
Simple script for placing files into a folder

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hello !

    Anybody who could help me with a simple script.  Most of the other 40 members of a norwegian choir doesn't know much about their PC.  Therefore I need a simple Inno Setup script for use when I'm sending small music files to the others so they could use this script for placing the files into the correct folder.  

    Anybody who could help med to write such a script?  I've tried by myself but I didn' succeed.

    Let's call the subfolders of My Documents for Lyder, and the file 1.mus and 2.mus.   And I want to sent this by email to the others..

    Best regards
    Lasse Roald, Norway

    • QuickeneR

      QuickeneR - 2004-03-28

      This forum is about unpacking software installations.

      Your question is better suited for Inno Setup's newsgroups at


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