
#65 Standard library creation fails for Java Interfaces


It is currently not possible to create InjectJ
libraries (using the @inject export tags) from Java

As soon as one attempts to do so, the following error
message shows up:

[javadoc] javadoc: In doclet class
de.fzi.injectj.util.doc.LibExtractionDoclet, method
start has thrown an exception
[javadoc] java.lang.NullPointerException
[javadoc] at
[javadoc] at
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
[javadoc] at
[javadoc] at
[javadoc] at
[javadoc] at
[javadoc] at
[javadoc] 1 error
[javadoc] at
[javadoc] at
[javadoc] at
[javadoc] 1 warning
[javadoc] at


  • Thomas Genssler

    Thomas Genssler - 2003-10-16
    • labels: --> Lib Handling
  • Sebastian Mies

    Sebastian Mies - 2003-10-16

    Logged In: YES

    I like to introduce some of my thoughts to this subject :

    1. 'class' and 'interface' :
    We add the class and interface models to the inject/j
    language, coexisting with the current library model, this would
    not be that much work to do, since we have a working semi-
    objective approach at the current library model.

    - defined difference between libraries and classes

    - its not part of the inital model what we wanted (to be flat
    and more "procedural").


    2. As by now, interface methods are exported in libraries from
    classes that implement these interfaces. You can't export the
    interface itself with @export on interface comments, but you
    can use them on method comments.
    We may add a comment to the methodblock so the user can
    see where they are coming from.

    - We keep our model
    - REALLY easy to implement :-)

    - it may confuse an OO programmer to think that "libraries"
    are in fact

    3. I dont think introducing libraries with interfaces will lead
    out of confusion, since programmers are always thinking in a
    class model when using interfaces, especially java
    programmers where interfaces can't take static

  • Thomas Genssler

    Thomas Genssler - 2003-10-17

    Logged In: YES

    Ok. My additional five pennies on the subject: I think we
    have to separate clearly a) what an Inject/J programmer
    "sees" as the object model (*the* model) and b) how it is
    implemented on the Java side. So, allowing the export of
    Interface methods does not necessarily mean having to have
    interfaces on the Inject/J side.

    The problem we are faced with here roots in an long-known oo
    difficulty (parallel inheritance hierarchies) and a
    limitation (without any negative meaning) of Java (single
    inheritance). One way to tackle this problem is to use java
    interfaces. However, in this case we need to be able to
    export methods from java interfaces to Inject/J libraries
    (or we drop the policy that only *model* classes can be
    exported to libraries and allow the export of model.impl
    classes - which I certainly do not favor).

    Let's assume for a minute that we do allow export from
    interfaces. What does that imply? Well, the dispatch
    mechanism has to make sure that there is an actual object
    that impelements the particular interface in order to invoke
    the respective function. No other requirement is needed, or
    am I mistaken? Whether the respective Inject/J object (the
    library) is an interface on the java side and the java
    object is called polymorphically or whether there is real
    Java object to begin with, does not matter in my opinion.
    Even more, we already have this situation: We allow export
    of methods from pure abstract classes. There will never be
    an object of type - say - ClassWeavepoint (abstract) but
    only RecoderSourceClasses or the like. The same would be
    true for Accesses.

    What I propose is the following: We only export methods for
    the specific acceses - MethodAccessWeavepoint,
    VariableAccess, ... - or, if necessary - which I believe it
    is - methods from the common base class AccessWeavepoint,
    which are common to all accesses. The Inject/J machinery has
    to make sure (it already does) that whenever I have an -
    say - MethodAccessWeavepoint on the Inject/J side and invoke
    its functions, a corresponding RecoderMethodAccess object (
    which will then implement the interface
    MethodAccessWeavepoint) is available.

  • Sebastian Mies

    Sebastian Mies - 2003-10-17

    Logged In: YES

    Ok. Got your point.
    I will check your proposal on our current model and let you
    know (after my exam tomorrow)!


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