Ali Elgin - 2016-03-01

I have managed to install and run ingex and the system works (sort of) now. I can record video from an BMD source. I can also access and view the recordings from the file system. When I try to download the files on the web interface however, I get a file does not exist error. Upon closer inspection the URL is not correct
and when I remove the extra /video/ and double slash, i can download the file.

Probably also related to the same path problem; when I try to access the review, I can search and find the files but it does not load on the flowplayer. on the review.log the paths do not seem to be correct.

Mar 01 12:23:21 [INFO] Encoding from /srv/www/htdocs/browse//testProj/ to /srv/www/htdocs/browse/thumbs//
Mar 01 12:23:21 [INFO] Executing command ffmpeg -y -ss 1 -i /srv/www/htdocs/browse//testProj/ -f mjpeg -vframes 1 -s 160x90 /srv/www/htdocs/browse/thumbs//
Mar 01 12:23:21 [INFO] Encoding from /srv/www/htdocs/browse/testProj/20160229_14082412_testProj_Ingex-HD_input0_0.mov_dc.mp4 to /ingex/review/html/img/dc_clip.png
Mar 01 12:23:21 [INFO] Executing command ffmpeg -y -ss 1 -i /srv/www/htdocs/browse/testProj/20160229_14082412_testProj_Ingex-HD_input0_0.mov_dc.mp4 -f mjpeg -vframes 1 -s 160x90 /ingex/review/html/img/dc_clip.png

So, any clues on how to fix this?
