
Corrupt format extracting script for some Inno Setup installers

  • hdev

    hdev - 2015-04-20

    Hi Ariman and QuickeneR,

    I want to report that the latest and old versions of innounp, in some cases, extract the script with corrupt format and chars in the strings, as occur with this installer (Second Copy v8.1.2.0). Please download and test it from the following URL:

    For this installer, the generated "install_script.iss" file after extraction with innounp 0.41 can't be readed and opened by Inno Setup compiler due the corrupt chars in some strings lines into the file, as in the following lines (please see the corrupt chars):

    Name: "{group}\Second Copy 8 Guide de dꮡrrage rapide"; Filename: "{app}\SCQckSt.FR.chm"; Comment: "Second Copy 8 Guide de dꮡrrage rapide"; Languages: "fr"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.01.2600;

    Name: "{group}{cm:UninstallProgram,Second Copy 8}"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}"; Comment: "d괩nstaller Second Copy 8"; Languages: "fr"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.01.2600;

    Notepad++ application can open the file "install_script.iss" for this installer without problem, but it show the corrupts chars as is.

    I hope this info is helpful to you to improve your great innounp lib.

    Kind regards and good luck.


    Last edit: hdev 2015-04-20
  • Ariman

    Ariman - 2015-04-21

    Yes, I could reproduce the bug. I've fixed it. Thanks for the report.

  • DonPedrote

    DonPedrote - 2015-10-27


    this problem still occures with the -t and -v commands. Can you pleas look into it?


  • Ariman

    Ariman - 2015-11-02

    I don't understand what -t and -v have to do with original issue (which was invalid encoding of the install script).

  • DonPedrote

    DonPedrote - 2015-11-02

    The thing is, that the problem of invalid encoding was not only with install script, as posted in the original post, but also with the -v and -t command line parameters, because you also get a list of the files with both these commands. I hoped it would also be fixed when you fixed the install sript problem, but it was not. Because it is a problem of invalid encoding, I thought that I will point it out in this post, instead of creating a new one.

    sorry for my bad english, as it is not my primary language.


    Last edit: DonPedrote 2015-11-02
  • Ariman

    Ariman - 2015-11-03

    Well, english is not my language too so i can't really judge :)

    Could you give me sample installer with this issue? The one provided by hdev does not have encoding issues in file names (which are shown by -t or -v), only in values present is script.

  • DonPedrote

    DonPedrote - 2015-11-03


    here is an old installer I created back in the time of edonkey 2000 without the crap it came with, when that program was hot.

    the file you are looking for is: #39 {app}\Plugins\Readme files\ed2k-Fasttrack\ed2k-fasttrackespa¤ol-comousarlo.doc

    thank you for looking into this

    Removed download link and extraction password


    Last edit: DonPedrote 2015-11-19
  • Ariman

    Ariman - 2015-11-18

    I've checked your file. It seems that there is nothing could be done here. Installer is not Unicode and because of that you must have same codepage set in the console and in the installer filenames to see proper text. Innounp dumps ansi text like it is stored in the installer and if you have different codepage in your console window then file names can become corrupt.
    Do you still have iss script for that installer to check codepage used in it?

  • DonPedrote

    DonPedrote - 2015-11-19

    Thank you for looking into this.

    No, I do not have the script of that file anymore. I lost it with a hard drive crash, in the past.
    But I have send you a Personal Message of another file I have, but this one is created with an unicode version of Inno Setup. This one comes with the complete backup of the source script inside of it. Learned it the hard way.

    Let me know if you received the personal message here, something went wrong on sourceforge when I send it to you. after refreshing the page, I saw message send. so I am not sure if it was send or not.

  • Ariman

    Ariman - 2015-11-20

    Yes. I've received your message. Thanks for the sample file, I can see the issue with filenames. I will try to fix it.

  • DonPedrote

    DonPedrote - 2015-11-20

    thanks :)


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