
XBOX360 ION Drum Rocker to MIDI / News: Recent posts

ION Drum Rocker USB color problem

Each pad have self color (red/yellow/blue/green) it send to computer as pressed gamepad button 1,2,3,4.
Each cymbals also have self color (yellow/blue/green) and it also send as pressed gamepad button 2,3,4.
But how find a difference between pads and cymbals? To computer send two pressed buttons. Example: you kick yellow pad, then to computer will send two gamepad pressed buttons 4+6, if you kick yellow pad, then will send 4+10.
So, we can know what pad or cymbal kicked in this time, but this work only for one pad or cymbals kick in one time. If we kick two pad or two cymbals by one time, also not have problem.
But if one pad and one cymbal with different colors uses together, will activate third pad or cymbal by activated color.
What it means?
Example: kick green pad (1+10 gamepad button pressed) and yellow cymbals (4+6 gamepad button pressed) together and we will have active 4+10 and 1+6 gamepad button combinations also.
So, 1+10 with 4+6 = 4+10 (yellow pad) and 1+6 (green cymbals). Any other command under windows usb gamepad driver not have information for avoid this problem.... read more

Posted by Dark Hunter 2009-01-11