css .= "/* OR CHANGES TO THIS FILE WILL BE LOST WHEN NEXT EDITED FROM THE   */\n";
                    $css .= "/* ADMIN CONTROL PANEL                                              */\n";
                    $css .= "/* STYLE DIRECTORY: <#IMG_DIR#>                                     */\n";
                    $css .= "/* CACHE FILE: Generated: ".gmdate( "D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T" )." */\n";
                    $css .= "/*------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n";
                    $css .= "/*~START CSS~*/\n\n";
                    $css .= $row['set_css'];

                    // make sure directories are correct...
                    $css = str_replace( "url({$row['set_image_dir']}/", "url(style_images/<#IMG_DIR#>/", $css );
                    $css = str_replace( "url(<#IMG_DIR#>/", "url(style_images/<#IMG_DIR#>/", $css );
                    $css = preg_replace( "#url\((style_images/)?\d+?/#i", "url(style_images/<#IMG_DIR#>/", $css );
                    if ( $ipb_img_url ) {
                        if ( ! preg_match( "#/$#", $ipb_img_url ) )
                            $ipb_img_url .= '/';

                        $css = preg_replace( "#url\(('|\")?style_images/#", "url(\\1{$ipb_img_url}style_images/", $css );
                    $css  = str_replace ('<#IMG_DIR#>', $row['set_image_dir'], $css);
                    $css  = str_replace( "\r\n" , "\n", $css );
                    $css  = str_replace( "\r"   , "\n", $css );
                    if ( ! $ipb_img_url ) {
                        $css = preg_replace( '#([\(|\s*|\'])(style_images/)#', '\\1', $css );
                    $css = str_replace ("\0","",$css);
                    $css_filename = "style_images/css_".$row['set_skin_set_id'].".css";
                    if (is_writable($css_filename)) {
                        if ( $fh = fopen( $css_filename, 'w' ) ) {
                            fwrite ( $fh, $css );
        if (($ipb30 == 1) and ($do == 1)) {
            $this->add_row("Rebuilding css...");
            // image url setting
            $DB->query ("select * from ".$ibf_prefix."core_sys_conf_settings where conf_key='ipb_img_url'" );
            if ($row = $DB->fetch_row()) {
                $ipb_img_url = ( $row['conf_value'] != '' ) ? $row['conf_value'] : $row['conf_default'] ;
                $ipb_img_url = ($ipb_img_url == '{blank}' ) ? '' : $ipb_img_url;
            } else {
                $ipb_img_url = '';

        if (($ipb20 == 0) and ($ipb13 == 0)) { // IPB 2.1 or higher...
            // Enlarge the session table to allow bigger locations...
            $this->add_row ("Enlarging session storage...");
            $DB->query ("ALTER TABLE ". $ibf_prefix ."sessions MODIFY location_1_type VARCHAR(250)"); // will store wiki - url
            $DB->query ("ALTER TABLE ". $ibf_prefix ."sessions MODIFY location_2_type VARCHAR(250)"); // will store wiki - location

            // set the wiki link in the board header correctly
            if ($ipb30 == 0) {
                $DB->query ("SELECT * FROM ".$ibf_prefix."ipbwiki_conf WHERE conf_id='WikiPath'");
                if ($res = $DB->fetch_row()) {
                    $wiki_path = $res['conf_value'];               
                    $DB->query ("UPDATE ".$ibf_prefix."components SET com_url_uri = '".$wiki_path."' WHERE com_title='IpbWiki'");
                    // update the components cache
                    $components = array();
                    $DB->query ( 'select com_id,com_enabled,com_section,com_filename,com_url_uri,com_url_title,com_position from '.$ibf_prefix.'components where com_enabled=1 order by com_position ASC');

                    while ( $r = $DB->fetch_row() )
                        $components[] = $r;

