
InstantCW / News: Recent posts


I created a setup for easy installtion and write an entry in the popular forum:

Posted by Thomas Kuhndoerfer 2006-10-13

Version 0.5 released!

Hi folks,

i got a nice hint from my friend badritz who asked for an - support. A great idea but it wasn't mine *grrr*.
Nonetheless I added this feature yesterday after I found the description of the hlsw protocol - Only emerges a few lines ;)

And therefore all important features are built in i decided to the change my fork from beta to release. Ah. A good feeling.

Good workday and keep on downloading.

Posted by Thomas Kuhndoerfer 2006-09-28


I changed a lot of things yesterday. Firstly, I deleted all registry data accesses and replaced it with the .NET 2.0 configuration model. That means all application data from now on is stored in a single XML-file, no longer dependancy on installed versions. It runs just out of the box. Nice ya? :)

Second, I simply rebuild the main window with Visual Studio to get support for the .NET 2.0 partial classes. The designing elements are now in a seperate class where they don't disturbe anyone.... read more

Posted by Thomas Kuhndoerfer 2006-09-27

Betaversion published

Hello dude,

the beta version of instantcw is open for everyone.
The irc modul ist nearly complete but I need feedback to find and eliminite all outstanding bugs.

Good day

Posted by Thomas Kuhndoerfer 2006-09-26

First day

We are looking forward to the things which comes.

Today we are just two, but tomorrow we could be one million! Think about it!

Posted by Thomas Kuhndoerfer 2006-09-19