
Playing videos back to back

  • Madis

    Madis - 2012-10-03


    I'm trying out video playback capabilities of Ingex using the provided http interface. The problem is, when I'm using the interface to play videos back to back, the DVS card (Centaurus II) seems to "reset" itself, causing picture to blink while changing sources.

    JSON command I'm posting to http service is:

    {"startPaused" : false, "startPosition" : 0, "inputs" : }

    Is there anyway around this problem or some other way to change playback source (file)? Is there more documentation about http player and its functionality?

  • Philip de Nier

    Philip de Nier - 2012-10-04

    The player is reset when restarting with a new source and the DVS output (see ingex_player/dvs_sink.c, dvs_reset_or_close()) is one of the sinks that closes rather than resets. This for example results in a blank frame being sent before closing (dvs_close()). I think the reason for closing down was that at the time (a couple years ago now) the DVS card was very susceptible to A/V sync issues when signals come and go.

    You could try disabling the code that sends a blank frame, but I don't know whether the A/V sync issues are still there or that the switch of sources is fast enough to avoid dropping frames. My guess would be that you either need to rewrite some of the DVS sink code to support resetting or write a new "sequence" source that joins compatible sources together.


    p.s. there is no more documentation other than the source code.


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