
InPitch / News: Recent posts

InPitch 0.5.3 released

Nov. 25, 2016

It's been a very long time since an update, but thanks to a user report about virus scanner issues, we have made a few updates.

1) New MIDI instruments which sound much, much better than the old ones, thanks to the "Nice Keys" sound font.

2) Resize the window to properly include the "level" menu on OS

3) Previously SourceForge and some other virus scanners were reporting malware detected in 0.5.1, I believe in the Windows executable. I don't know if it was a false positive, but we are now just distributing a .jar file. If Java is properly installed, you should be able to just run the .jar file directly, either by double-clicking or by running from the command line (java -jar InPitch-0.5.3.jar).... read more

Posted by Chris Gilbreth 2016-12-03

InPitch source now on Subversion

InPitch is a simple and easy-to-use program to aid in training your ear to recognize notes (i.e. to develop "perfect pitch" or "absolute pitch").

Posted by hgparra 2007-12-30

InPitch 0.5 Released

InPitch is a simple and easy-to-use program to aid in training your ear to recognize notes (i.e. to develop "perfect pitch" or "absolute pitch"). For this initial release you will need Sun's Java Virtual Machine as well as a midi soundbank from Sun -- instructions to get these (it is easy) are included in the file README.txt included in the download.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-06-03