
Integrated Foundation Classes / News: Recent posts

Inti-GL 0.9 initial release...

Another Inti module has been released, Inti-GL 0.9.

Inti-GL wraps the GTK+ Open-GL extension GtkGLExt in a convenient and easy to use API. It comes with complete documentation and several example programs.

Posted by Jeff Franks 2003-09-14

Inti 1.2 released...

The Integrated Foundation Classes is a C++ language binding for GTK+. The 1.2 release fixes a few bugs and makes several API improvements. It adds most of the missing GLib functionality, including GIOChannel and thread support. There is a new tutorial section on Multi-Threaded Programming that includes a threaded example application and several test programs. The appearence of the reference documentation has also been improved.... read more

Posted by Jeff Franks 2003-09-14

Inti-SourceView 0.6 released...

This is the second release of Inti-SourceView, an Inti binding for the GTK+ source editing widget GtkSourceView. It requires GtkSourceView 0.6.

Posted by Jeff Franks 2003-08-11

Init-GConf 1.0.5 released

This urgent release of Inti-GConf fixes the broken GConf::Client signal signatures incorrectly declared in the client.h header file.

Posted by Jeff Franks 2003-04-09