when I try to compile insight3d in Linux ( Xubuntu )
with commande : root@MR-Wolf:~/Téléchargements/insight3d/insight3d# make all
I recive an error in tool_triangulation.cpp
g++ -O3 -c -I./ann_1.1.1/include/ tool_triangulation.cpp pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv libxml-2.0 sdl gtk+-2.0
tool_triangulation.cpp: In function ‘void tool_triangulate_surface_reconstruction()’:
tool_triangulation.cpp:58:148: error: ‘cvCreateSubdiv2D’ was not declared in this scope
CvSubdiv2D * subdivision = cvCreateSubdiv2D(CV_SEQ_KIND_SUBDIV2D, sizeof(subdivision), sizeof(CvSubdiv2DPoint), sizeof(CvQuadEdge2D), mem_storage);
tool_triangulation.cpp:67:2: error: ‘cvInitSubdivDelaunay2D’ was not declared in this scope
tool_triangulation.cpp:87:3: error: ‘cvSubdivDelaunay2DInsert’ was not declared in this scope
tool_triangulation.cpp:107:52: error: ‘cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg’ was not declared in this scope
* org = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg((CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge),
tool_triangulation.cpp:132:18: error: ‘dst’ was not declared in this scope
sqr_value(dst->pt.x - point->x * shot->width) +
make: ** [tool_triangulation.o] Erreur 1
I fixed it by adding
include "/usr/include/opencv2/legacy/legacy.hpp"
in tool_triangulation.cpp
Last edit: gaiththewolf 2014-04-03