
Inka / News: Recent posts

New website

I've built me a new website, and you'll be able to find a lot of additional info about Inka at this address:

Posted by Ulu Honolulu 2008-04-20

New layout engine

I decided to rewrite the layout engine from scratch, so if somebody wants to take a look at the code, I've made a separate branch: layout engine

The current version works fine with 1 page reports, but paging shouldn't work yet.

Note that the code in the trunk is more or less the same as the last release (with paging implemented (but buggy)).

Posted by Ulu Honolulu 2008-01-17

Project renamed

I've been thinking about renaming this project for some time. The name FreshReports has been chosen because of some commercial reasons, and I wanted to change it to something, well, fresh. Inka seems both related to printing (reminds of ink) and romantic enough (reminds of Inca). So, meet Inka!

Posted by Ulu Honolulu 2007-11-10

The project is back again

The project's development is currently pretty active. I've added paging support in the latest release, and you should expect a minor update containing page headers/footers in the nearest future.

I'm thinking about renaming the project to Mustafah..

Posted by Ulu Honolulu 2007-10-31

Project hiatus

I decided to make a break with FreshReports. I want to make a new version from scratch, using the latest trends in test-driven development, and with the help of the newest LINQ features. Expect a new version this (2007) Fall.

The old version is still supported.

Posted by Ulu Honolulu 2007-07-26

First release

You are welcome to download the first release of FreshReports

Posted by Ulu Honolulu 2007-06-13