

A. Chol

Here is a cheatsheet summing up all functions that take part to the public interface of instantFSM.
You can also find it at the top of the instantFSM header file.

StateMachine myMachine( parallelTag|State|OnEntry|OnExit|OnEvent|Transition )
: instantiate the FSM

myMachine.enter() : enter the root state
myMachine.pushEvent(std::string("myEvent")) : push an event
myMachine.inState(std::string("stateName")) : returns true of the named state is active
myMachine.leave() : quit all active states

State(std::string("stateName"), parallelTag|initialTag|State|OnEntry|OnExit|OnEvent|Transition) : create a state

-> OnEntry( void(void)|void(StateMachine&) ) : callback triggered when parent state is entered
-> OnExit( void(void)|void(StateMachine&) ) : callback triggered when parent state is exited
-> OnEvent( std::string("myEvent"), void(void)|void(StateMachine&) ) : callback triggered when the event "myEvent" is pushed while the parent state is active.

Transition( OnEvent|Target|Action|Condition ) : add a transition

-> OnEvent( std::string("myEvent") ) : event triggering the transition
-> Target( std::string("stateName") ) : state to activate when the transition is realised
-> Action( void(void)|void(StateMachine&) ) : callback triggered after leaving the parent state and before the target state is entered.
-> Condition( bool(void)|bool(StateMachine&) ) : callback preventing the transition from executing when it returns false


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