
What is all this about

  • Dmitri Pavlenkov

    Could you give a brief explanation of the reasons for this project. Has this been tried before, and why is this new. What are the possibilities of this type of networking and how realistic is it for anyone to employ this technology. And if possible, could you outline the principles, conceptual and architectural, of your planned software.

    • Doctor Vince

      Doctor Vince - 2003-07-17

      I've been looking far and wide on the internet for a mean of having an anonymous and encrypted streaming and found none.  But I did found somone that was saying that streaming inside IIP, a network of proxies which connections are encrypted and anonymous.  I tried it and it works.

      But there is a problem, such a network cannot hold more then three 32Kb/s streams while the a well organised internet radio station has an average of 10 listeners.  Since an IIP network can hold only a one port connection, then only one server should be on an IIP network, saying that would mean that there would be as much stream as there are clients connected to the server and those streams would be identical.  Why not make it a distributive network then?

      I talked to some of the IIP developpers, they said it could be done but their priorities are elsewhere.  I talk to some network engeneers and they told me it's technicly well possible but practicly tricky.  Even my service provider believes in can be done.

      As to usage of ISP, it will be the same as to use IIP, except that instead of plugin the IRC client to, it's to connect the media player (WMP, WinAMP, etc) to

      To understand the principle, go to , install IIP, play with it as you like, go to and look around to figure out as you need to figure it out then add a distributive network INSIDE of it.  I have been a little more descriptive in the Developper forum but I don't want to go further cuz I don't want to give more restraints to this project.

      This project stands side-by-side with IIP and Freenet.  It is about Freedom.

      Project manager of the
      Invisible Stream Project


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