
Tree [r39] /

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File Date Author Commit
 tests 2021-09-01 rolf_ebert [r33] claen up doc; move test programs in separate su... 2021-09-01 rolf_ebert [r36] clean up
 config.adb 2024-05-25 gdemont [r38] Removed a warning about name hiding (-gnatwh) i... 2024-05-25 gdemont [r38] Removed a warning about name hiding (-gnatwh) i...
 ini_files.gpr 2024-05-25 gdemont [r39] Corrected a comment in the GNAT project file
 ini_files.toml 2021-09-10 rolf_ebert [r37] updated alire file
 ini_files_oa.prj 2021-09-01 gdemont [r34] Updated ObjectAda project file,

Read Me

Welcome to the Ini file manager

The Ini file manager consists of a single package, Config, which
can read and modify informations from various configuration
files known as "ini" files. They are called "ini" files because
they have often the ".ini" extension, but some also have
".inf", ".cfg" extensions. They are actually text files which
look like the following:

 ; Comment line

 [Section 1]
 a_string = abcd     # a comment here...
 a_number = +123.456 ; another comment

 [Section 2]
 a_string = efgh

Intro to the Ini file manager

For more examples in this format, just search files with
the .ini extension on your computer!
The Config package is typically used as in
the following demo procedure:

    with Config; use Config;
    with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
    procedure Small_demo is
      c: Configuration;
      Init(c, "config.ini");
      Put_Line(Value_Of(c, "Section 2", "a_string"));


  • : package specification
  • config.adb : package body
  • tests/test_config.adb : test/demo procedure
  • ini_files.gpr : project file for the GNAT compiler
  • ini_files_oa.prj : project file for the ObjectAda compiler
  • : this file

Warning & legal

There is NO WARRANTY in this software. Read copyright notice in

How to build and test the Ini file manager

For building with GNAT/GCC:
- type "gprbuild -p -P ini_files.gpr" in the command line
- use the project file, ini_files.gpr, from the
GNAT Programming Studio (GPS); press F4
- copy the two files and config.adb to your project
- open test_config.adb with AdaGIDE, press F3
- your way...

For building with ObjectAda, you can use the ini_files_oa.prj project file.

For other compilers, it should be simple as well: have, config.adb, test_config.adb at the same place
and build test_config as the main program.

As a result there is a test_config[.exe] executable.

How to use the Ini file manager

Chances are that the only usage you'll make of Config will be to
read values from a configuration file. This is done with the
function Value_Of as in the example above.

If you need to update the configuration file, you can replace single
values (Replace_Value) or whole sections (Replace_Section).
If you need to rewrite the entire configuration file, it is simpler
to do it in one go, with Put_Line's.

Look at test_config.adb for a complete example, especially when it
comes to handle numerical errors contained in a configuration file.


Gautier de Montmollin & Rolf Ebert