
iODBC / News: Recent posts

OpenLink iODBC Driver Manager version 3.52.16

OpenLink Software are pleased to announce the release of the iODBC Driver Manager version 3.52.16.

Developers who want to actively track progress of the iODBC source code and contribute bug fixes or enhancements to the project are cordially invited to join us at:



Posted by Tim Haynes 2023-05-02

OpenLink iODBC Driver Manager v3.52.15

OpenLink Software are pleased to announce the release of the iODBC Driver Manager, version 3.52.15.

Developers who want to actively track progress of the iODBC source code and contribute bug fixes or enhancements to the project are cordially invited to join us at:



Posted by Tim Haynes 2021-06-07

Announcing iODBC v3.52.10

OpenLink Software are pleased to announce the release of the iODBC Driver Manager, version 3.52.10.

Developers who want to actively track progress of the iODBC source code and contribute bug fixes or enhancements to the project are cordially invited to join us at:



Posted by iODBC Maintainer 2015-02-13

Announcing iODBC v3.52.9

OpenLink Software are pleased to announce the release of the iODBC Driver Manager, version 3.52.9.

Developers who want to actively track progress of the iODBC source code and contribute bug fixes or enhancements to the project are cordially invited to join us at:



Posted by iODBC Maintainer 2014-04-15

Removed deprecated CVS archive

As the iODBC project has switched over to use GIT, we have disabled the old CVS tree on this server.

Developers who want to actively track progress of the iODBC source code and contribute bug fixes or enhancements to the project are cordially invited to join us at:


Posted by iODBC Maintainer 2014-04-01

Announcing iODBC v3.52.8

OpenLink Software are pleased to announce the release of the iODBC Driver Manager, version 3.52.8.

This version sees the project hosting transferred to GitHub for future development and the conversion of Mac OS X UI to XIB format for Mac OS X 10.5 and newer versions. Fixes include an issue with tracing multiple chunks in SQLGetData; an issue with tracing on big-endian machines; an issue with using previously freed memory; other minor bug fixes.... read more

Posted by iODBC Maintainer 2012-03-27

Announcing iODBC v3.52.7

OpenLink Software are pleased to announce the release of the iODBC Driver
Manager, version 3.52.7.

This version includes the iODBC graphical Administrator component for Mac
OS X (Tiger, Leopard and Snow Leopard) released for the first time in
open-source formt. The iODBC CFM Bridge for Mac OS X is included,
facilitating connections from Microsoft Office (Excel/Query).
Additionally, windows in the GTK-based administrator are now resizeable
alongside other minor bugfixes.... read more

Posted by Tim Haynes 2009-09-16

iODBC version 3.52.6 released

OpenLink Software are pleased to announce the release of the iODBC Driver Manager, version 3.52.6.

This release contains added support for GTK+ 2.x in the graphical Administrator, and the following fixes:
* Fixed long mutex lock on connect
* Fixed problems with SQLBrowseConnect
* Fixed missing functions in export list
* Fixed core dump when checking for driver odbc version
* Fixed allocation error in SQLDescribeCol
* Fixed rpm specification for RedHat
* Fixed porting problems on FreeBSD, OpenBSD and OSF
* Use SQLFetchScroll in iodbctest... read more

Posted by Tim Haynes 2007-10-10

iODBC 3.52.5 released

OpenLink Software are pleased to announce the release of iODBC Driver Manager and SDK version 3.52.5.

This version adds two major new features:
* with File DSNs you can store connection parameters in separate files per DSN (under /etc/ODBCDataSources/ by default);
* Connection-Pooling, which allows you to keep a pool of ODBC connections active for quicker (re)connection.

Additionally there are several small bug-fixes, including SQLSetStmtAttr(), a check for /Library/ODBC/ and other build issues on Mac OS X and use of localtime_r in tracing where available.... read more

Posted by Tim Haynes 2007-01-08

iODBC 3.52.4 released

iODBC 3.52.4 is a new stable release adding support for Universal Binary executables on MacOS X.

There are small bug-fixes: internal state was not reset correctly after failures on subsequent calls to SQLExecute(), causing some function-sequence errors; minor fixes for MacOS X, HPUX, AIX and 64-bit GUI builds.

Additionally, the license terms have been clarified.

Posted by Tim Haynes 2006-01-30

iODBC 3.52.3 released

ODBC is an open-source ODBC driver manager and SDK facilitating the development of database-independent applications on linux, freebsd, unix and MacOS X platforms. It also contains a GTK-based Datasource Administrator.

This version includes support for: DSN-less connections; timestamps on ENTER/EXIT lines in trace files; building on AIX 5.x, HP/UX Itanium and 32-bit and 64-bit MacOS X; fixes to SQLDriverConnect(..., SQL_DRIVER_PROMPT); resolution of a symbol-clash with the Oracle Instant Client; various small build and stability bug-fixes. ... read more

Posted by iODBC Maintainer 2005-11-30

iODBC 3.52.2 released

iODBC is an open-source ODBC driver manager and SDK facilitating the development of database-independent applications on linux, freebsd, unix and MacOS X platforms. It also contains a GTK-based Datasource Administrator.

This release contains fixes for bugs in SQLSetConnectAttr and SQLGetInfo, a locking problem in SQLAllocEnv/SQLAllocHandle, C++ prototypes, several small issues with tracing and a couple of portability and packaging changes.... read more

Posted by Tim Haynes 2005-02-16