
CIniFile / News: Recent posts

CIniFile 0.5 is out

Problem in OpenIniFile fixed

Posted by Carsten Breuer 2002-01-19

CIniFile Version 0.4 now released

I have released the Version 0.4 of CIniFile with a bugfix of WriteString. A entry was not updated when a field allready exists.

Posted by Carsten Breuer 2001-04-19

CIniFile Version 0.3 released

I have released Version 0.3 of the CIniFile today. New is the unix support (\n instead of \r\n). CIniFile is a small C++ class to read/write ini files in microsoft format. There is also a plain C version.

Posted by Carsten Breuer 2001-03-25

CIniFile 0.2 released

CIniFile is a small C++ class to read/write ini files like microsoft ini. There is also a plain C version. LGPL.

Posted by Carsten Breuer 2001-03-01