                    $value = serialize($components);
                    $value = mysql_escape_string($value);
                    $DB->query ('DELETE FROM '.$ibf_prefix."cache_store WHERE cs_key='components'");
                    $DB->query ('INSERT INTO '.$ibf_prefix."cache_store (cs_key,cs_value,cs_extra,cs_array) VALUES ('components','".$value."','','1')");
        } else { // IPB 1.3 or IPB 2.0 
            if ($DB->field_exists( 'location_1_type', $ibf_prefix.'sessions') == 0) {
                $this->add_row ("Enhancing session storage...");
                $DB->query ("ALTER TABLE ". $ibf_prefix ."sessions ADD location_1_type VARCHAR(250)"); // will store wiki - url
                $DB->query ("ALTER TABLE ". $ibf_prefix ."sessions ADD location_2_type VARCHAR(250)"); // will store wiki - location
        chdir (WRK_DIR);
        $this->add_row('<H3>Securing installation...</H3>');
        ob_start();  // catch the annoying chmod warnings...
        if ($ipb20 == 1) {
            $print='<tr><td>Please chmod the following files to 644:</td></tr>';
            if (!chmod ('admin.php', 0644)) {
                $print=$print.'<tr><td>   - forums/admin.php</td></tr>';
            if (!chmod ('/sources/admin/admin_pages.php', 0644)) {
                $print=$print.'<tr><td>   - forums/sources/admin/admin_pages.php</td></tr>';
        echo $print;
        $this->add_row('Please <b>delete</b> the <b>ipbwiki_setup.php</b> file in your forums folder. (If you need to reinstall you can always upload it again later.)');
        $this->add_row('After you executed the above actions, click the button below to go to your Forum Admin CP Panel.');
        if ($ipb30 == 1) {
            $this->add_row('When logged in to your Admin CP Panel, go to My Apps -&gt; IpbWiki and assign ipbwiki permissions to all user groups.');
        } else {
            $this->add_row('When logged in to your Admin CP Panel, scroll to the bottom and open the group "IpbWiki" and assign ipbwiki permissions to all user groups.');

        if ($ipb30 == 1) {
            echo "<td><p><form method='post' action='" . $INFO['board_url'] . '/' . CP_DIRECTORY . "/index.php'><input type='submit' value='Go to forum Admin CP Panel'></form></td>";        
        } else {
            echo "<td><p><form method='post' action='{$INFO['board_url']}/admin.php'><input type='submit' value='Go to forum Admin CP Panel'></form></td>";

    function txt_stripslashes($t)
        if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) {
            $t = stripslashes($t);
        return $t;
    function clean_value($val) {
        $val = str_replace( "&#032;", " ", $val );
        $val = str_replace( "&"            , "&amp;"         , $val );
        $val = str_replace( "<!--"         , "&#60;&#33;--"  , $val );
        $val = str_replace( "-->"          , "--&#62;"       , $val );
        $val = preg_replace( "/<script/i"  , "&#60;script"   , $val );
        $val = str_replace( ">"            , "&gt;"          , $val );
        $val = str_replace( "<"            , "&lt;"          , $val );
        $val = str_replace( "\""           , "&quot;"        , $val );
        $val = preg_replace( "/\n/"        , "<br />"        , $val ); // Convert literal newlines
        $val = preg_replace( "/\\\$/"      , "&#036;"        , $val );
        $val = preg_replace( "/\r/"        , ""              , $val ); // Remove literal carriage returns
        $val = str_replace( "!"            , "&#33;"         , $val );
        $val = str_replace( "'"            , "&#39;"         , $val ); // IMPORTANT: It helps to increase sql query safety.
        $val = $this->txt_stripslashes ($val);
        $val = preg_replace( "/\\\(?!&amp;#|\?#)/", "&#092;", $val );
        return $val;
    function unclean_value ($val) {
        $val = str_replace( "&#60;&#33;--"     , "<!--"      , $val );
        $val = str_replace( "--&#62;"          , "-->"       , $val );
        $val = str_replace( "&#60;script"      , "<script"   , $val );
        $val = str_replace( "&gt;"             , ">"         , $val );
        $val = str_replace( "&lt;"             , "<"         , $val );
        $val = str_replace( "&quot;"           , "\""        , $val );
        $val = str_replace( "<br />"           , "\\n"       , $val ); // Convert literal newlines
        $val = str_replace( "&#036;"           , "\$"        , $val );
        $val = str_replace( "&#33;"            , "!"         , $val );
        $val = str_replace( "&#39;"            , "'"         , $val ); // IMPORTANT: It helps to increase sql query safety.
        $val = str_replace( "&amp;"            , "&"         , $val );
        return $val;
new ipbwiki_setup();

since 3.3.4 removed some columns i removed them also, this should enable you to install it, i will also be doing this for future versions if problems persists.